What do you consider blasphemy

Father Time

I'll be Still Alive
Nov 29, 2008
What is your limits in terms of blasphemy or making fun of your religious figure of choice before you're offended? I've seen people get offended at the most trivial of things and yet other people defend what is clearly meant to be a tasteless jab at something. So I ask where do you draw the line.

Faith Fighter?
Faith Fighter

Bible Fight?
Bible Fight A Free Online Flash Game on [adult swim]

Raptor Jesus
raptor jesus - Google Image Search


Piss Christ:
Piss Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Muhammad cartoons

Or this (meant to be a parody of stickers on biology textbooks saying evolution is theory not fact that were put on there by school boards)


The flying spaghetti monster (parody of religions)

I'd like to know what it takes to cross people's individual threshold of being offended.
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Not sure.. To me, funny is funny, whether it's religion, getting old, being male, being female. I guess I draw the line at things that can truly cause other people direct, and irreversible harm. Ex: I don't think rape or murder is funny. I don't think any form of actual child abuse is funny.
Who was that supreme court justice who said that he couldn't define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it?
If you ever actually witness an act of blasphemy, you will know it.
I find "piss christ" to be offensive not simply because it is aimed at my faith, but because it was deliberately meant to offend people. I would have found it offensive if it had been "piss Muhammed" or "piss {chose your god}". I have no problem with art that makes fun of me, my beliefs or what have you, but when it is deliberately created to hurt people, I don't like it.

Art can be created that offends people without the intention of offending people. For instance, some muslims find any depiction of Muhammed to be offensive, yet someone might joke about Muhammed in a manner that was simply intended to be funny. Or another artist, can deliberately go out to offend people in a manner of cruelty rather than humor, such as Andres Serrano attempted to do.

Who was that supreme court justice who said that he couldn't define pornography, but he knew it when he saw it?
If you ever actually witness an act of blasphemy, you will know it.

Pretty much how I feel.

I did lol at the first pic in this thread (the YMCA one). Just found it . . . . funny. :)
I find "piss christ" to be offensive not simply because it is aimed at my faith, but because it was deliberately meant to offend people.

What if it had been "pickle juice Jesus"? It would have looked the same (albeit with a few floating cucumber seeds), but it would have be semi-drinkable.
i suppose i am probably wrong, but i don't see any of those as blasphemy....distasteful, sure.

i see blasphemy, as someone pretending to be God/godlike or taking credit as if a god, or worshiping someone or something as if it were god, such as money or a golden calf or skull and bones.
JB the flying spaghetti monster was originally made to mock the 'teach alternate theories' idea when it comes to creationism. It's since evolved into parody of religion in general.

Flying Spaghetti Monster - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I put those two games in because I've seen some religious groups (albeit probably small ones) complain about both of them (but then again you'll find religious groups complaining about Harry Potter).
JB the flying spaghetti monster was originally made to mock the 'teach alternate theories' idea when it comes to creationism. It's since evolved into parody of religion in general.

That is but falsities spread by the Deceiver, who manifests in many forms (disguising itself as Kthulu, mocking {FS}M's noodley goodness and as the evil SNIKTA, who rails against {FS}M's carbohydrate goodness and deceives man with the false religion of carnivarism, for instance). Even modern science testifies to the truth of (FS)M(-'theory') and the gentle vibration of his appendages (oft described as 'noodley', but known to some as 'SuperStrings)' in harmony to 'His' diving song (which reverberates through the 10 knowable dimensions of 'His' creation and has been heard and interpreted as a 'heavenly' choir by christians and a song of 'angels' that created the earth by Tolkien, who sadly only know but part of the greatness of {FS}M)

I have explained this before ;)

The Prophet has simply refused to correct these lies and further attest to the reality of (FS)M out of devotion, in accordance with the first and seventh IRRYD's

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Blastphemous - grossly irreverent toward what is held to be sacred.

Doesn't what one holds to be sacred the key to this question?

I'm some kind of believer but I cannot think of anything that is sacred enough for me to care if a non-believer mocks it.

Seems to me if something is really endowed with the power of GOD, it can withstand mockery and derision without losing its sacred power.

I know this flies in the face of what many believers think about GOD, but from my perspective, most believers don't believe in a GOD.

What I sense most believers really believe in some kind of anthropomorphic GOD (complete with all the personality defects of a man) only with the powers of GOD.

