What Everyone Who Voted For Trump Needs To Hear


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.


Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.
Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.
Too afraid of the truth to watch, typical rightie.
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.


I join you in expressing concern. But, the Trump-Bots hereabouts don't care. Trump can do ANY SATANIC THING and his groupies would cheer him on.
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.



Dear BertramN
I agree with this woman and that's why I voted AGAINST Democratic politics that impose beliefs through govt
while complaining for EXACTLY what this woman is saying: that beliefs should NOT be imposed through govt and public institutions.

We AGREE on principles.

I totally AGREE that she and anyone else with liberal beliefs should have equal freedom of belief and expression.

The PROBLEM is that these SAME LIBERALS were abusing govt, laws and public institutions
to DO THE SAME THING by imposing THEIR BELIEF while excluding the others!

So I feel EXACTLY what she is griping about.

The solution is to respect BOTH sides' beliefs,
not abuse govt to impose one or the other.

So I believe in preventing imposition of EITHER side against the other.
She only sees it one way, and doesn't recognize the equal and opposite imposition by the LEFT.

Other than that, you could take her statements
and superimpose them on mine, and we'd be saying the same thing!

But I wouldn't call her a racist, or attack any Christians, LGBT, KKK or anyone with political beliefs
they have a right to exercise. They just can't abuse govt to impose them on others,
as she complains the Christian/rightwing/Trump voters were doing
and I was complaining both sides do to each other, including the left and LGBT pushing their beliefs.
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.


aggressive bulldog.
Fuck every one that voted for Donald Trump. I hope you enjoy watching this country be passed by in science, education and nearly every other area. You're a fucking piece of shit.

YOu make me sick, sorry, but I agree with her that you're scum.
I hope you enjoy footing the bill for your children to get a education,
I hope you enjoy losing your ssi and medicare
I hope you enjoy watching your parents die as you can't get them medical attention because of your 18th century party.
I hope you enjoy the piss poor air, water and food. Hell, I hope you get food poision, cancer and have to sit on the crapper at least once per week from the water.
I hope you enjoy the shitty private infratructure
I hope you enjoy the hurricane that you couldn't afford to be warned about

Hell, if you died Humanity would be better off.
Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says.
No point in reading any further. Just another whining, squalling liberal who can’t comprehend that his agenda was rejected for a reason. There are a lot of them around now.

You lost. Deal with it.

What agenda? There were two sides too scared to have an agenda because they know it'll scare away too many voters. So both of them just floated vague crap and people decided they said what they wanted to hear.

The system sucks. Get a proper system where people can actually vote for agendas.
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.



Damn that was really funny, all the regressive talking points of the last year and a half, in one short video. That bitch must be a gas at parties. I bet she still hasn't realized she voted for the same candidate that the communist party voted for. But communist are cool, RIGHT?

The hildabitch will never make a supreme court nomination and pissing off you regressives is just gravy, MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!!!!!!!!!
In the video at the following link are some uncomfortable truths Trump voters do NOT want to face.

Of course, as right-wingers, you simple-minded idiots will deny everything the young woman in the video says. But listen to her until she is finished anyway, and then tell yourself she is wrong, it will bring you solace until return to reality.

Turn the sound up on your computer, the video begins immediately after opening, and you need to hear her every word.



That has to be the funniest thing I have heard since Trump won. She personifies the term "stupid, uninformed "liberal". I would kick her ass up one side to the other in a debate as to what really transpired.......
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