What generation of Republicans gave America to Mexico?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.
What are you talking about? Those States used to belong to Mexico and many people opted for US citizenship when Mexico lost the war.
What generation of Republican voter allowed this bullshit to happen right under their nose?
Right wingers have nothing but right wing bigotry not any better solutions at lower cost. We have a Commerce Clause and a central bank, right wingers; what's wrong, don't really believe in free market capitalism like y'all allege in socialism threads?
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.
What are you talking about? Those States used to belong to Mexico and many people opted for US citizenship when Mexico lost the war.

Read up Gustavo....read about the Declaration Of Independence as well please.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.

Hold on...so nobody gave up on defending our southern border and aggressively deporting illegal aliens?
How did we end up with 20-40 million of the parasites then?
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.
Reagan. He was also a gun grabbing racist motherfucker.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.

Hold on...so nobody gave up on defending our southern border and aggressively deporting illegal aliens?
How did we end up with 20-40 million of the parasites then?

So we're parasites now? Sir, I don't think you understand the country we live in. You can't do it all by yourself my friend. Mexico owned the majority of the Southwest way before Americans even got here. We use ethnic cleansing as a way to have superiority and division is created all the more. You say that we should just stay on our side of the border, but when America invited Mexicans to help them when they were in complete debt from the war, we are the cause of the economy's downfall. I understand that you think we were the cause of a failing economy, but nearly none of the legally migrated Mexican workers from the Bracero Program were given the required minimum wage of 30 cents an hour, guaranteed living conditions, including sanitation, housing, and food. So many of them lived in horrible conditions with little to no resources or pay for 18 hours of work a day. The agreement also promised that bracero workers were to be protected from racial discrimination and guess what? Didn't happen. We were still banned from the majority of public areas and residences because of a stereotype. We get stereotyped for being the criminals, as well as many other ethnicities, because right when America is done with us, we become the antagonists in the Almighty American euphoria. I don't want to disrespect the country because they do provide so much more than hundreds of other countries that lack any human rights that all men and woman are born with. Though, I don't understand people like you who can't even see beyond skin color and see that we're all humans and, truly, beyond everything material in the world, we just live on a piece of land that could be taken from us in the blink of an eye. The economy really has no effect on us in the long run. God doesn't judge based on our wealth or financial success, He judges our character, and calling people parasites and telling people that have different ethnic backgrounds they have zero ability to have basic human rights is not a way to fix an economy and will never make you a happier person. God didn't make the earth so that we would be divided and brutal, we all belong to this world just as much as every other person. Don't judge us before you judge the reality of the corruption you live in. I'm not hating on you in anyway, I just want people to open their minds and see that we all belong to each other and need to stop self-destructing our world. I'll be praying for you.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.
What are you talking about? Those States used to belong to Mexico and many people opted for US citizenship when Mexico lost the war.

Read up Gustavo....read about the Declaration Of Independence as well please.
lol. I did. I read it before you did.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.

Hold on...so nobody gave up on defending our southern border and aggressively deporting illegal aliens?
How did we end up with 20-40 million of the parasites then?
Nothing but right wing bigotry? Our Founding Fathers understood the right wing and omitted an express Immigration clause in our federal Constitution for just that reason.

We should have no illegals or illegal underclass. All foreign nationals should be known to the general Government and federally identified for civil purposes.

Only right wingers allege to be for Capitalism in socialism threads, yet insist on their socialism on a national or international basis due to their having nothing but bigotry instead of any fine capital solutions at lower cost.

Capitalism, what is That sayeth the Right Wing on every non-Socialism thread.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.

Hold on...so nobody gave up on defending our southern border and aggressively deporting illegal aliens?
How did we end up with 20-40 million of the parasites then?

So we're parasites now? Sir, I don't think you understand the country we live in. You can't do it all by yourself my friend. Mexico owned the majority of the Southwest way before Americans even got here. We use ethnic cleansing as a way to have superiority and division is created all the more. You say that we should just stay on our side of the border, but when America invited Mexicans to help them when they were in complete debt from the war, we are the cause of the economy's downfall. I understand that you think we were the cause of a failing economy, but nearly none of the legally migrated Mexican workers from the Bracero Program were given the required minimum wage of 30 cents an hour, guaranteed living conditions, including sanitation, housing, and food. So many of them lived in horrible conditions with little to no resources or pay for 18 hours of work a day. The agreement also promised that bracero workers were to be protected from racial discrimination and guess what? Didn't happen. We were still banned from the majority of public areas and residences because of a stereotype. We get stereotyped for being the criminals, as well as many other ethnicities, because right when America is done with us, we become the antagonists in the Almighty American euphoria. I don't want to disrespect the country because they do provide so much more than hundreds of other countries that lack any human rights that all men and woman are born with. Though, I don't understand people like you who can't even see beyond skin color and see that we're all humans and, truly, beyond everything material in the world, we just live on a piece of land that could be taken from us in the blink of an eye. The economy really has no effect on us in the long run. God doesn't judge based on our wealth or financial success, He judges our character, and calling people parasites and telling people that have different ethnic backgrounds they have zero ability to have basic human rights is not a way to fix an economy and will never make you a happier person. God didn't make the earth so that we would be divided and brutal, we all belong to this world just as much as every other person. Don't judge us before you judge the reality of the corruption you live in. I'm not hating on you in anyway, I just want people to open their minds and see that we all belong to each other and need to stop self-destructing our world. I'll be praying for you.
If only, the Holy Roman empire had not dissolved. How much more holy and moral we could have been. Woe is we, we are the victims.
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Nobody gave any part of America to Mexico. You seem to be in the second stage of grief.-------Anger
Next will be bargaining, depression, and then acceptance. None of that will change the reality that your tantrums don't always produce what you want, but perhaps you will grow from the experience.

Hold on...so nobody gave up on defending our southern border and aggressively deporting illegal aliens?
How did we end up with 20-40 million of the parasites then?

How did we end up with those ladies & gentlemen?

Very simple, really.

Starting in the 1970s, economic conditions in Mexico & horrific civil wars in Central America drove millions of people to our borders.

Americans of both parties are very kind-hearted people.

So both the Dems and Pubs let the economic & political refugees stay here temporarily.

Of course, once they got a taste of life here, they thought: "I ain't going back home."

Who can blame them?
President Eisenhower rolled out Operation Wetback in 1955 and returned America to it’s core people. So what generation of Republicans got soft on immigration law and let Mexico take California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas from our republic?
I used to tell my old man I would never forgive his generation of voters for conceding states to Mexico’s people.
If it not for illegals and their litters of Dem voters California, TX, AZ may have always remained Red states...that’s a lot of electoral votes.

Didn't WE take those states from Mexico?
What generation of Republican voter allowed this bullshit to happen right under their nose?
Right wingers have nothing but right wing bigotry not any better solutions at lower cost. We have a Commerce Clause and a central bank, right wingers; what's wrong, don't really believe in free market capitalism like y'all allege in socialism threads?
People are sold out by their politicians. On trade deals we were told how great it was going to be. And both sides sold it to us. The United States became great in part because we had Pax Americana. We bought and sold from within our borders. Perhaps a more capitalist culture back then with very little socialism. To say to do that today would be near impossible. Trump tried to get some manufacturing back here. But Progs and some of his own wouldn't hear of it. How long do you think we will buys from China uplifting them as they build a world power military? They have the ability to produce quantity like we used to. And you keep pushing selfishness in our domestic issues.
We gave Mexico back after the war. Keep the good parts. Ain't givin um back either.

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