What harm was done by Monday's Putin-Trump press conference?

You are falsifying the wonder of your fascist state.

To deny that you are doing that is is stupid.
WOW!! Delusional MUCH?

The INTEL COMMUNITY is REELING! Let me repeat--reeling, stunned, demoralized.

Why would they be. They know there is corruption in their ranks. There always has been and always will be.

Anyone with an ounce of brains realizes this.
trump should not be trashing us or the US anywhere. our problems are ours and we need to fix them in house. doing it on a public stage like that is very trump and very "these times" but also very wrong.

Fair enough, its not good "etiquette" to trash talk other Americans. Although a lot of Americans have been trash talking the President for years, and libs have no problem with that.

But in either case, no damage was down- the liberal rhetoric that this is "Pearl Harbor" or "Kristalnacht" is stupid and makes the country look like a bunch of doofuses.
trump should not be trashing us or the US anywhere. our problems are ours and we need to fix them in house. doing it on a public stage like that is very trump and very "these times" but also very wrong.

Fair enough, its not good "etiquette" to trash talk other Americans. Although a lot of Americans have been trash talking the President for years, and libs have no problem with that.

But in either case, no damage was down- the liberal rhetoric that this is "Pearl Harbor" or "Kristalnacht" is stupid and makes the country look like a bunch of doofuses.
i would agree it's hypocritical. part of our cultures worst issues today is that the things OTHER PEOPLE DO are wrong and if we do them, we're excused cause of xyz reasons or "they made me" crap.

we continue to find reasons to hold others accountable for behaviors we share but easily excuse ourselves. again, very hypocritical no denying.

trump is president so the focus is amplified, fair or not. we do have our issues to be sure. we need to fix them internally and not look even more foolish before the world. meeting putin, fine. trying to fix relationships, go for it willy. trashing the US in the process?

not helping.

the media is out of control and will be as long as people react to it. but trump is more or less putting gas on the fire by doing these things. he can make a step forward then wipe it out quickly by having to say ONE MORE THING that screws it up.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

I agree. He sure did.

"After my election I have more flexibility"

Eugene is Russian and forkup is a fascist from Central Europe.
Jake. Sorry to tell you but I'm on your left on most positions. What I'm not is someone who thinks someone's opinion is invalid just because I don't agree with them. It would behoove you to talk to people before judging them, otherwise you are just as guilty as your Republican friends of living in a bubble.
What you think or are does not matter. Your political position is fascist, and your location is Central Europe.
Fascism is an authoritarian, ultra nationalistic form of government. I live in a Parliamentary Democracy in a country that has as it's chief characteristic that it has little sense of nationalistic pride. Most people here don't even know the words to the national anthem and identifies itself with their region more then with their country. A running joke is that we don't exist. me personally have posted about the benefits of immigration, Foreign cooperation, welfare and many other items that you support.
This leads me to believe that you, or don't know who or what my positions are, or feel that only complete and utter agreement with your point of view is acceptable. To that I can only say is that you and people like you are the reason Trump got elected. This "you agree with everything I say or you're a fascist" attitude is the reason so many independents choose Trump..Acting as an insufferable know it all is off putting and causes people to do stuff you don't like, just to piss you off. People on the right shouldn't argue with you, they should thank you. Every time you open your mouth otherwise reasonable people flock to Trump.
How much process was involved when your retirement age was raised right up to your average life expectancy? Did it involve debates, or even so much as notice that they were going to do it? Or did the government and with the government I mean Putin just decide to do it.
Retirement age was raised to 60 years old for women and 65 for men while in USA it is 65 years old for everyone.
This raising is actual for those who are younger than 45 years old now.

Actually it is not raised yet as president hasn't signed yet. It is just a project of the new law issued by government.
Of course it went through hot debates in all levels - in regional Dumas, in state Duma, discussed by senators...some changes were done and now this law just need to be signed by president.

Among population opinions has separated.

If you want to know my opinion, I agree retirement age should be raised but I am also sure whole pension system in Russia must be changed. It is insane to pay pension to every person...does some government somewhere pays pension to 100% of population older than 65 years old? Only Russia does. And it is very expensive and it should be changed.
Our retirement age is 67. Our life expectancy is about a decade longer though. We get about 80 percent of our income so on balance we probably pay more on retirement then Russia. As to agreeing. I have no problem in keeping social security affordable. Thanks for the info on how it came to pass.
Now as promised.
Alexei Navalny, Russia's Alexei Navalny arrested as 1,600 detained nationwide
Boris Nemtsov, Thousands rally in Moscow to commemorate slain opposition leader...
Denis Voronenkov, Denis Voronenkov - Wikipedia
Garry Kasporov. Not dead or imprisoned but he deems the threat credible,Garry Kasparov told us what it's like to live in fear of being assassinated by Putin.
The singers of Pusy riot,Pussy Riot singers who were jailed by Russian regime to sue Kremlin in European court
The last ones are a bit frivolous and I could go on, but I think the point is made.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

A sitting US president took the side of a murderous dictator over his own country's and forgein allies intelligence. That's the damage.

