What criteria is MAGA and please provide links

Captain Caveman

Platinum Member
Jun 14, 2020
Making America Great has been used by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

I see the term gets thrown around a lot, and in a million situations and scenarios. So what's the criteria/rules that makes up MAGA, and you need to supply the evidence by using links please. Baseless statements and hot air rants are of no use to man or beast.

And what was the criteria under Reagan and Clinton, did all three differ, or just one?

When it's used, I just see it's usage as accurate as the worn out word Racist.
Making America Great has been used by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

I see the term gets thrown around a lot, and in a million situations and scenarios. So what's the criteria/rules that makes up MAGA, and you need to supply the evidence by using links please. Baseless statements and hot air rants are of no use to man or beast.

And what was the criteria under Reagan and Clinton, did all three differ, or just one?

When it's used, I just see it's usage as accurate as the worn out word Racist.

This is it's current iteration. Seems pretty accurate to me. What isn't mentioned specifically although implied very strongly as a characteristic, is fealty to Trump, although I think that's if anything a mild way to put it.

As to your other questions. Yes they all are different, because there's a fundamental difference of opinion as to what makes America great. Especially between Reagan and Clinton on the one hand and what Trump espouses.

"Shining city on a hill." And Muslim bans don't mix to give just one example.
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How about just using eyesight and immediate general comprehension ?

Visiting chat sites might also help .

This is it's current iteration. Seems pretty accurate to me. What isn't mentioned specifically although implied very strongly as a characteristic, is fealty to Trump, although I think that's if anything a mild way to put it.

As to your other questions. Yes they all are different, because there's a fundamental difference of opinion as to what makes America great. Especially between Reagan and Clinton on the one hand and what Trump espouses.

"Shining city on a hill." And Muslim bans don't mix to give just one example.
So with New York buckling under immigration and wanting less, they're MAGA too?

And is France MAGA also -

Reading through the link, many countries have already been doing what is classed as MAGA under Trump, if not, to a greater extent. So is MAGA classed as bad in America, and why?

Anyone interested in why Poland doesn't get many problems with immigrants/Muslims should research it. It would be called MPGA.
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So with New York buckling under immigration and wanting less, they're MAGA too?

And is France MAGA also -

You asked a very specific question. A question I addressed in every respect. I gave one example to illustrate my point. It is by no means the only example or the only point I could have used to illustrate the specific differences between MAGA as used today and Clinton and Reagan respectively.

If you disagree with the definition of MAGA or how it was defined by the others feel free to say what they are and I'll adress them.

What I'm not going to do is point out every difference between specific countries or States and MAGA that have said or done anything that is in line with some characteristics of the MAGA movement.

That would simply derail the OP you started.
You asked a very specific question. A question I addressed in every respect. I gave one example to illustrate my point. It is by no means the only example or the only point I could have used to illustrate the specific differences between MAGA as used today and Clinton and Reagan respectively.

If you disagree with the definition of MAGA or how it was defined by the others feel free to say what they are and I'll adress them.

What I'm not going to do is point out every difference between specific countries or States and MAGA that have said or done anything that is in line with some characteristics of the MAGA movement.

That would simply derail the OP you started.
It's ok, I was just asking further information, normally how debates go. One question, one reply debates doesn't get far. Sorry I complicated it further by referencing some of link detail to other countries.
It's ok, I was just asking further information, normally how debates go. One question, one reply debates doesn't get far. Sorry I complicated it further by referencing some of link detail to other countries.
If that one question is answered and the person asking the question can't rebut, that's exactly how debates go. And providing the question is asked in good faith I usually don't mind shifting the premise. Here though the question isn't asked in good faith.

The idea that France is MAGA because they are cracking down on immigration is ridiculous. If for no other reason that the French aren't you know... Americans. The same goes for NY. Feel free to go to Manhattan and tell someone they are part of MAGA see what response you get.