I mean, come on now... a jealous GOD?

Jealous of what?!

An Angry God?

Angry with what?

None of that disfunctionally emotional blather that is ascribed to most people's GODs really jibes with my concept of a GOD.

That description is really the description of a far less than perfect human being with a lot of power.
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I think it's blasphemous to depict jesus on a cross in his undies. He was up there for a few days, do you think that by the time he died he had to have crapped at least a few times in his diaper thinggy?
What is your limits in terms of blasphemy or making fun of your religious figure of choice before you're offended? I've seen people get offended at the most trivial of things and yet other people defend what is clearly meant to be a tasteless jab at something. So I ask where do you draw the line.

Faith Fighter?
Faith Fighter

Bible Fight?
Bible Fight A Free Online Flash Game on [adult swim]

Raptor Jesus
raptor jesus - Google Image Search


Piss Christ:
Piss Christ - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Muhammad cartoons

Or this (meant to be a parody of stickers on biology textbooks saying evolution is theory not fact that were put on there by school boards)


The flying spaghetti monster (parody of religions)

I'd like to know what it takes to cross people's individual threshold of being offended.

This is a fait question, and one I believe we might all need to evaluate in our lives.

For me, I think the first factor as to where the line is may be related to my current attitude or mood. We are offended easier when we are already in a bad mood, and we tend to take lightly such offenses when we are in good spirits.

The second factor is how we understand or perceive the intention of the comments. If we perceive them as being just plain old ignorant, I believe we find it easier to just laugh and overlook it. If we perceive it to be an intentional defaming of our faith, personality, or beliefs, we might easily address it as offensive. Once again, how harshly we address it might be effected by our current mood or attitude.

I think a very good approach to take is to recognize that if sdomething is said with intent to offend, it is perfectly appropriate to respond with the truth as we know it. Truth is a double edged sword. It may make a massive and hurting wound, or it may be a fine surgical wound for the purpose of helping remove something that is causing damage.

There are many blasphemers here on this board, and on all of them. Most of it is done intentionally, but at the same most of it is also done out of "ignorance," (a lack of information).

I do get offended when it is about my faith, or God, etc. I don't mind responding with truth from the book they usually blaspheme.
smartt, are you offended of my depiction of jesus on the cross in his underwear or a diaper? Because that's what it looks like, and common practise back then was to put a diaper on the people who were cruxified so that there wasn't shit and piss all over the place, since it could sometimes takes several days for them to die. Or did jesus crap and piss himself on the cross?
I find "piss christ" to be offensive not simply because it is aimed at my faith, but because it was deliberately meant to offend people.

What if it had been "pickle juice Jesus"? It would have looked the same (albeit with a few floating cucumber seeds), but it would have be semi-drinkable.

As Smart33 said, I think it is all in how you interpret the "art". Cucumber juice (switch that to beer and it would be indistinquishable) probably would not have offended me, but the intent by naming it "piss Christ" was evident. It was meant to insult. That is what offends me. I do not go out of my way to insult anyone's faith or lack thereof. I do not believe others should either.

Andres Serrano was attempting to insult people. That is rude as far as I am concerned.

i suppose i am probably wrong, but i don't see any of those as blasphemy....distasteful, sure.

i see blasphemy, as someone pretending to be God/godlike or taking credit as if a god, or worshiping someone or something as if it were god, such as money or a golden calf or skull and bones.

You are correct in your definition of blasphemy, but the question was twofold and included something about what offends you. I was answering it as what do I find offensive. Blasphemous would be something about attributing oneself as being God.

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i suppose i am probably wrong, but i don't see any of those as blasphemy....distasteful, sure.

i see blasphemy, as someone pretending to be God/godlike or taking credit as if a god, or worshiping someone or something as if it were god, such as money or a golden calf or skull and bones.

Were both Moses and his brother Aaron guilty of blasphemy?

I heard Moses claimed he produced water from the rock, so God wouldn't let him into Canaan... and Aaron rocked the Golden Calf when Moses was up on the Harma (Mountain) receiving the ten commandments.
This is mostly my memories and guesswork... anyone know the actual details?
Blasphemy or heresy to me, as someone who values Buddhist teachings, would be untrue statements that are harmful, such as confusing Judeo Christian or Islamic concepts or principles such as 'an eye for an eye' with Buddhism.
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