CDZ What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

Mr. H,

Care to deliver the points you wish to make via your own words?
You should not have to link to any article or anything for this level of conversation should you?

Are humans naturally aggressive? sometimes
Is that wrong? sometimes

See how that works?

Maybe you have some great points to bring to the discussion, please share.
Humans are naturally aggressive like men are naturally horny.
Huff compost is 1960's neocon BS.
I take exception to your particularly snide and combative remark in the CDZ.
My comment was neither snide nor combative. It was analytical and to the point and goes to the veracity of the source. It's still a debate zone after all.
Humans are naturally aggressive no matter what an outdated, 1960's counterculture propaganda outlet thinks.
I heartedly disagree. I believe you to be a cantankerous and exceptionally contrarian presence in this thread. Did you read my secondly-referenced post? It's from the "livescience" website.

And I'll ask you again, are you not a member of the Party that "believes in science". :dunno:
You can say you disagree all you want. But your disparaging responses prove the point about humans being naturally aggressive.
And of course I believe in science because there is no belief necessary. I also recognize myself as a layman and rely on experts. So I ultimately weigh the propaganda and make decisions accordingly. Theory is only theory. The more it is propagated the more I doubt its veracity.
Disintegration of structured families. From there everything else snowballs.

Agreed, that is certainly a problem. What is the root of that problem?
Could it be traced to material greed? you know, two working parents should equal more money, cars, vacations, etc. right?
At least that is one of the marketing schemes of such an agenda.

bait and switch...

Another portion of the scheme is "It takes a village", coupled with "You don't need a man"... now we have fatherless children raised by village idiots. Thanks commies!

But wait a minute... "capitalists" benefit from family disintegration too!
The more the labor pool is flooded, the cheaper the pool. So that promise of a "two parent income" is actually rendered useless. 'Cause with two parents the income potential is actually still the same, it is just split between the two parents! It's not like more money was created by the split, only more workers! Then one parent is removed while paying court costs. And the kids? well the village idiots can raise them! happy times for all!

See where all that promised income went?

So is it just commies? nope. Communism is just a red herring.
Communism vs. Capitalism is a controlled debate, they work together. There is a third way, a fourth way, a fifth, and even more.

So while it is agreed that family disintegration is certainly an immediate problem, why did it happen? What were the true driving forces?

Take a look at the history of usury. Which also ties into the whole "lack of responsibility" issue (another major problem, granted).

'anonymity as irresponsibility, quite a clever tactic to shut up those ideas which you care not to discuss... impressive.
I don't believe the cause for the breakdown of family structure is that calculated. I think it's more of an unexpected and underestimated byproduct of the changes to social mores post-1960's.
Since it began as something most acute among blacks I would surmise that welfare played a role. Feminism and feminist belligerence also has contributed. Since feminism and blackness have become constituency concerns of the democrat party the problem of unstructured families has exacerbated from democrat campaign propaganda.
Humans are naturally aggressive like men are naturally horny.
Huff compost is 1960's neocon BS.
I take exception to your particularly snide and combative remark in the CDZ.
My comment was neither snide nor combative. It was analytical and to the point and goes to the veracity of the source. It's still a debate zone after all.
Humans are naturally aggressive no matter what an outdated, 1960's counterculture propaganda outlet thinks.
I heartedly disagree. I believe you to be a cantankerous and exceptionally contrarian presence in this thread. Did you read my secondly-referenced post? It's from the "livescience" website.

And I'll ask you again, are you not a member of the Party that "believes in science". :dunno:
You can say you disagree all you want. But your disparaging responses prove the point about humans being naturally aggressive.
And of course I believe in science because there is no belief necessary. I also recognize myself as a layman and rely on experts. So I ultimately weigh the propaganda and make decisions accordingly. Theory is only theory. The more it is propagated the more I doubt its veracity.
It was you who began the confalgratory discourse with your curt comment. My responses are hardly disparaging. They are merely benign responses to your aggressive tact.
Forgive me, I am a bit puzzled by your response.
Is it not calculated? or is it a Democratic conspiracy for constituency?
And on that point, don't the Republican "capitalists" also benefit from the breakdown via cheap labor?

Further, It doesn't necessarily have to be calculated by some conspiracy does it? It can be just an observation, which of course certain... types... could either diffuse or inflame, right?

Most importantly, what is your understanding of usury?
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Humans are naturally aggressive like men are naturally horny.
Huff compost is 1960's neocon BS.
I take exception to your particularly snide and combative remark in the CDZ.
My comment was neither snide nor combative. It was analytical and to the point and goes to the veracity of the source. It's still a debate zone after all.
Humans are naturally aggressive no matter what an outdated, 1960's counterculture propaganda outlet thinks.
I heartedly disagree. I believe you to be a cantankerous and exceptionally contrarian presence in this thread. Did you read my secondly-referenced post? It's from the "livescience" website.