What you did was focus on a single issue that is defined as MAGA. Used it to draw a false equivalency. And hope I go down in the rabbit hole with you.

That's not debating.
Probably why you guys are showing/applying it in millions of different ways.
Apologies .
Did not appreciate you are handicapped .
I feel for people who need to find ways to have everything "sign posted " .
Of course , it saves time having to think . Just what Americans need
Making America Great has been used by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

I see the term gets thrown around a lot, and in a million situations and scenarios. So what's the criteria/rules that makes up MAGA, and you need to supply the evidence by using links please. Baseless statements and hot air rants are of no use to man or beast.

And what was the criteria under Reagan and Clinton, did all three differ, or just one?

When it's used, I just see it's usage as accurate as the worn out word Racist.

MAGA is the opposite of "globalism."
Making America Great has been used by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

I see the term gets thrown around a lot, and in a million situations and scenarios. So what's the criteria/rules that makes up MAGA, and you need to supply the evidence by using links please. Baseless statements and hot air rants are of no use to man or beast.

And what was the criteria under Reagan and Clinton, did all three differ, or just one?

When it's used, I just see it's usage as accurate as the worn out word Racist.
Trump's MAGA is the slogan to force traditional hierarchies and gender roles on America.
Reagan's MAGA was used to peddle neoliberalism as the reigning economic theory.
Clinton's MAGA wasn't linked to specific policy objectives, just campaign talk.
Making America Great has been used by Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and Donald Trump.

I see the term gets thrown around a lot, and in a million situations and scenarios. So what's the criteria/rules that makes up MAGA, and you need to supply the evidence by using links please. Baseless statements and hot air rants are of no use to man or beast.

And what was the criteria under Reagan and Clinton, did all three differ, or just one?

When it's used, I just see it's usage as accurate as the worn out word Racist.

Not your problem, Limey.

Making America Great began with us kicking your shithole nation's ass in two wars, to establish then and forever that nothing about how we run our country is any business of you British filth.
MAGA is pro constitution, pro freedom, pro worker, pro national security (border), pro law enforcement, pro equality, pro American dream, pro equal protection under the law, pro fair elections, pro tariff to protect our workers and pro smaller govt, not necessarily in that order. They're antiwar, anti high taxes, anti large government, anti-government overreach, anti-globalism, anti equity, anti stupid trade agreements and anti excessive immigration. Our country was much better off when Trump was using these guidelines. MAGA
Check out my signature on clichés. You just nailed one.

Your signature only reinforces my point.

There's a very good reason why the troops that Britain sent to oppress us, tried to confiscate our guns. And that was a very good reason for us to begin the rebellion, to kill as many of you British filth as we could, and to drive the rest out of our country.

Like your fellow British faggot, Tainted Tommy, the only useful purpose that you ever serve here is to remind us Americans why we kicked you British filth out of our country, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this very day.
Your signature only reinforces my point.

There's a very good reason why the troops that Britain sent to oppress us, tried to confiscate our guns. And that was a very good reason for us to begin the rebellion, to kill as many of you British filth as we could, and to drive the rest out of our country.

Like your fellow British faggot, Tainted Tommy, the only useful purpose that you ever serve here is to remind us Americans why we kicked you British filth out of our country, and to show us that our reasons for having done so remain at least as valid to this very day.
Check out my signature on clichés, you nailed quite a few, lol.

Bob Cliché, lol.
Check out my signature on clichés, you nailed quite a few, lol.
Bob Cliché, lol.

You started this thread, for no other purpose than to stick your filthy British nose in America's business, where no filthy British nose has any right to be.

Go fuck yourself.

You started this thread, for no other purpose than to stick your filthy British nose in America's business, where no filthy British nose has any right to be.

Go fuck yourself.
No, it's you derailing with the usual nonsensical clichés. It was to get a handle on what MAGA is all about and you're having anger hissy fits.

If you can't debate the op, then you're neither use nor ornament.

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