What is the GOP's Problem with Trump?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
If it turns out that a majority/plurality of GOP voters want Trump to be the Party's nominee, so be it. I prefer Cruz at this point, but so what? Where do GOP leaders get off telling their members who to vote for?
If it turns out that a majority/plurality of GOP voters want Trump to be the Party's nominee, so be it. I prefer Cruz at this point, but so what? Where do GOP leaders get off telling their members who to vote for?
Aside from Trump being a racist, a bigot, a liar, hostile to sound, responsible government, completely unqualified, and would lose the GE in a landslide – republicans shouldn't have any 'problem' with Trump.
He's a threat to their little "party" they have going on in DC. They know if he gets in office he won't pander to them, the dems or the lobbyist/special interest. In other words they're ALL fucked.
"What is the GOP's Problem with Trump?"

The GOP's biggest problem with Trump is that some 70 percent of republicans won't vote for him nor will nearly 100 percent of democrats.

That's a big problem.

(of course Trump won't be the GOP's 2016 presidential nominee...)
So much thought into such a small issue...MONEY.
The main contributors of both parties, names MNCs, do NOT want a Fair Trade President.
End of story.
The Biggest Reason!


And they know it.

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