And I'll ask you again, are you not a member of the Party that "believes in science". :dunno:
You can say you disagree all you want. But your disparaging responses prove the point about humans being naturally aggressive.
And of course I believe in science because there is no belief necessary. I also recognize myself as a layman and rely on experts. So I ultimately weigh the propaganda and make decisions accordingly. Theory is only theory. The more it is propagated the more I doubt its veracity.
It was you who began the confalgratory discourse with your curt comment. My responses are hardly disparaging. They are merely benign responses to your aggressive tact.
I explained my points. You call them snide, combative and curt. I call them concise and explanatory.
Forgive me, I am a bit puzzled by your response.
Is it not calculated? or is it a Democratic conspiracy for constituency?
And on that point, don't the Republican "capitalists" also benefit from the breakdown via cheap labor?

Further, It doesn't necessarily have to be calculated by some conspiracy does it? It can be just an observation, which of course certain... types... could either diffuse or inflame, right?

Most importantly, what is your understanding of usury?
I think of usury as loan sharks. People who have already dug their own hole should be the only people vulnerable to loan sharks. Otherwise it's social Darwinism. Buyer beware, due diligence.
What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

Re-enforced institutionalized stupidity. As long as people are stupid enough to believe in sky fairies they can be told to believe ANYTHING.
While researching usury, note that there has been enormous pressure to change the meaning of the word from "loaning at interest" to "loaning at unreasonable interest". So, perhaps the term we should be looking into is "loaning at interest"? Which basically means charging for nothing at all... isn't that simply being a parasite?

Oh wait... when you borrow what you are not able to afford, then that means you are irresponsible! It certainly is not the responsibility of the money lender, no no NO! They are simply letting you use capital, which they tend to make up out of thin air. Oh well, you were the fool who allowed yourself to be a slave, right?

I mean if you want a job you have to check your credit score right? and if you don't have a credit score it's worse than a bad credit score right?
And if you want a "good" job you have to get student loans right? and if you don't have a credit score that is worse than no credit right?
And if you need somewhere to live, you need a credit check right? and if you don't have a credit score it's worse than no credit right?
So, unless the usurer gets money for nothing, you die.
And it's your own responsibility while the parasite laughs.

But think, where is the "responsibility" really lie in this scenario?
Is it on the person who needs to live, or on the parasite?

Then again...
Parasites are parasites, like the scorpion and the frog.
Maybe it is on the person after all? could it be the cultural collective who buys into the whole myth? Is that the problem?

Still, while the collective has bought into the myth, the parasite has collected an enormous amount of perceived capital. This is a huge problem no matter how you look at it.

Please think through this, very much interested in thoughts on this topic. They may very well tie into the other "problems" described.
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What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

Re-enforced institutionalized stupidity. As long as people are stupid enough to believe in sky fairies they can be told to believe ANYTHING.

To clarify, if someone is "wrong" about one topic, that means they are wrong on any topic? That just does not seem reasonable to me. Everyone is wrong at some point in time aren't they? That is part of being human. The cool thing is that we are able to learn from those mistakes!
The highest functioning societies are those where there is a strong sense of duty and social responsibility.

When duty and social responsibility are gone you're fucked.
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Wow!, with much sarcasm, you have delivered such an eloquent contribution to the discussion!

To clarify, your position on the problem is that humans do not behave like insects?
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What are your thoughts?
What do you think are the biggest problems affecting our society today, whether they be social, political, economic or otherwise? Why?
Personally I vote for
Impatience. People expect instant gratification.

P.S. I could elaborate but I'm too lazy to type it all out.
Social? Nobody sees anyone any more. Everyone is looking down at their phones or tablets. We are drifting further apart due to technology.

The other problem is the electoral vote. That needs to go bye bye.

Fear to speak because freedom of speech may be our right but you sure can lose your job, you house, your income, your everything because that freedom of speech might "offend" someone else.

Lousy administration that has no plans to uphold what the United States stands for or has in its amendments for rights i.e. immigration, the right to bear arms, etc.

That will do for a start.
What are your thoughts?
What do you think are the biggest problems affecting our society today, whether they be social, political, economic or otherwise? Why?
Personally I vote for
Impatience. People expect instant gratification.

P.S. I could elaborate but I'm too lazy to type it all out.
What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

Too much diversity
What do you think is the biggest problem in society today?

Too much diversity

Yes, I agree: homogeneity is key to national unity. "Diverse" societies are fatally divided against themselves. That's why Austria-Hungary collapsed, and why President Wilson pushed for homogeneous nation-states after World War I. The nations that are the most homogeneous now are the strongest (and that includes the rising Islamic states that are starting to make war on the whole rest of the world) and the weakest are those states letting mass immigrations of people of different cultures fragment their society.

The United States was very strong while culturally homogeneous: the "Melting Pot." Now that it's a chaos of different cultures, we are getting weaker and more divided all the time, and I predict a split into smaller, more homogeneous territories, smaller states.
What are your thoughts?
What do you think are the biggest problems affecting our society today, whether they be social, political, economic or otherwise? Why?
Personally I vote for
Impatience. People expect instant gratification.

P.S. I could elaborate but I'm too lazy to type it all out.
Biggest problem is people are stupid greedy and lazy. They could eliminate stupid and lazy by just showing up to vote. Then the politicians would care about "us" because they would worry about our votes.

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