What does HC ruling mean for Obama in November?

Well, it will be interesting to see what the polls say about a week from now when people have had time to think over the implications of this decision.
HAHA ... right. The one guy who's actually done more to force people to buy health insurance than Obama.

We've been had folks. Unless people wake up and ... well nevermind that. Sheep to the slaughter.

Allow me to break this down for you logically, and then you may point out the flaw in my reasoning.

At this point it all depends on Congress. We'll need to elect reps and senators who will fight the mandate.

When it comes to the president, we're screwed pretty much equally whether Obama or Romney gets in. Which makes the rest of your argument sort of irrelevant,

but this part is an obvious error, so, for completeness sake:
If you vote third party ... it increases the probability of an Obama victory
Nope. Doesn't work that way. The only way for me to increase the chances of Obama winning is to vote for Obama.

Therefore, voting for Romney is undeniably the best course of action if your goal is the repeal of Obamacare

It's undeniably the worst. Romney has no principled objects to using government to herd people into the insurance industry pens. Even if he makes some token attempt to repeal PPACA, he'll pursue the same policy goals. I can't delude myself enough to make that obvious observation go away.

The reason it's actually slightly worse to vote for Romney is the aforementioned congressional opposition. The strongest opposition to the mandate will come from predominantly Republican reps. They'll be less likely to oppose Romney, whereas they will fight Obama at every turn.

Interesting, but your observation about Romney is an opinion...not a fact.

Plus there are not enough possible senatorial pick ups to override a presidential veto.

Therefore the only possibility of repeal lies with President Romney.

As to a third party vote contributing to an Obama victory...that is an absolute fact if the alternative is a Romney vote.

To put out another way...a libertarian third party vote helps Obamacare survive.
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The GOP will win short term with fund raising, but Obama will win the long race. Romney is speechless and clueless. All he can now say is "Repeal! Repeal! Repeal!" This is his message and his solution...basically Do Nothing.
Did Roberts change this game of chess between the Republicans and Democrats? He just declared Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, yet let it stand as a tax. Did he assure Obamacare’s repeal if the republicans gain a majority of 51, since it is now a tax, the democrats can’t filibuster, or am I wrong? Can the Catholic Church sue over Obamacare now being a tax over the contraception clause? The republicans can pull of sound bites of the democrats saying this is not a tax over and over for, what, two years? Now it is a tax. So is this a Trojan horse victory?
CaféAuLait;5532798 said:
Did Roberts change this game of chess between the Republicans and Democrats? He just declared Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, yet let it stand as a tax. Did he assure Obamacare’s repeal if the republicans gain a majority of 51, since it is now a tax, the democrats can’t filibuster, or am I wrong? Can the Catholic Church sue over Obamacare now being a tax over the contraception clause? The republicans can pull of sound bites of the democrats saying this is not a tax over and over for, what, two years? Now it is a tax. So is this a Trojan horse victory?

I do believe you are right. I'm thinking Judge Roberts was brilliant. It's a tax and can be repealed by the House of Representatives, they don't even need the Senate.

And Romney raised two million dollars today from people that don't like Obamacare. I'm thinking Obama isn't going to survive the election, he's gonna be a lame duck come late November, December and early January.

Mitt Romney's campaign has raised $2 million off of Thursday's Supreme Court ruling on the healthcare law, an official said.

Romney's staff began the fundraising drive in reaction to the Supreme Court's decision to uphold President Obama's healthcare reform law, telling supporters in an email "the stakes couldn't be higher" in November.

"Today, the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare. But regardless of what the Court said about the constitutionality of the law, Obamacare is bad medicine, it is bad policy, and when I'm President, the bad news of Obamacare will be over," Romney wrote in the email.

According to campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul, the campaign has raised $2 million since the announcement was made at 10 a.m. Thursday morning. Saturday is the deadline for second-quarter fundraising.

In his email, Romney echoed the pledge he made in his statement responding to the ruling to work to overthrow the law if elected president.

Romney raises $2M off court ruling - The Hill's Blog Briefing Room
CaféAuLait;5532798 said:
Did Roberts change this game of chess between the Republicans and Democrats? He just declared Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, yet let it stand as a tax. Did he assure Obamacare’s repeal if the republicans gain a majority of 51, since it is now a tax, the democrats can’t filibuster, or am I wrong? Can the Catholic Church sue over Obamacare now being a tax over the contraception clause? The republicans can pull of sound bites of the democrats saying this is not a tax over and over for, what, two years? Now it is a tax. So is this a Trojan horse victory?

Very Simple...Obama will argue that it is a Pentalty leveraged on those who refuse to buy HC. The SC can say what it wants, but so can the Dems. I have Health Insurance and I will not pay the Pentalty....simple as that.