Russia is known to be sneaky and untrustworthy. Yet Trump takes Putin's word they didn't meddle I the election? Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

I agree. He sure did.

"After my election I have more flexibility"

As he was leaning toward Medvedev in Seoul, Obama was overheard asking for time — “particularly with missile defense” — until he is in a better position politically to resolve such issues.https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/obama-more-flexibility-russia/
Not providing context when trying to make a point is a sign of having no actual point to make.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.
Our President surrendered his role as leader of the free world
Nah he did that a long time ago. What he did was so baffling that now the allies fear that Putin is the leader of the free world by proxy.
His foreign policy behavior over the last month has been baffling

Insulting our allies and meekly submitting to our enemies
well he was going to meekly bow before them all but that was already done.
Cultural courtesy vs throwing out our national dignity in front of the world
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

From the sound of it; you shouldn’t vote again; you’re obviously too dumb to understand the significance of an American President taking the word of a foreign adversary with ICBMs pointed at your family over American patriots who serve—and risk their lives—in our intel corps.

Really dumbass…what are you smoking?
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

From the sound of it; you shouldn’t vote again; you’re obviously too dumb to understand the significance of an American President taking the word of a foreign adversary with ICBMs pointed at your family over American patriots who serve—and risk their lives—in our intel corps.

Really dumbass…what are you smoking?

No damage was done, no one was killed.

And as far as these intel personnel, they are partisan and need purged. They don't share their information with the current American government because they work for the Deep State.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

From the sound of it; you shouldn’t vote again; you’re obviously too dumb to understand the significance of an American President taking the word of a foreign adversary with ICBMs pointed at your family over American patriots who serve—and risk their lives—in our intel corps.

Really dumbass…what are you smoking?

No damage was done, no one was killed.

And as far as these intel personnel, they are partisan and need purged. They don't share their information with the current American government because they work for the Deep State.
Let's see what damage.... Oh I got one. Intelligence agencies of the allies work together. POTUS just took the side of Putin over his own intelligence agencies. What reason does for instance MI6 got to share intelligence they developed, when they know the information will be disregarded by those in power? Even more, the Helsinki meeting was so bizarre that they will fear Trump is so compromised that he will share that information with Putin, something he has done before. This DOES has the potential of costing lives and on a huge scale.
Seems the intelligence communities feelings being hurt is the least of it. He has actively hurt their ability to do the job they are supposed to do.
I don't see any at all. No one was killed, no damage to any American institutions, it wasn't "pearl harbor" or "kristalnacht". A real nothing burger.

Some of America's "intelligence" agencies and agents seem to have had their feelings hurt.

Who freaking cares, really? These "intelligence" people have been against President Trump came into office, you really can't blame anyone for not trusting someone who is trying to drum you out of office.

If the Republican Party allows the Democrats to run him out over nothing, I'll never vote again.

From the sound of it; you shouldn’t vote again; you’re obviously too dumb to understand the significance of an American President taking the word of a foreign adversary with ICBMs pointed at your family over American patriots who serve—and risk their lives—in our intel corps.

Really dumbass…what are you smoking?

No damage was done, no one was killed.

And as far as these intel personnel, they are partisan and need purged. They don't share their information with the current American government because they work for the Deep State.

Oh the deep state.

The actual secretary of State says there is no “deep state”….

Is he delusional or is it you?
Obama allowed Putin to become the world leader he is today..

So everyone thank Obama for allowing Putin and Russia to become a world power again..
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...
Putin's own European neighbors don't even trust him.

Have you ever been surprised that only active allies of the United States do not "trust" Putin? :) Countries that try to conduct an independent policy, Russia and the Kremlin trust. China, India, Italy, Iran or even Turkey and so on.

Yeah and all those countries have human rights issues as well.
Obama allowed Putin to become the world leader he is today..

So everyone thank Obama for allowing Putin and Russia to become a world power again..
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:

Obama allowed Putin to become the world leader he is today..

So everyone thank Obama for allowing Putin and Russia to become a world power again..
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.
Obama allowed Putin to become the world leader he is today..

So everyone thank Obama for allowing Putin and Russia to become a world power again..
Trump surrendered America to Putin. Stop pretending you aren't rooting for Russia.

LMFAO!!!!! It’s obvious you don’t know what the word “surrender” means. Trump signed America over to Russia? Putin is now America’s leader? I must have missed those headlines...

You miss a lot of things.

From inside the oval office:


I guess you’re as much of an idiot as BlackFlag. Good to know.

Takes one to know one I suppose.

I didn’t vote for the orange blob. That alone makes me miles smarter than people like you.

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