What do you believe is the bigger threat to human life in America?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Terrorism or cancer? Only a few dozen die from islamic terrorism yearly in the united states but it is given 200 times more money to fight it. Cancer kills over a million per year and is probably 300,000 times more costly on our economy to treat and causes tons of debt.

Why not fight it with the same level of facial backing on the research front? It is much more deadly and much more home hitting for Americans.
You really think the cure for cancer hasn't been discovered and suppressed? Dude, you are totally naive. Frequencies, dude.......it's all about frequencies....it can destroy healthy and unhealthy cells based on what they wish to accomplish. Do you honestly believe that the global elites want people living longer? SMH.......
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You really think the cure for cancer hasn't been discovered and suppressed? Dude, you are totally naive. Frequencies, dude.......it's all about frequencies....it can destroy healthy and unhealthy cells based on what they wish to accomplish. Do you honestly believe that the global elites want people living longer? SMH.......

How could we accomplish this without becoming Amish?
Terrorism or cancer? Only a few dozen die from islamic terrorism yearly in the united states but it is given 200 times more money to fight it. Cancer kills over a million per year and is probably 300,000 times more costly on our economy to treat and causes tons of debt.

Why not fight it with the same level of facial backing on the research front? It is much more deadly and much more home hitting for Americans.
Both are nasty.
Don't like the choices so I'll add:
combination of
Complacency, Ignorance, and Procrastination,
basically everything we did to bring us to where we are at today complaining about everything pushed onto this moment by the above afflictions.
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How could we accomplish this without becoming Amish?

What's wrong with being Amish?

Terrorism or cancer? Only a few dozen die from islamic terrorism yearly in the united states but it is given 200 times more money to fight it. Cancer kills over a million per year and is probably 300,000 times more costly on our economy to treat and causes tons of debt.

Why not fight it with the same level of facial backing on the research front? It is much more deadly and much more home hitting for Americans.

I'd say drug abuse and addiction.

Because it not only affects life and health of the people directly suffering addiction,
but is killing relationships, work productivity and community,
general health and safety with crime rates including gang and trafficking that is fed by drug demands,
so it puts family, friends and community members at risk.

Also incidentally Matthew
the same therapy, healing and recovery process that works to cure the cause of addiction
ALSO has been used to cure spiritual blockages affecting
* cancer
* diabetes
* heart, kidney and other organ damage or disease
* mental and criminal illness
* other manifestations of physical or social ills, including unhealthy relationships and communities

So by addressing the cause and cure of
then all other social physical mental and even criminal ills
can also be addressed, reduced, corrected or prevented.

So that covers more of the spectrum in terms of addressing the root cause to cure it.
Mental and Medical treatments are still necessary IN ADDITION to the spiritual therapy to root out the base causes.

But addressing the root cause OPENS the door and MAXIMIZES the effectiveness of the mental and medical treatment and resources in successful recovery and cure.
We seem to be unable to address the many problems that confront us and try to pretend they don't exist. How long can we avoid addressing problems like the debt?


Cancer is curable, stupidity isn't.

And lets not forget like the chapter in my book, there is a Cancer Cell society (terrorist).
WHEN REMOVING CANCER, sometimes good cells get killed(friendly fire) in going after targeted bad cancer cells, but it's for the
benefit of the body as a whole to survive.
NOW take that precept and apply it to policies, sometimes innocents are in the way targeting non innocent bad cells, but it's a necessary sacrifice to protect the body(nation) as a whole.
Terrorism or cancer? Only a few dozen die from islamic terrorism yearly in the united states but it is given 200 times more money to fight it. Cancer kills over a million per year and is probably 300,000 times more costly on our economy to treat and causes tons of debt.

Why not fight it with the same level of facial backing on the research front? It is much more deadly and much more home hitting for Americans.

Terrorists couldn't kill me and neither could the cancer. Blessings upon you mere mortals. :afro:
Eliminate wasteful funding for pseudo-sciences such as climatology and appropriate those billions of dollars to worthwhile real scientific studies such as oncology.
Unfortunately cancer is a biological process it's not the government's job to do anything about it, unless they give tax breaks to companies researching cures, I'd be all for that. It is the Government's job to protect its citizens against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
Unfortunately cancer is a biological process it's not the government's job to do anything about it, unless they give tax breaks to companies researching cures, I'd be all for that. It is the Government's job to protect its citizens against all enemies both foreign and domestic.
What total bullshit you post.

The Constitution of the United States

The Constitution of the United States

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Preamble to the United States Constitution

If it promotes the general welfare of the population of the United States of America, it is the government's job.

Republicans are the biggest threat. Not just to America, but as Trump has proven in these last two weeks, the entire world.

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