What have you boycotted ???

It also says the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Because a well regulated militia is needed for the security of a free state, not that people need to keep and bear firearms for self defence. The founders obviously didn't think like gun nuts.
I guess the founders envisaged a society where one had to carry defence against one's neighbours whilst grocery shopping in the shining city on the hill. Very prescient of them.
It also says the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Because a well regulated militia is needed for the security of a free state, not that people need to keep and bear firearms for self defence.

No you have it backwards.

The People are the militia therefore the right to keep and bear arms makes the militia possible.
The militia cannot exist without the people.

And every enumerated right in the Constitution applies to THE PEOPLE and only THE PEOPLE not the government, not the militia not anything but THE PEOPLE.
It also says the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed
Because a well regulated militia is needed for the security of a free state, not that people need to keep and bear firearms for self defence. The founders obviously didn't think like gun nuts.
Well regulated means armed and ready with everything in proper working order. Not "restricted" like you're thinking. Absolutely the Founders thought like "gun nuts".
well regulate.JPG
I guess the founders envisaged a society where one had to carry defence against one's neighbours whilst grocery shopping in the shining city on the hill. Very prescient of them.

No one has to carry a weapon if they choose not to.

The operative verb there is CHOOSE which implies freedom and rights.

If you don't want to carry a gun then don't IDGAF.
The NRA since they let the "assault weapons ban" happen. I was a member and everything.
Like you need an assault weapon.

I don't believe the Second Amendment mentions need. Does it?

There is no need for them at all. Who or what would anyone shoot them at in the U.S.A.? We now have a militia, which is known as the National Guard. They Assault weapons should be banned for the common good. There is no legitimate use for them. Seeing a bunch of mentally unbalanced people walking down the street with them and knowing that there are gangs running around in the woods with them does not help your cause. The safety of ordinary Americans must be paramount.V"
Hey uhh...stupid...yeah you.
Where was The National Guard in Minneapolis, dumbass? Nowhere to be found, and it all burned. About guns..you don't want one? Don't buy one, but it's none of your business what unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans do, k?
You need dropped out into the woods with a pack of coyotes around to get you some reality.

This level of damage has been seen before. The police got it together. The governor apparently did not see the need for the National Guard.

It IS my business and that of every other American. NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED ON AMERICAN STREETS WITH AN ASSAULT WEAPON UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY TRAINED, IDENTIFIED, AND UNDER OATH. Your "unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans" HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING TO ANYONE ELSE, even stop someone on the street. Who in the hell do you think these "unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans" are? They are thugs. Hoodlums. Dirt. Qualified law-enforement personnel ONLY. No thugs, white supremacists, members of "militia" gangs, boogaloos, or any other filth.
The NRA since they let the "assault weapons ban" happen. I was a member and everything.
Like you need an assault weapon.

I don't believe the Second Amendment mentions need. Does it?

There is no need for them at all. Who or what would anyone shoot them at in the U.S.A.? We now have a militia, which is known as the National Guard. They Assault weapons should be banned for the common good. There is no legitimate use for them. Seeing a bunch of mentally unbalanced people walking down the street with them and knowing that there are gangs running around in the woods with them does not help your cause. The safety of ordinary Americans must be paramount.V"
Hey uhh...stupid...yeah you.
Where was The National Guard in Minneapolis, dumbass? Nowhere to be found, and it all burned. About guns..you don't want one? Don't buy one, but it's none of your business what unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans do, k?
You need dropped out into the woods with a pack of coyotes around to get you some reality.

This level of damage has been seen before. The police got it together. The governor apparently did not see the need for the National Guard.

It IS my business and that of every other American. NO ONE SHOULD BE ALLOWED ON AMERICAN STREETS WITH AN ASSAULT WEAPON UNLESS THEY ARE FULLY TRAINED, IDENTIFIED, AND UNDER OATH. Your "unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans" HAVE NO RIGHT TO DO ANYTHING TO ANYONE ELSE, even stop someone on the street. Who in the hell do you think these "unindoctrinated non-idiot Americans" are? They are thugs. Hoodlums. Dirt. Qualified law-enforement personnel ONLY. No thugs, white supremacists, members of "militia" gangs, boogaloos, or any other filth.

