What is the answer to covid?

Not flaming, just curious. You seem very afraid of Covid. If you are under age 75 and in reasonably good health the odds of you dying from Covid is on par with drowning in your bath tub.

Now if you're elderly, morbidly obese, have COPD, diabetes, or CHF, then like the seasonal flu, you are at substantially higher risk.

This is not brain surgery. Covid is not the Black Plague. If you are in a higher risk group take sensible precautions. This is what should have been done to begin with. But again, the hype and misinformation has been off the charts.
PROOF ! Bathtubs are for assholes !
Haven't owned one in 40 years
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You posted a Daily Kos link on another thread idiot. Oh yeah, you're not gay either, right?


You seem very hopeful that I am gay. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am straight.

I saw the article in question on another forum. But do point out what is inaccurate about the article. Or is it just the source that bothers you.

And seeing a specific article is a far cry from reading the magazine regularly.
I am not very afraid. I am vaccinated and take basic precautions. But my life is pretty much the same as it was.

In the last 4 days I have lost 2 friends to covid. So it is on my mind a bit more. I also see so much hostility and arguing about it all that I thought I would ask the board what they thought would bethe best action to take.

I know you were sincere, and sorry about the losses of your friends. But if you look objectively at Covid and who is dying from it, overwhelmingly it is the very old and the very sick.

Any pathogen can cause an outlier immune response that than kill or do serious damage. The media attempts to cite this as the norm. It is not. It is exceedingly rare, which the mortality numbers clearly illustrate.

I have been vaxxed. I take reasonable precautions. But I have never been afraid and I see this issue very clearly. I worked in the ER during the H1N1 crisis during the Obama years. That was not hyped. It was dealt with appropriately. Covid has been hyped beyond belief.
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Leave people alone to make their own decisions about their bodies, health, lives, business...
You seem very hopeful that I am gay. Sorry to disappoint you, but I am straight.

I saw the article in question on another forum. But do point out what is inaccurate about the article. Or is it just the source that bothers you.

And seeing a specific article is a far cry from reading the magazine regularly.
Pretty puny even by your standards. You got outed. Stop lying!

You are more than just a bit disingenuous.

(And there's nothing wrong with being gay, so come out wherever you are)
Hardly, what was done was to punish everyone in hopes of stopping/reducing the spread to those we knew were at risk from the start. That approach was an utter failure, and it continues to be an utter failure. This hasn't been about the low lethality virus for months, its all about government control.
So punish people again to what, same results? That’s called insanity and you must be
Between my OP and my post saying you said "Do nothing", you posted 3 times.
Post #8 “Step two; stop reading Daily Kos.”

Post #13 “Well said.” (In response to someone saying vaccination is a good idea, but they should not be mandatory)

Post #18 “It's causation, pure and simple. Stay ignorant if you wish. As the old country song puts it, it ain't nuthin' to me.”

If your "Well said" was intended to be a recommendation to be vaccinated, it was certainly vague.
His recommendation was to be free
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?

Stay safe stay home.
I say everyone just does what they feel they need to do, everyone shuts up and stops pushing their side of things on others, and we let the chips fall where they may.
I’m not sick, don’t need a vaccine when my own immune system did fine for seventeen months! What’s the drawback?
I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
It’s never ending. You morons dont get it. Some do and embrace it.

If Australia and New Zealand are locked down in martial law over 1 Covid case, then there is no way the tyrants in charge will ever loosen their grip.

Thread summary:

Trumpism is a death-cult, and the Trump cult acolytes want everyone to know that.
People who injected the cool aid not once, but twice and now ready for a 3rd time, are calling the people refusing to take the cool aid a cult.

I have seen so many demanding to be able to go mask free.

I have seen so many calling the vaccine everything from an outright killer to completely ineffective.

So what is the answer? What should we do to fight this pandemic?

Don't come it with requests to prosecute Fauci or blame China. None of that will do anything to help against this pandemic. And spare me the "It is just the flu" bullshit.

I am calling on those who fight against the steps that have been taken to provide an alternative.

What should we do to fight the covid pandemic?
We already know what to do: follow the health and safety guidelines and get vaccinated.

The problem is the willfully ignorant and their unwarranted opposition to following the health and safety guidelines and getting vaccinated.

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