What Book Are You?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/atojjr.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>A Theory of Justice</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by John Rawls</font><br>
<i><font size="3">In the beginning, you lived in a town. The town had many problems!
Rather than moving, you decided to come up with the idea for the best town ever. Going
all the way back to the original position, you created the idea for the best town ever!
Lo and behold, the best town ever looked almost identical to the town you lived in. You
decided to stay in the town. Now you resent people mistaking your refined thought
experiments for &quot;the wall of stupidity&quot; in high school debate
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>
Oh yeah Baby!


<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/uk.gif"> <br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're
the United Kingdom!<br>
<i><font size="3">You're a much weaker person than you used to be, but you still
act like you did when everyone looked up to you. &nbsp;Despite this, you're
probably a better person than you were when you had so much power over those
around you. &nbsp;Though you do have a strange fascination with jewels and monarchs,
which lets you play in castles, but also end up leading a sort of tabloid lifestyle.
&nbsp;You really like the Beatles, even more than you like Oasis.</font><br><font size="2"
face="Times New Roman">Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country
Quiz</a> at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/shh.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>Siddhartha</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Hermann Hesse</font><br>
<i><font size="3">You simply don't know what to believe, but you're willing to try
anything once. Western values, Eastern values, hedonism and minimalism, you've spent
some time in every camp. But you still don't have any idea what camp you belong in.
This makes you an individualist of the highest order, but also really lonely. It's
time to chill out under a tree. And realize that at least you believe in
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/mdvw.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>Mrs. Dalloway</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Virginia Woolf</font><br>
<i><font size="3">Your life seems utterly bland and normal to the casual observer, but
inside you are churning with a million tensions and worries. The company you surround
yourself with may be shallow, but their effects upon your reality are tremendously deep.
To stay above water, you must try to act like nothing's wrong, but you know that the
truth is catching up with you. You're not crazy, you're just a little unwell. But no
doctor can help you now.</font><br>
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>

Theim: :smoke: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/thgttgda.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Douglas Adams</font><br>
<i><font size="3">Considered by many to be one of the funniest people around, you are
quite an entertainer. You've also traveled to the far reaches of what you deem possible,
often confused and unsure of yourself. Life continues to jostle you around like a marble,
but it's shown you so much of the world that you don't care. Wacky adventures continue to
lie ahead. Your favorite number is 42.</font><br>
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cfsm.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>Compassion Fatigue</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Susan Moeller</font><br>
<i><font size="3">You used to care, but now it's just getting too difficult. You cared
about the plight of people in lands near and far, but now the media has bombarded you
with images of suffering to the point that you just don't have the energy to go on.
You've become cold and heartless, as though you'd lived in New York City for a year or
so. But you stand as a serious example to all others that they should turn off their TV
sets and start caring again.</font><br>
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>

I can relate! :D
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/viet.gif"><br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're Vietnam!<br>
<i><font size="3">After years of muddling through on your own, you've finally repaired
yourself to a point of respectability. &nbsp;You would have been much better off had
people you didn't like not kept insisting on spending so much time with you. &nbsp;But
those times are fading quickly and these days you're pretty sure you won't get burned.
&nbsp;Star power!</font><br><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take
the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at the <a
href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>

Ok, now this is just starting to get creepy! :D

You're Cat's Cradle!
by Kurt Vonnegut
You believe quite firmly that free will deserted you long ago and far away. As a result, it's hard to take responsibility for anything. Even though you show great potential as a leader of a small 3rd world country, the choices are all made ahead of time. You're rather fond of games involving string. Your fear of nuclear weaponry is trumped only by your fear of ice. :eek:

