What harm was done by Monday's Putin-Trump press conference?

I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.
1. Can you prove Putin is dictator? Please explain me how can I understand I live in a dictatorship. I used to live in so-called free country, now I live in Russia under Putin's dictatorship but I like Russia more...much more. Maybe I don't understand something in this world?

2. Even if Putin was a dictator and he was a threat to USA don't you think talking to him is more useful than confronting? We say in Russia: bad peace is much better than good war. But I do understand you Americans do not know what war is, we know..

3. Russia is known... why don't we talk about how USA is known? The main reason of wars in 20-21 centuries all over the world; a country that cannot be trusted - 911, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, Syria which were illegally bombed, NATO moving to east inspite of agreement not to do that; and many other untrustworthy and bloody actions.

4. USA's meddling in affairs of every (!) country on earth doesn't bother you, right? USA's organizing coups is ok too, right? USA's setting own people to other countries' governments is absolutely normal... and after that you say Russia's neighbors do not trust her?
Oh Eugene. You're so lost in the middle of all this
Even if just one person tries to look at all this under another angle it would be great

It would be great but most fear to look past what their bias dictates, as you can surely see all over this forum.
Obama allowed Putin to become the world leader he is today..

So everyone thank Obama for allowing Putin and Russia to become a world power again..
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

I agree. He sure did.

"After my election I have more flexibility"

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-more-flexibility-russia/
Not providing context when trying to make a point is a sign of having no actual point to make.

Who is fact checking snopes? You?
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Our President surrendered his role as leader of the free world

If that were true he’d no longer be president.
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!

You don’t give a fuck but here you are giving a fuck. I don’t think you’re mad at me; you’re mad at the blob for being such a dumbass and it’s slowly sinking in through the concrete cranium that you have that you’ve been taken by this film flam artist.

Lets see.

You believe Trump is anti illegal immigration yet he hired them for his resorts.

You believe he is “america first”, yet when deciding where to make his cheap clothes at; he chose China

You believe he didn’t sleep with a porn actress; yet he paid the man who paid her hush money

You believe that there was no collision between his campaign and Russia yet his sons met with Russians and lied about it, his top advisor sung the praises of the hacker who hacked HRC’s e-mails, his AG met with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it, his NSC designate met with the Russians and lied about it.

Yes; you are stupid.
What harm was done?

Answer: not one effing bit. IMHO, our own DOJ/FBI tried to box Trump in by announcing the indictments of the 12 Russians in advance of the Helsinki summit meeting. I think everybody around the world can read the situation for what it is, internal political bullshit in Washington. Our friends and our enemies know perfectly well what the deal is, nothing new, next. Everybody needs to calm the fuck down, we ain't pulling out of NATO and WW III is not imminent.

At least Trump did not create an international incident by insulting Putin in public by calling him a liar. He said what he had to say, simple as that. Who knows what was said between the two of them behind closed doors, but in truth it doesn't matter. What does matter is what we actually do about Russian meddling or interference, whatever you want to call it by them or anyone else. How God Damn stupid can you be if you are a political organization in this country and you don't protect your servers from hacking and you don't make sure everyone who uses them is vetted and trained to follow the necessary protections and protocols to keep the system secured. I want my gov't agencies and departments to do whatever they can to shield our public information for unauthorized access at every level, and make sure our voting systems can't be hacked.

As for our IC, tough shit guys. You guys have destroyed your credibility in recent years; neither your president nor the American public has a whole lot of trust in your impartiality or your professionalism, based on what we've seen in recent months and years. And not just the IC either, the IRS, State, ATF, and many other agencies have lost quite a bit of our trust and BTW I should include the US Congress (both chambers). Who the fuck is working in our best interests these days? Maybe it was always thus and I was too naive to believe it.
Trump surrendered to Russia. Interpret the harm that does however you will.

What nonsense. I love Trump's tactics: as with North Korea, he is giving our enemies something to lose! They now can lose his good will --- all they used to have was ever-rising sanctions. I think this was a great deal tactic, and I also like his opposite tact with our so-called "allies," who are not allies, really. Europe, some of the Asians. They take us for granted and try to milk us for defense and bad trade deals.