Okay, so when you ready for your foray into the middle of the woods with nothing but a phone?
Let's make it a Florida swamp with quicksand, snakes, and gators for fun, hmm?

By the way:
"Are we at last brought to such humiliating and debasing degradation, that we cannot be trusted with arms for our defense?" -Patrick Henry
Read more at 26 Patrick Henry Quotes - Inspirational Quotes at BrainyQuote

Patrick Henry>You
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Amazon is impossible to avoid

I have boycotted plenty for many yrs

NFL- pending ???
Cable TV

All leftist fascist outlets
I don't participate in Cancel Culture.

That is not cancel culture.

If all you did, was boycott conservatives and people with different views... there would be no phrase 'cancel culture'.

Because you boycotting me, doesn't cancel me.

There is a huge difference between:

"I don't like what you say and do, so I am not going to participate with you economically."

and :

"I don't like what you say and do, so I going to try and prevent anyone from participating with you economically."

Do you see the difference? There is a difference between:

"I don't like your position, so I am not going to go to your speech."

And :

"I don't like your position, so I am going to try and have your speech canceled, and prevent anyone from listening to you."

Cancel Culture, is not just you avoiding people you don't like. Cancel culture, is you trying to prevent anyone else from hearing people you don't like.

One is personal choice. The other is a light form of tyranny.
I specifically boycott Marvel,Lucas Films and Disney specifically BECAUSE they hire SJW’s that promote and participate in cancel culture on twitter.
I have very little to no interest at all in the following singers for one reason or another.

Dixie Chicks
Carrie Underwood
Kacey Musgraves
Kelsi Ballerini
Maren Morris

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. Okay, did I really just include them in such a way?
Eric Church
Blake Shelton
Jason Alden
Dan and Shay

Add CarShield, Denver Mattress Wayfair, ConsumerCellular and Furniture Row to your boycott lists. They all just advertised during an crude, defamatory anti-USA propaganda segment on CNN.
Isn’t Wayfair part of a conspiracy theory about selling sex slaves?

Thought I read that somewhere.
I have very little to no interest at all in the following singers for one reason or another.

Dixie Chicks
Carrie Underwood
Kacey Musgraves
Kelsi Ballerini
Maren Morris

God bless you and them always!!!


P.S. Okay, did I really just include them in such a way?
Eric Church
Blake Shelton
Jason Alden
Dan and Shay

The first two songs from Dan and Shay may be as far as I'll ever go with them, "Nineteen You And Me" and "Show You Off" that is. To me, everything else from them is over played.

God bless you and them always!!!

Amazon is impossible to avoid

I have boycotted plenty for many yrs

NFL- pending ???
Cable TV

All leftist fascist outlets
wont buy Nike, wont watch the NFL or NBA. Any hollywood award show is out. I might watch the CMT but if they get political it goes off. I pretty much dont watch any news because if there is anything exciting it will show up online somewhere. Wont watch Netflix because Obama and now Kaperdick is on it..
I boycott liberals. Libbies were mad the CEO of GOYA foods visited and backs Trump so they decided to boycott GOYA in their infinite lack of wisdom. I made a special trip today and loaded up on GOYA products. As a result of the libbie boycott, GOYA sales are increasing.
Nearly anything made in China.

Don't have to boycott anything the righties suggest, because already I wasn't buying their crap to begin with.

But when the leftbats boycott something, it does make me curious to check it out and see what all the whining is about...For example, didn't GAF about Duck Dynasty until the freaks started shrieking about Phil Robinson saying that he believed homosexuality to be a sin (shocking to hear from an evangelical, amirite?), and found out that a family of rednecks doing silly shit in the Louisiana swamps is pretty damn funny.
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