What is An Odd Food For You?


Platinum Member
Dec 11, 2014
A thread about school lunches got me thinking. I have a weird relationship with beefaroni. I mean I eat it. I have had good and bad I suppose over the decades since first encountering this strange beast. I never had it before school and to this day, I cannot honestly tell you if I like it or not but I still find it fascinating. It is like those ingredients just don't belong together. It is one of the few dishes where it seems like no matter how hard you try, the components still eat like separate things instead of developing a cohesive flavor.

Anyway, just curious if any of you folks have any everyday dishes/foods that you feel are an oddity that should not exist.
A thread about school lunches got me thinking. I have a weird relationship with beefaroni. I mean I eat it. I have had good and bad I suppose over the decades since first encountering this strange beast. I never had it before school and to this day, I cannot honestly tell you if I like it or not but I still find it fascinating. It is like those ingredients just don't belong together. It is one of the few dishes where it seems like no matter how hard you try, the components still eat like separate things instead of developing a cohesive flavor.

Anyway, just curious if any of you folks have any everyday dishes/foods that you feel are an oddity that should not exist.

We ate tons of homemade Beefaroni. In the Midwest it's called goulash. To my surprise, when I moved back here after fifty years on the Left Coast, goulash is still going strong in SD! Homemade Beefaroni.

The one thing I'll never even try again is a Japanese delicacy of fermented soy beans calls "natto" It's slimy and disgusting but I guess it's also incredibly healthy. Our Japanese doctor ate it every day.

A thread about school lunches got me thinking. I have a weird relationship with beefaroni. I mean I eat it. I have had good and bad I suppose over the decades since first encountering this strange beast. I never had it before school and to this day, I cannot honestly tell you if I like it or not but I still find it fascinating. It is like those ingredients just don't belong together. It is one of the few dishes where it seems like no matter how hard you try, the components still eat like separate things instead of developing a cohesive flavor.

Anyway, just curious if any of you folks have any everyday dishes/foods that you feel are an oddity that should not exist.
i'm now eating beetles and grasshoppers lately to prepare for what is to come....tastes just like chicken
Those little Vienna sausage that come in a can and look like some H.S. lab experiment
that was put in deep storage.

I don't love those things but I became quite addicted to eating them during COVID. It was just an easy eat something because I am bored staple. Haven't had any since.
Tuna. It's the most inconsistent tasting food. Every place you go your tuna sandwich tastes different.

I like the taste of tuna melts but the smell can be overwhelming with them. Tuna steaks I can't stand because they are too dense. I don't want eating to become a jaw workout. Same for shark steaks.
My mom served many odd foods so very little seems strange to me.

She's made us lamb, beef heart, even a horse meat stew one time.

I guess I've never tried tongue, brains or testicles...and really don't want to.

Believe it or not...spam is a high quality product.

They hated wasting all the shoulder meat which comes off in small chunks...but it's good meat.

But how do you sell pork in small chunks? So they ground it into a paste and cooked it & woolah! SPAM was born :)

It was first made for stews. You had all the meat & salt...just add veggies and you have a great stew.

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