If you refuse to file or pay taxes over a period of time, you will pay the taxes....and a Pentalty. They are seperate. Not the Same
CaféAuLait;5532798 said:
Did Roberts change this game of chess between the Republicans and Democrats? He just declared Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, yet let it stand as a tax. Did he assure Obamacare’s repeal if the republicans gain a majority of 51, since it is now a tax, the democrats can’t filibuster, or am I wrong? Can the Catholic Church sue over Obamacare now being a tax over the contraception clause? The republicans can pull of sound bites of the democrats saying this is not a tax over and over for, what, two years? Now it is a tax. So is this a Trojan horse victory?

Very Simple...Obama will argue that it is a Pentalty leveraged on those who refuse to buy HC. The SC can say what it wants, but so can the Dems. I have Health Insurance and I will not pay the Pentalty....simple as that.

If you refuse to file or pay taxes over a period of time, you will pay the taxes....and a Pentalty. They are seperate. Not the Same

LOL It's a tax dummy. He just raised taxes on the middle class and you think it's a good thing. Wow!! Just Wow!! :walksawayshakinghead:
What does the High Court rulng on the Health Care law mean to Obama's re-election plans? A 5-4 loss would have sunk him, but will this help him in November?

means easy re-election. obama can say to romney in a debate, "my constitutional bill is a copy of yours on a national level."
CaféAuLait;5532798 said:
Did Roberts change this game of chess between the Republicans and Democrats? He just declared Obamacare unconstitutional under the Commerce clause, yet let it stand as a tax. Did he assure Obamacare’s repeal if the republicans gain a majority of 51, since it is now a tax, the democrats can’t filibuster, or am I wrong? Can the Catholic Church sue over Obamacare now being a tax over the contraception clause? The republicans can pull of sound bites of the democrats saying this is not a tax over and over for, what, two years? Now it is a tax. So is this a Trojan horse victory?

Very Simple...Obama will argue that it is a Pentalty leveraged on those who refuse to buy HC. The SC can say what it wants, but so can the Dems. I have Health Insurance and I will not pay the Pentalty....simple as that.

If you refuse to file or pay taxes over a period of time, you will pay the taxes....and a Pentalty. They are seperate. Not the Same

Yet the only way it was upheld was as a tax. Another major portion was struck down by a vote of 7-2:

The court did substantially limit a major piece of the law, one that expanded Medicaid, the joint federal-state program that provides health care to poor and disabled people. Seven justices agreed that Congress had exceeded its constitutional authority by coercing states into participating in the expansion by threatening them with the loss of existing federal payments.

HAHA ... right. The one guy who's actually done more to force people to buy health insurance than Obama.

We've been had folks. Unless people wake up and ... well nevermind that. Sheep to the slaughter.

Allow me to break this down for you logically, and then you may point out the flaw in my reasoning.

At this point it all depends on Congress. We'll need to elect reps and senators who will fight the mandate.

When it comes to the president, we're screwed pretty much equally whether Obama or Romney gets in. Which makes the rest of your argument sort of irrelevant,

but this part is an obvious error, so, for completeness sake:
If you vote third party ... it increases the probability of an Obama victory
Nope. Doesn't work that way. The only way for me to increase the chances of Obama winning is to vote for Obama.

Therefore, voting for Romney is undeniably the best course of action if your goal is the repeal of Obamacare

It's undeniably the worst. Romney has no principled objects to using government to herd people into the insurance industry pens. Even if he makes some token attempt to repeal PPACA, he'll pursue the same policy goals. I can't delude myself enough to make that obvious observation go away.

The reason it's actually slightly worse to vote for Romney is the aforementioned congressional opposition. The strongest opposition to the mandate will come from predominantly Republican reps. They'll be less likely to oppose Romney, whereas they will fight Obama at every turn.

If the Republicans get control of the Senate, and that is a big IF, they, along with the House, could repeal Obamacare. All Romney could do is keep his word and sign a bill repealing it. IF the Senate and the House did repeal it, Obama would merely veto it.

Based on your post, I assume you approve of the huge raise in taxes that was fraudulently passed by the Dems and Obama.
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What does the High Court rulng on the Health Care law mean to Obama's re-election plans? A 5-4 loss would have sunk him, but will this help him in November?

I have already heard from several Dems who are now voting Romney because of the ruling... just saying....

what fucking bullshit

Sweetie, I have talked to dozens of people today that were undecided, both Dem and Independents.............they sent their money to the Romney campaign today. You should see my Facebook page. :eek:
Obama has defeated America's two greatest enemies....Al Qaeda and the Republican Party.

wow, So you're saying all people who are Republicans are enemies?

and you're cowing about a President defeating them

You obamabots remind me of Jones town
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