What Constitutes Racism To You?

Do you consider racism a problem today?

  • Yes, it's a big problem.

    Votes: 10 47.6%
  • Yes, it's there, but not a big problem today.

    Votes: 5 23.8%
  • There's just the right of racism that exists today.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No, racism is mostly a thing of the past, barely a problem today.

    Votes: 6 28.6%
  • No, racism actually never existed. Much less today.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Aug 12, 2009
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Racists who go out of their way in pathetic attempts to prove others are racist.


America is so darn racist, we may never have a real America black as President; we may have to settle for the cheap "Born in Kenya" knockoff
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

“There’s just the right amount of racism that exists today”? LOL

IMO anyone who answers anything but the top-most choice needs a reality check.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

The true meaning of racism is: policies or actions that would negatively impact an entire RACE of people.

It is impossible for any one person to be racist.
It is nearly impossible for any government to be racist.

What exists today is prejudice and discrimination.
Liberals have bastardized the meaning of racism because saying someone was prejudiced wasn't working.
People have an inherent right to be prejudiced.
Discrimination is primarily a natural self-defense mechanism.
Also an inherent individual right.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

It’s a fair question, but the answer is very difficult to determine. In my personal life I don’t see racism. The only exposure I have to it is thru the news and social media, and with the preponderance of both of those, it is easy to assume there is more racism. The liberal mainstream media loves to report on racism, and real racist now have many social media conduits to voice there racism.

My conclusion- I have no personal evidence to suggest there is increasing racism, but I suspect most people think there is more due to the reasons (liberal media, social media) previously stated.

I would ask the OP, as a black man, do you experience more racism in your personal interactions outside of social media (like this forum) and news media?
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Clearly, if one is to read the posts and threads on this message board, racism is a big problem in America today.

Most of us naively believed our nation had turned the corner and the vast majority supported equal rights for all of our citizens, and then Obama was elected and the insecure haters came out of the closet.

Racism, hate and fear are passed on generation to generation and that is not limited only to the our country. It's been more than half a century, since Truman integrated our armed forces, Brown v. BofEd and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. It seems the Right / Republican Party soon after 1969 began to walk back equal rights for all of our citizens.

There is one "personality" who I'll not name who claims the Democrats (moderate, liberal, progressive) are regressive, a made up word to counter the FACT that the Republican Party has become Reactionary, i.e. far right.

There are other "personalities" who claim the victims of Jim Crow laws and discrimination are the very minorities who have been and are the victims racism, once again an example of the #1 excuse of the far right, that is to claim Democrats are the real racists who hold back those in the protective classes.

And that brings us up to date and how Trumpism has inflamed an already divided nation with his overt and covert intentional effort to create more and more hate and fear.
The poll question doesn't jibe with the poll choices. Given the poll choices, the proper question would be: How prevalent do you feel racism is?

The proper poll choices for the question in the OP would be:

* Referring to people of other races with derogatory terms such as ni**er.
* Ascribing certain traits and characteristics to an entire race.
* The idea that other races are inferior to your own such as "Whites are the weaker race".

For me the answer would be: All of the above.
First you have to stop being racist and meet for a beer.

How did Obama's infamous "Beer Summit" work out?

Republicans and other assorted rightwingers slapped him down for trying to reach out. Remember?
Racism is the fallacious belief that mankind is broken up into genetic categories where some are inferior to others.
It’s a fair question, but the answer is very difficult to determine. In my personal life I don’t see racism. The only exposure I have to it is thru the news and social media, and with the preponderance of both of those, it is easy to assume there is more racism. The liberal mainstream media loves to report on racism, and real racist now have many social media conduits to voice there racism.

My conclusion- I have no personal evidence to suggest there is increasing racism, but I suspect most people think there is more due to the reasons (liberal media, social media) previously stated.

I would ask the OP, as a black man, do you experience more racism in your personal interactions outside of social media (like this forum) and news media?
Why is the answer difficult?

Is it because you live a totally white existence, free from any and all interactions w/blacks and/or other minorities?

Let's face it, racism is basically whites vs blacks. Minorities either side w/one or the other, and most w/sense opt to side w/whites, since they clearly see that blacks are oppressed, and nobody wants to a part of that.

Remember the white guy that screamed "You're treating me like a black person!!!" when he was being arrested? Proof of what I'm talking about.
This question is directed, mostly, to the self-professed conservatives, Republicans and other assorted rightwingers.

Well, Marc, I do find your racism to be annoying, but the real problem as I see it is that you are allowed to be as racist as you want whereas white people are scrutinized for even the tiniest trace thereof.

You might as well rally against alcoholism while drinking 4 bottles of Bacardi a day.
The true meaning of racism is: policies or actions that would negatively impact an entire RACE of people.

It is impossible for any one person to be racist.
It is nearly impossible for any government to be racist.

What exists today is prejudice and discrimination.
Liberals have bastardized the meaning of racism because saying someone was prejudiced wasn't working.
People have an inherent right to be prejudiced.
Discrimination is primarily a natural self-defense mechanism.
Also an inherent individual right.
No it's not.

Just going on YOUR definition of racism.

If an individual is ignoring and/or not actively fighting against policies that negatively impact an entire RACE of people, guess what they're doing....?

Engaging in racism.

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Well, Marc, I do find your racism to be annoying, but the real problem as I see it is that you are allowed to be as racist as you want whereas white people are scrutinized for even the tiniest trace thereof.

You might as well rally against alcoholism while drinking 4 bottles of Bacardi a day.
The question in the OP sir is what do YOU deem as racist.

You called me racist, but you still haven't defined what it is, to you, so...

I'd like an answer regarding that.
The true meaning of racism is: policies or actions that would negatively impact an entire RACE of people.

It is impossible for any one person to be racist.
It is nearly impossible for any government to be racist.

What exists today is prejudice and discrimination.
Liberals have bastardized the meaning of racism because saying someone was prejudiced wasn't working.
People have an inherent right to be prejudiced.
Discrimination is primarily a natural self-defense mechanism.
Also an inherent individual right.
No it's not.

Just going on YOUR definition of racism.

If an individual is ignoring and/or not actively fighting against policies that negatively impact an entire RACE of people, guess what they're doing....?

Engaging in racism.

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Give me an example of a real life policy that effects every black person on the planet.

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