I totally support Trump's giving these "allies" something to think about. Namely, don't count on us to defend you and pay thru the nose for everything you want to sell while you shut your markets against us!

I love it. He's doing great.
LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!

You don’t give a fuck but here you are giving a fuck. I don’t think you’re mad at me; you’re mad at the blob for being such a dumbass and it’s slowly sinking in through the concrete cranium that you have that you’ve been taken by this film flam artist.

Lets see.

You believe Trump is anti illegal immigration yet he hired them for his resorts.

You believe he is “america first”, yet when deciding where to make his cheap clothes at; he chose China

You believe he didn’t sleep with a porn actress; yet he paid the man who paid her hush money

You believe that there was no collision between his campaign and Russia yet his sons met with Russians and lied about it, his top advisor sung the praises of the hacker who hacked HRC’s e-mails, his AG met with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it, his NSC designate met with the Russians and lied about it.

Yes; you are stupid.

You have no idea if I believe those things LOL. You’re assuming based on personal bias and that’s a truly foolish thing to do.
You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!

You don’t give a fuck but here you are giving a fuck. I don’t think you’re mad at me; you’re mad at the blob for being such a dumbass and it’s slowly sinking in through the concrete cranium that you have that you’ve been taken by this film flam artist.

Lets see.

You believe Trump is anti illegal immigration yet he hired them for his resorts.

You believe he is “america first”, yet when deciding where to make his cheap clothes at; he chose China

You believe he didn’t sleep with a porn actress; yet he paid the man who paid her hush money

You believe that there was no collision between his campaign and Russia yet his sons met with Russians and lied about it, his top advisor sung the praises of the hacker who hacked HRC’s e-mails, his AG met with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it, his NSC designate met with the Russians and lied about it.

Yes; you are stupid.

You have no idea if I believe those things LOL. You’re assuming based on personal bias and that’s a truly foolish thing to do.

More of you not giving a fuck? LOL

Feel free to tell us what you don’t believe then…I put facts out there….all easily verifiable.

Oh wait, you can’t be seen disagreeing with the blob…can you now? tsk tsk….must suck to not be able to voice your objection to the Cheeto because you’re worried about appearances.
LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!

You don’t give a fuck but here you are giving a fuck. I don’t think you’re mad at me; you’re mad at the blob for being such a dumbass and it’s slowly sinking in through the concrete cranium that you have that you’ve been taken by this film flam artist.

Lets see.

You believe Trump is anti illegal immigration yet he hired them for his resorts.

You believe he is “america first”, yet when deciding where to make his cheap clothes at; he chose China

You believe he didn’t sleep with a porn actress; yet he paid the man who paid her hush money

You believe that there was no collision between his campaign and Russia yet his sons met with Russians and lied about it, his top advisor sung the praises of the hacker who hacked HRC’s e-mails, his AG met with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it, his NSC designate met with the Russians and lied about it.

Yes; you are stupid.

And no, I don’t give a fuck what you think. Your opinion of me matters not bc you’re relying on pure ignorance to form it. I try very hard not to judge others bc others’ judgments of me are so painfully inaccurate and I don’t want to be inaccurate—you should try it sometime. You don’t know me, what I believe or what I think regardless of who I voted for—end of story.
You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

Right. Keep telling yourself that I really don’t give a fuck. Trump did NOT “surrender” America to Putin and anyone who says he did is either a liar or unaware of what “surrender” means. You don’t like it when Trump lies, then don’t lie yourself. I’m not stupid but you believe plenty of things that aren’t true so what’s one more thing? You don’t know me just bc of who I voted for so stop acting like you do bc whether you’re willing to believe it or not you’re DEAD WRONG.

Have a lovely day!

You don’t give a fuck but here you are giving a fuck. I don’t think you’re mad at me; you’re mad at the blob for being such a dumbass and it’s slowly sinking in through the concrete cranium that you have that you’ve been taken by this film flam artist.

Lets see.

