These are your leaders...


Diamond Member
Aug 30, 2008
The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...

The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

Should have rigged all the equipment to explode when it was used.

Would have made the Taliban feel at home.


The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...

The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

A trick Braindead Joe learned from Obama and Iran. ISIS ended up with all our military ammo and equipment.
The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...

The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

I'm sure you voted for Dubya twice thinking the Afghanistan war was a fantastic idea and couldn't possibly ever end badly
The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...

The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

Don't be such an ignorant boob. This is the best thing that could happen for us and Afghanistan.
We can thank the Commander In Chief who put us there in the first place.

All the spin in the world can't change that.
Can't change the fact Killary and Joe voted for it when they were senators, can it?
The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...


The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

Before them (they are not running the country), we had Trump. Talk about an out- of- control, disorganized, "locked and loaded" administration! Ouch!
I doubt women and children in Afghanistan thinks so.....

Between 1996 and 2001 the Taliban rescued their sons and daughters from the warlords and killed the warlords. You do know about the pleasure boys of the Pashtun warlords??

They kept girls at home and out of school because Afghanistan was completely lawless and rape and kidnapping were the norm.
The dumpster fire spreads...

Nancy Pelosi... Taliban end up with billions in US weaponry?...

...'this is what happens when you withdrawal'...

The Speaker of the House ladies and Gentlemen... these are the people running the country...

They're not even pretending to care about our country anymore. It's just a looting expedition for them.

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