At the Ballpark July 30th
What I expect will happen in the coming year.
We are headed into Collapse. I am not talking about just a stock market collapse, but a real economic collapse greater than that of the Great Depression. Every week we see another half a million to 800,000 people lose their jobs and file for Unemployment Insurance. Obviously, everything is falling apart. Retail sales have fallen and are now flip flopping on the bottom of that fall. Any movement upward is ballyhooed as a tremendous increase in the economy, yet, we are still on the bottom. Real Estate is still crashing. Industrial Production is on the bottom and just flip flopping around. There is no real economic growth, just federal spending that is passed of as a recovering economy, yet, the people are still losing their jobs left and right.
We certainly have had enough time to head this stinking mess off. Instead we elected a corrupt president who thinks he and his stooges can lie their way out of a Depression. Lies and gross distortion of economic data just do not cut it. They are totally ineffectual and do not solve the problems that are leading us into the coming collapse. They look very foolish to me.
To restore the economy, we need to put people back to work in our country. This concept of a Global Economy sucks. It may be OK for idealists, but I am not one of those idiots. I favor real solutions to real problems, and the real problem is this attempt to create a Global Economy. It might work some time in the future when the world is composed of four or five Mega States, but right now with all of the countries and the political instability in the world, it simply will not work.
We are allowing to rape us, and it is about time that we put a stop to that. Instead of giving Chinese peasants jobs, we should be giving our laborers in America jobs so they can feed their families.
I favor setting up a North American Co-Prosperity Sphere. Unite as one economic block and one country. If we have to, establish two or three languages for the one country, but keep the work and the jobs and the profit and the standard of living all in this one Great Country that will stretch from southern Panama to the North Pole. Exclude the importation of Chinese products unless they simply can not be made in this continent. Anything made in China can and should be made on this continent, putting the laborers from south to north and from east to west to work. Being employed will allow them to buy products that they need. Those products that are make in our Mega Country will be what they can buy, thus assuring that our people get the jobs and the profit.
I have had a suggestion that we allow England, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Australia and New Zealand to join us. I am open to the idea if their people vote to join us. How about you?
We are headed into Collapse. I am not talking about just a stock market collapse, but a real economic collapse greater than that of the Great Depression. Every week we see another half a million to 800,000 people lose their jobs and file for Unemployment Insurance. Obviously, everything is falling apart. Retail sales have fallen and are now flip flopping on the bottom of that fall. Any movement upward is ballyhooed as a tremendous increase in the economy, yet, we are still on the bottom. Real Estate is still crashing. Industrial Production is on the bottom and just flip flopping around. There is no real economic growth, just federal spending that is passed of as a recovering economy, yet, the people are still losing their jobs left and right.
We certainly have had enough time to head this stinking mess off. Instead we elected a corrupt president who thinks he and his stooges can lie their way out of a Depression. Lies and gross distortion of economic data just do not cut it. They are totally ineffectual and do not solve the problems that are leading us into the coming collapse. They look very foolish to me.
To restore the economy, we need to put people back to work in our country. This concept of a Global Economy sucks. It may be OK for idealists, but I am not one of those idiots. I favor real solutions to real problems, and the real problem is this attempt to create a Global Economy. It might work some time in the future when the world is composed of four or five Mega States, but right now with all of the countries and the political instability in the world, it simply will not work.
We are allowing to rape us, and it is about time that we put a stop to that. Instead of giving Chinese peasants jobs, we should be giving our laborers in America jobs so they can feed their families.
I favor setting up a North American Co-Prosperity Sphere. Unite as one economic block and one country. If we have to, establish two or three languages for the one country, but keep the work and the jobs and the profit and the standard of living all in this one Great Country that will stretch from southern Panama to the North Pole. Exclude the importation of Chinese products unless they simply can not be made in this continent. Anything made in China can and should be made on this continent, putting the laborers from south to north and from east to west to work. Being employed will allow them to buy products that they need. Those products that are make in our Mega Country will be what they can buy, thus assuring that our people get the jobs and the profit.
I have had a suggestion that we allow England, Ireland, Iceland, Greenland, Australia and New Zealand to join us. I am open to the idea if their people vote to join us. How about you?