What if your social media besty turned out to be black?


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

I judge individuals by the quality of their character not the color of their skin.

Is there a reason it should?


Not quite on topic, but still an experiment that happened I was party to, long ago, on another message board. LONG ago.

One guy decided to start a website and ALL who joined from the regular board, were encouraged to join with anon names. Not known as they were known at the regular board. Now....lots of cliques there at the reg board. Pile ons, hating one or some posters, insults, name calling, assholiness to the max. And I mean TO THE MAX. Made the FZ look like kindergarten.

Anyway....it sounded like fun, so we all joined with new nics. Bashing this one or that one just by their words or what they posted, backing up another anon for countering what was being said, etc etc.

Well, after a few months or less, the guy that made the Anon Board decided to tell who was who that were known as their regular nic at the regular board. SOOPRISE SOOPRISE! The ones that hated so and so and LIKED so and so were enemies at the regular board. ENEMIES. After that little experiment...the Anon Board was closed. And a buttload of people were running around the regular board with egg on their faces because they were bashing their "friends" as anons due to not knowing they were their "friends" and not liking what they were posting...and vice versa.

Talk about a lesson learned.
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"
One of my Fascistbook besties is black....Boston Johnny....Super guy.
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/Whyears with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"
What type of person would let the discovery that someone whom they assumed to be white, is actually black, alter their feelings or opinion of that person?
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

I judge individuals by the quality of their character not the color of their skin.
There you go again, quoting MLK out of context. By "content of character" he clearly meant to simply say "white people are racist devils."

White people can't understand MLK. Only black people have the capacity to understand him. For that reason alone, the 14th Amendment expressly forbids all white people from quoting MLK.

It's like that racist, oppressive, white supremacist movie White Men Can't Jump. White people can listen to Jimi Hendrix but only black people can "hear" Jimi.

You need to get IM2 in here to black-splain it to you before quoting MLK.
Well it is like this and if you enjoy the conversation with that person it matters not what color they are and if it does, well then you are nuts!

Not you Gracie but those that use the color of skin to judge if they want to converse with that person or not…
It would not effect my friendship with them at all.

That said, there are very few people on my friends list that I do not either know personally or who are a friend of a friend. And anyone without pics of themselves is suspect.
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

I judge individuals by the quality of their character not the color of their skin.
There you go again, quoting MLK out of context. By "content of character" he clearly meant to simply say "white people are racist devils."

White people can't understand MLK. Only black people have the capacity to understand him. For that reason alone, the 14th Amendment expressly forbids all white people from quoting MLK.

It's like that racist, oppressive, white supremacist movie White Men Can't Jump. White people can listen to Jimi Hendrix but only black people can "hear" Jimi.

You need to get IM2 in here to black-splain it to you before quoting MLK.

Thanks for blacque checkin' me my soul brotha.

However, if we are looking for quality of character IM2 is an epic fail.

Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

If we have the same views he's the type of person I would like regardless of color.
Just as I wouldnt like white trash I wouldnt like black trash.
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

Do you really think about this shit?
Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"

What if it's this guy?

Just curious.

So, someone here you really like..enjoy their posts..think they have their shit together and have been thanking their posts, chitchatting for months/years with that person, pm them with woes or happy news and in general...really respected and admired this person.

The subject of race never really came up..or if it did, it was about something in the news. Then, you find out this person you so enjoy is...gasp...black.

Do you change your mind about them or does it not affect you at all?

This goes for "what if you find out they are white..and you are black?"
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