What I consider to be Trump's greatest "fear".....

Within some of Wash. D.C. rumors, there is one that....if true.......should scare the orange off the clown's face.....

Now, of course, rumors can be false BUT, often they are the precursors of what reality will soon be evident....

The rumor is that Mueller will subpoena from the IRS the last TEN years of Trump's tax returns and possibly subpoena the testimonies of Trump's tax accountants and attorneys........

Although the special counsel's primary objective was first to investigate Russian hacking and possible Trump's collusion with the Kremlin.......The new avenues that will be pursued are the FINANCIAL factors that have made the Trump business empire so dependent on Russian (and that country's rich oligarchs) money.....

NO previous administration has been so full of scandals in just a few months, than the orangy one.

Yo, question? Are You Fucking Sick In The Fucking Head? Sounds like it, I`m sure you have Psychiatrist`s in your Neighborhood!!! The fact that you finally realized what the Scumbags in the Socialist Party are trying to do, is like you`ve been in La-La-Land, so make sure you go to the Doctor, you might slip back in? What a DUNCE!!!! President Donald J. Trump should just put a HOLT on the BS of the Socialist Democrat Party, at once, that way they can cry Crocodile Tears the rest of Trump`s Presdency!!!! """""""""LOVE IT""""""""

Within some of Wash. D.C. rumors, there is one that....if true.......should scare the orange off the clown's face.....

Now, of course, rumors can be false BUT, often they are the precursors of what reality will soon be evident....

The rumor is that Mueller will subpoena from the IRS the last TEN years of Trump's tax returns and possibly subpoena the testimonies of Trump's tax accountants and attorneys........

Although the special counsel's primary objective was first to investigate Russian hacking and possible Trump's collusion with the Kremlin.......The new avenues that will be pursued are the FINANCIAL factors that have made the Trump business empire so dependent on Russian (and that country's rich oligarchs) money.....

NO previous administration has been so full of scandals in just a few months, than the orangy one.
If you just look at who Mueller has named to his team, you know they're going to look at money going into hidden bank accounts overseas, and we already know Mantafort and Flynn are caught up in funny money. Kushner's gonna get a look. And so are Carter Page and the whole lot of them. I don't see that Mueller has any authority to release tax records, but I would expect to find out whether Trump owes the Oligarchs Big League. But if there's any collusion to be shown, I think we'd have to see money from Russia to Trump campaign officials during the campaign. If it went into for accounts, that's tax evasion. Mueller will be able to threaten prison time and financial ruin unless anyone who did that tattles on Donald.

Personally, I doubt there's any collusion by Trump personally. I'm sure that people in the campaign took Russian money because .... we already know they did. We don't know all of them though.

Imo, Trump's greatest fear is that he just can't stand to have any question of his legitimacy. Ironic given his support of birtherism.
Within some of Wash. D.C. rumors, there is one that....if true.......should scare the orange off the clown's face.....

Now, of course, rumors can be false BUT, often they are the precursors of what reality will soon be evident....

The rumor is that Mueller will subpoena from the IRS the last TEN years of Trump's tax returns and possibly subpoena the testimonies of Trump's tax accountants and attorneys........

Although the special counsel's primary objective was first to investigate Russian hacking and possible Trump's collusion with the Kremlin.......The new avenues that will be pursued are the FINANCIAL factors that have made the Trump business empire so dependent on Russian (and that country's rich oligarchs) money.....

NO previous administration has been so full of scandals in just a few months, than the orangy one.

i think liberals greatest fear is that the political discussion should move on to actual issues and policies.

They are terrified that any attention should be paid to THAT, or God Forbid that Trump might end up being judged on policy instead of ginned up scandals.
i think liberals greatest fear is that the political discussion should move on to actual issues and policies.

They are terrified that any attention should be paid to THAT, or God Forbid that Trump might end up being judged on policy instead of ginned up scandals.

Very true Cornell.....and after about 5 glorious months of Trump's leadership, let's review that "checklist" of promises made versus what has been accomplished

but by then we may already be at war with North Korea. Bad!

Let us not fear...Trump openly stated that he knows MORE than our generals in the current wars we're fighting......and were a war with NK erupt, he would rely on his extensive draft-dodging experience to show off his military "genius."
but by then we may already be at war with North Korea. Bad!

Let us not fear...Trump openly stated that he knows MORE than our generals in the current wars we're fighting......and were a war with NK erupt, he would rely on his extensive draft-dodging experience to show off his military "genius."
Yeah I suppose he would just make it simple and just a drop a nuke on the capital. No need for strategy.
Yeah I suppose he would just make it simple and just a drop a nuke on the capital. No need for strategy.

