What Do You Think?

I'm happily surprised to see people on this thread aren't totally trashing alternative energy.

My state started building our wind farms in the 90s. Now we have one of the largest in the nation.

It has given us the second lowest electric rates in the nation and made it possible to shutdown our coal fire plants.
Just wondering, do you use alternative energy to power your life Dana? Do you drive a car? Have any items you use daily derived from fossil sources?

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I bought my first hybrid car in 2001. At that time I made the decision to never buy a regular gas car again and I haven't. I've owned 4 hybrid cars thus far counting that first one.

Ok, that's fine for you...But, not everyone's needs fit neatly into a small hybrid box...I for one am glad that technology allows for powerful gas engines, and diesel engines to continue to meet the vast needs of all American's...If Hybrid works for you that's fine, but why do you want to denigrate those that need to use cars, or trucks that don't use that technology...

My state started building one of the largest wind farms in the nation in the 1990s. Now it's huge and all over the state. Windmills are being added every year. We also have solar farms.

My state has one coal fire plant left and it's being shutdown now. That plant provides energy for some farmers in the middle of nowhere in my state.

How much of the energy distributed to households in your state is generated by renewable sources, and how much of that is subsidized? If these technologies were viable in the market place, they wouldn't need government subsidies....

Natural gas is great, but people like you oppose drilling for this.

Normal people who live here in reality...

Are you trying to suggest that I don't 'live in reality'? Whatever that is supposed to mean.

I'm wondering if as a country anymore we can debate disagreements without personally attacking one another....It's sad.

...knows that no one gets their energy from only one source.

No one said that, especially not me...I am an all of the above kind of guy...BUT, if you are pushing for alternatives that can't stand on their own and provide reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy that this country needs to remain the super power we are, then you are advocating for the destruction of this country in my opinion....

Most areas generate energy from a variety of sources. So that there's room for alternatives with fossil fuels.

Agreed, and I think it is a good thing to experiment like we do to continue to find options...BUT, like I said, if they can't stand alone and compete, then they should fail like anything else in this world...Having me subsidies these follies is not remotely fair.

A person can use both fossil fuels and alternative sources.

Choice is freedom....You can use whatever you want. The problem is that you want to tell me what I must use...

If you want to be stuck in the 20th century and use only one source for your energy have at it and have a great time with it.

Yep, and If I want to be 'stuck in the 18th century' I should be able to, right? It's a free country, right?

I choose 21st century technology.

Good for you...You don't get a medal or a cookie for that you know....

It looks like not all conservatives are extremists like you

Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me an "extremist", It makes me free.

and see that using alternative energy is 21st century technology and they want to join the rest of us in the 21st century.

So, you're saying that some Republican's are 'Democrat light'...I agree.

You can catch up or be left behind in the dust.

Whatever dude...Meaningless catch phrases don't move me....
I've been reading this board for years.

I haven't seen one conservative here post one positive word about wind and solar farms. All I've seen is bashing. In fact there's one thread that proudly crows about some place that banned windmills.

I've been driving to Colorado. Today I went through Idaho. On I 84.

Idaho is one of the most conservative red states in the nation.

In the very first town across the border there's a good size solar farm.

As I drove farther on I 84 I encountered a few wind farms. Tons of windmills all over the place.

I'm in one of the larger cities in Idaho for the evening and as I drove into the hotel I passed businesses and houses with solar panels all over the roofs.

Since the conservatives here on this board have shown their distain for solar and wind farms, what do you think about all these conservatives here investing in solar and wind farms?

Not all Conservatives denounce Wind Power. I think it's a great Idea but making It Available to everyone without the Govt involved is the problem. when someone creates a viable wind engine that can be purchased by individual users like any other Appliance that can actually fully power (1) American home and be affordable to the general public , I'm all in. It has to be renewable, dependable, and repairable like a car, or other mechanical devices like furnaces air conditioners, don't forget recyclable, which are the major issues confronting Solar Panels. There are solutions they just haven't been found yet. Maybe the left shouldn't have supported Aborting children! One of them may have had the answer! :dance::thankusmile:

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