What happens to weapons sent to Ukraine? The US doesn't really know


Diamond Member
Dec 29, 2020
The US has few ways to track the substantial supply of anti-tank, anti-aircraft and other weaponry it has sent across the border into Ukraine, sources tell CNN, a blind spot that's due in large part to the lack of US boots on the ground in the country -- and the easy portability of many of the smaller systems now pouring across the border.

But the risk, both current US officials and defense analysts say, is that in the long term, some of those weapons may wind up in the hands of other militaries and militias that the US did not intend to arm.
"We have fidelity for a short time, but when it enters the fog of war, we have almost zero," said one source briefed on US intelligence. "It drops into a big black hole, and you have almost no sense of it at all after a short period of time."
In making the decision to send billions of dollars of weapons and equipment into Ukraine, the Biden administration factored in the risk that some of the shipments may ultimately end up in unexpected places, a defense official said..........................................

Inevitably, some weapons ended up on the black market including anti-aircraft Stinger missiles, the same kind the US is now providing to Ukraine.
The United States famously scrambled to recover Stingers after the Soviet war in Afghanistan. It wasn't successful in finding all of them and when the US itself invaded Afghanistan in 2001, some officials feared that they could be used by the Taliban against the United States.
Other weapons have ended up arming US adversaries. Much of what the US left behind to help Afghan forces became part of the Taliban arsenal after the collapse of the Afghan government and military.

Who needs to track weapons when we abandon an entire air base like Bagram in Afghanistan?
Russia claimed to have destroyed a billion dollars worth of weapons entering the Ukraine by aircraft.

That would have, by necessity killed the crew of the plane.

We have to suspect that both US/Nato persons and Russians are being killed by the other side and the deaths are being hidden, in the interest of upholding the facade of rules.
Quick chuck more into the black hole so our troops can go to war without and get killed by our own weapons

The cult is sick.

They just happened to be on the right side of history with Iraq and WMDs because they hated Bush. Not because they are smart or moral.

If their Gods in media and Democrats tell them war is good, the cult wants war.

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