Maybe Trump has a strategy to first build a wall (a big tall one) to prevent the nuclear fallout from reaching our soldiers in SK.....The fucking guy is a "genius"....
Yeah I suppose he would just make it simple and just a drop a nuke on the capital. No need for strategy.

Maybe Trump has a strategy to first build a wall (a big tall one) to prevent the nuclear fallout from reaching our soldiers in SK.....The fucking guy is a "genius"....
There is an actual poll done awhile back where 1/3 of Trump supporters said they would support building a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep Muslims from traveling here. I shit you not.
Yeah I suppose he would just make it simple and just a drop a nuke on the capital. No need for strategy.

Maybe Trump has a strategy to first build a wall (a big tall one) to prevent the nuclear fallout from reaching our soldiers in SK.....The fucking guy is a "genius"....
There is an actual poll done awhile back where 1/3 of Trump supporters said they would support building a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep Muslims from traveling here. I shit you not.

Yeah I suppose he would just make it simple and just a drop a nuke on the capital. No need for strategy.

Maybe Trump has a strategy to first build a wall (a big tall one) to prevent the nuclear fallout from reaching our soldiers in SK.....The fucking guy is a "genius"....
There is an actual poll done awhile back where 1/3 of Trump supporters said they would support building a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep Muslims from traveling here. I shit you not.

Trump voters want to build a wall - along the coast of the Atlantic Ocean
There is an actual poll done awhile back where 1/3 of Trump supporters said they would support building a wall on the Atlantic coast to keep Muslims from traveling here. I shit you not.

Good lord.......Please do tell me you're shitting me......Otherwise, I can guarantee that my canary would be smarter than these morons.
There have been NO scandals from this administration. All democrats have is what they made up. They start a rumor, then wonder why no one is acting on the rumor. They make up probes, committees and investigators to investigate what they made up.

Democrats get worse every day.

You dummies.

It's been one scandal after another, something new and embarrassing from the cheeto almost every day. For that matter, he was filthy corrupt, involved in scores of scandals before he was elected.

Russia, money, money laundering, everyone associated with him lying, oops, I mean forgetting they constantly traveled to and from Russia. The cheeto, Beavis and Butthead, daughter-wife all saying they had very strong financial ties then all of them saying they don't.

There's nothing this jackass hasn't lied about and then lied about again. Why is that?

Tipsycatlover You need to sober up. Then you really need to grow a brain.

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Within some of Wash. D.C. rumors, there is one that....if true.......should scare the orange off the clown's face.....

Now, of course, rumors can be false BUT, often they are the precursors of what reality will soon be evident....

The rumor is that Mueller will subpoena from the IRS the last TEN years of Trump's tax returns and possibly subpoena the testimonies of Trump's tax accountants and attorneys........

Although the special counsel's primary objective was first to investigate Russian hacking and possible Trump's collusion with the Kremlin.......The new avenues that will be pursued are the FINANCIAL factors that have made the Trump business empire so dependent on Russian (and that country's rich oligarchs) money.....

NO previous administration has been so full of scandals in just a few months, than the orangy one.

The cheeto's biggest fear is the same as it has been - that everybody will find out he really is as impotent as he already knows he is.

Seriously, this guy is still trying to show daddy he's a man.

And he's not.


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i think liberals greatest fear is that the political discussion should move on to actual issues and policies.

They are terrified that any attention should be paid to THAT, or God Forbid that Trump might end up being judged on policy instead of ginned up scandals.

Very true Cornell.....and after about 5 glorious months of Trump's leadership, let's review that "checklist" of promises made versus what has been accomplished

View attachment 134868

If your policy based attacks are sooooo strong, why do you have to be pressured to bring them up? Why all the attention and energy and time spend on bs scandals?
If your policy based attacks are sooooo strong, why do you have to be pressured to bring them up?

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll respond....LOL
What the fuck do you mean "pressured to bring WHAT up?,,,and by WHOM?

The checklist that I posted (from someone else) SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.....
Read it and weep at your mistaken vote.
If your policy based attacks are sooooo strong, why do you have to be pressured to bring them up?

As soon as I find my Moron-to-English dictionary, I'll respond....LOL
What the fuck do you mean "pressured to bring WHAT up?,,,and by WHOM?

The checklist that I posted (from someone else) SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.....
Read it and weep at your mistaken vote.

Lot of bullshit on that list, like slamming Trump for not doing the ban that has been blocked by evil commie judges TWICE.

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