You believe Trump is anti illegal immigration yet he hired them for his resorts.

You believe he is “america first”, yet when deciding where to make his cheap clothes at; he chose China

You believe he didn’t sleep with a porn actress; yet he paid the man who paid her hush money

You believe that there was no collision between his campaign and Russia yet his sons met with Russians and lied about it, his top advisor sung the praises of the hacker who hacked HRC’s e-mails, his AG met with the Russian Ambassador and lied about it, his NSC designate met with the Russians and lied about it.

Yes; you are stupid.

And no, I don’t give a fuck what you think. Your opinion of me matters not bc you’re relying on pure ignorance to form it. I try very hard not to judge others bc others’ judgments of me are so painfully inaccurate and I don’t want to be inaccurate—you should try it sometime. You don’t know me, what I believe or what I think regardless of who I voted for—end of story.

Struck a nerve I see.

Well, if you were secure in your convictions, you’d tell us where you differ with the blob.
Since we both know you can’t be seen doing that because of what others will think about you…well…that is just sad that you’ve been cowed into silence.

Have a nice day.
… Italy … Turkey and so on.

Yeah and all those countries have human rights issues as well.

By the way, in Italy - too? :) And Turkey is your ally. It turns out that you are not against friends with those who violate human rights? Again - Saudi Arabia? :)


And about human rights. Here in Russia there is no death penalty. In the USA there is. And in America there are many cases of condemnation of innocent people to death. And even in the US, a policeman can shoot a person for simply not responding to his warnings. For a Russian citizen, this sounds terrible from the point of view of human rights.

If a person believes that his country is the only one that is right from the point of view of law or morality, this person is already a victim of propaganda. Because in different countries there can be different ethical and legal norms.
A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

Nope, he didn't.

Spoiled kid goes ballistic when doesn't get what he wants. That's how media reacted when they didn't get what they want. Trump didn't side with Putin, he told press what Putin told him.

The question he was asked was about intelligence during 2016 elections. That's the same intelligence that's working against Trump since he announced his run, and their reports are regurgitated by leftists ever since.

That's the intelligence that covered for Clinton and cleared Cleanton, that pledged to stop Trump, that lied to Congress under oath, that used made up dossier to get FISA warrant to spy on Trump campaign, that planted spies inside the Trump campaign.

That IS intelligence Trump did not sided with and I fully agree with him.

Here is the question for you: If Putin is so bad and not trustworthy, do you think he should own, not 20%, but even 1% of our uranium production?
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Our President surrendered his role as leader of the free world
Trump confirmed he was never the leader of the free world to begin with.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Here weather
The only thing I've seen happen is a bunch of left wing idiots screaming bloody murder.

The guys I work with just shake their heads at the lefty idiotcy.

No one really cares except for those idiots.
A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

No one was killed, no one lost any money on Monday, the only "damage" was the fragile egos of the intelligence community. They'll get over it. Maybe the President needs to make the G Men wear dresses if they are going to cry like women.

Yeah, in the US today the Dimocrats can slam on the President and behead him in effigy while he is overseas trying to negotiate better treaties for the American people, but our intel agencies are sacrosanct and never to be criticized by a Republican. Supposedly.

Of course the Truth of the matter is that even if Trump invented a cure for cancer, liberals would complain that they have a right to die by cancer if they want to.

Trump cannot do anything to please the Resist!!!! Dimocrats.

And their hysteria grows louder and more shrill every day.

One day soon their heads are just going to explode.

Instead of inventing cures for cancer, Trump is surrendering our country to Putin's whims. If I were Russian, I'd be incredibly proud of how my country has humiliated the U.S.

What, you're not Russian?
He bragged about making them richer. It's hilarious how you celebrate Trump's massive tax cuts to those "corporate masters" while also celebrating his tariffs that equate to a tax increase on you and your fellow peasants; btw, your tax cuts as a peasant expire soon while those "corporate masters" have a permanent cut.

Dog doesn't bark to protect the village. Dog barks to protect the dog.

You're whining about Trump's massive tax cut.

I say, Trump's tax cut should've been much larger.

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