What Is the Hillary – Bahrain Connection ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Recently, Hillary Clinton was stopped by Trump administration cops from the Dept. of Homeland Security, as she was about to board a plane headed for the island of Bahrain. Located in a large bay in between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Bahrain was one of the big donors to Hillary’s ill-fated presidential campaign.

With all her embezzled millions$$$, Hillary could have lived like a queen in Bahrain, despite their harsh Islamic oppression of women. That misogyny does have its limits, especially where very, rich people are concerned.

The incident occurred at JFK International Airport in New York City, and Hillary, having a ticket to Bahrain in her possession was apparently trying to flee the country, as shew is about to be indicted by a grand jury for her email and Benghazi crimes. Bahrain, not having an extradition treaty with the US, could have been a shelter for Hillary from what is sure to be a life sentence in a US federal prison.
Recently, Hillary Clinton was stopped by Trump administration cops from the Dept. of Homeland Security, as she was about to board a plane headed for the island of Bahrain. Located in a large bay in between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Bahrain was one of the big donors to Hillary’s ill-fated presidential campaign.

With all her embezzled millions$$$, Hillary could have lived like a queen in Bahrain, despite their harsh Islamic oppression of women. That misogyny does have its limits, especially where very, rich people are concerned.

The incident occurred at JFK International Airport in New York City, and Hillary, having a ticket to Bahrain in her possession was apparently trying to flee the country, as shew is about to be indicted by a grand jury for her email and Benghazi crimes. Bahrain, not having an extradition treaty with the US, could have been a shelter for Hillary from what is sure to be a life sentence in a US federal prison.

Even I find this hard to believe. Unless Pantsuit was under arrest, or under court order not to leave the country (which I haven't heard anything either way), she couldn't have been prevented from getting on an airplane and flying away - her pantsuit drifting in the wind.
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I just gave you 2 of them. And why would you need one ? Do you not believe the grand jury hearing is talking place ? If not, you could go to the courtroom in Brooklyn, NY and check it out for yourself. :biggrin:
Recently, Hillary Clinton was stopped by Trump administration cops from the Dept. of Homeland Security, as she was about to board a plane headed for the island of Bahrain. Located in a large bay in between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Bahrain was one of the big donors to Hillary’s ill-fated presidential campaign.

With all her embezzled millions$$$, Hillary could have lived like a queen in Bahrain, despite their harsh Islamic oppression of women. That misogyny does have its limits, especially where very, rich people are concerned.

The incident occurred at JFK International Airport in New York City, and Hillary, having a ticket to Bahrain in her possession was apparently trying to flee the country, as shew is about to be indicted by a grand jury for her email and Benghazi crimes. Bahrain, not having an extradition treaty with the US, could have been a shelter for Hillary from what is sure to be a life sentence in a US federal prison.

Is that you rdean?
No links in this OP.
I just gave you 2 of them. And why would you need one ? Do you not believe the grand jury hearing is talking place ? If not, you could go to the courtroom in Brooklyn, NY and check it out for yourself. :biggrin:

I will be going there this am. -----
Theodore Roosevelt United States Courthouse
225 Cadman Plaza East, Room 118S
Brooklyn, NY 11201-1818

you got the part and time?
Recently, Hillary Clinton was stopped by Trump administration cops from the Dept. of Homeland Security, as she was about to board a plane headed for the island of Bahrain. Located in a large bay in between Saudi Arabia and Qatar, Bahrain was one of the big donors to Hillary’s ill-fated presidential campaign.

With all her embezzled millions$$$, Hillary could have lived like a queen in Bahrain, despite their harsh Islamic oppression of women. That misogyny does have its limits, especially where very, rich people are concerned.

The incident occurred at JFK International Airport in New York City, and Hillary, having a ticket to Bahrain in her possession was apparently trying to flee the country, as shew is about to be indicted by a grand jury for her email and Benghazi crimes. Bahrain, not having an extradition treaty with the US, could have been a shelter for Hillary from what is sure to be a life sentence in a US federal prison.

SHE might have to run there as the only place that would have her, when people start putting together the simple puzzle.
WE KNOW NOW that they received pay to play money from the Saudis, but Comey and the rest have not asked what those favors were or what did they do that has Saudis
indebted to the Clintons. Even Fox news dropped the ball on this one. Is it the fact that we know Saudis would be implicated in the 911 events if not for being supressed as such by people in our gov't.
In 1998 Bill had the opportunity to take out Bin Laden, but suspiciously & mysteriously declined doing so. It was on Sept 10, 2001 he spoke in Australia with guilty concious a day before the event even happened he told the audience he could have had Bin Laden.
Saudis Money theeefore could be to remaon in good graces after the event would implicate them, or much worse it was for the risk later seen after the event on Bill's career if people found out he let Bin Laden go as a favor to the Saudis. A mistake unseen consequence became 911, Afghan war, Iraqi war, Isis and more. A blunder so huge that this is the gewatest story ever squelched by fake news CNN and it's because they are owned a good proportion by Saudis Shieks investments. Fox however has no such excuse for missing what this means.
They could take out their political foes and broadcast foes in one small swoop.


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