China! WTF!! This quiz is fixed, I swear!
You're China!
Big and powerful, you have a long history behind you with more good and bad than you care to remember, or are really capable of remembering. Lately, in older age, you've gotten sort of crochety and even mean-spirited. There is still a lot that's beautiful about you, but most of the focus people have when they think about you is how hard it is to work with you. There's hope that you might start opening up to people, but lots of people have bumper stickers about how much you should change.
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/thgttgda.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Douglas Adams</font><br>
<i><font size="3">Considered by many to be one of the funniest people around, you are
quite an entertainer. You've also traveled to the far reaches of what you deem possible,
often confused and unsure of yourself. Life continues to jostle you around like a marble,
but it's shown you so much of the world that you don't care. Wacky adventures continue to
lie ahead. Your favorite number is 42.</font><br>
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/c2jh.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>Catch-22</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Joseph Heller</font><br>
<i><font size="3">Incredibly witty and funny, you have a taste for irony in all that you
see. It seems that life has put you in perpetually untenable situations, and your sense
of humor is all that gets you through them. These experiences have also made you an
ardent pacifist, though you present your message with tongue sewn into cheek. You
could coin a phrase that replaces the word &quot;paradox&quot; for millions of
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>
Ooh. And now that the book quiz proved I'm sorta crazy, the country quiz says:

<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/libya.gif"><br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're Libya!<br>
<i><font size="3">It seems that these days, you just say things to get attention.
&nbsp;Shock value is the really important thing for you now. &nbsp;You used to have
a cause, and this made you seem like a threat to the established order, but now you
just want to say wacky stuff once in a while. &nbsp;Air travel doesn't really mesh
with your lifestyle, and you'd probably scare the security guards somehow
anyway.</font><br><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take
the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at the <a
href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>
Hey Cool!

<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/usa.gif"> <br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're
the United States of America!<br>
<i><font size="3">You were probably a big bully in school, and odds are that
you're still a big bully. &nbsp;You make promises that you break, you manipulate
everyone around you, and you're awfully materialistic. &nbsp;On the other hand,
you're pretty inventive and have a really good sense of justice. &nbsp;You just
never get around to applying the idea of justice to yourself. &nbsp;Incredible
potential remains yours to take advantage of.</font><br><font size="2"
face="Times New Roman">Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country
Quiz</a> at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/ire.gif"><br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're Ireland!<br>
<i><font size="3">Mystical and rain-soaked, you remain mysterious to many people, and this
makes you intriguing. &nbsp;You also like a good night at the pub, though many are just as
worried that you will blow up the pub as drink your beverage of choice. &nbsp;You're good
with words, remarkably lucky, and know and enjoy at least fifteen ways of eating a potato.
&nbsp;You really don't like snakes.</font><br><font size="2" face="Times New
Roman">Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at
the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>

(They're wrong about snakes.)
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/tkamhl.jpg"><br>
<font face="Georgia, Georgia Ref, Book Antiqua, Garamond" size="5">
You're <i>To Kill a Mockingbird</i>!<br>
<font size="4">by Harper Lee</font><br>
<i><font size="3">Perceived as a revolutionary and groundbreaking person, you have
changed the minds of many people. While questioning the authority around you, you've
also taken a significant amount of flack. But you've had the admirable guts to
persevere. There's a weird guy in the neighborhood using dubious means to protect you,
but you're pretty sure it's worth it in the end. In the end, it remains unclear to you
whether finches and mockingbirds get along in real life.</font><br>
<font size="2" face="Times New Roman"></i>
Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/bquiz.htm">Book Quiz</a>
at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a>.</font></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/chile.gif"><br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're Chile!<br>
<i><font size="3">You're really skinny, and kind of bumpy in frame, but you're not as
rough a person as you used to be. &nbsp;You like long, long, long walks on the beach and
avoiding having your rights violated, just like anybody else does. &nbsp;You're even
willing to stand up to those with more power and influence than you, trying to bring them
to justice. &nbsp;Fight the man!</font><br><font size="2" face="Times New Roman">Take
the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country Quiz</a> at the <a
href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>
<p><img src="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/tex.gif"> <br>
<font face="Georgia Ref, Verdana, Eurostile, Tahoma, Arial" size="5">You're Texas!<br>
<i><font size="3">You aren't really much of your own person, but everyone around
you wishes you'd go away, so you might as well be independent. &nbsp;You're
sort of loud-mouthed and abrasive, but you do have a fair amount of power. &nbsp;You
like big trucks, big cattle, and big oil rigs. &nbsp;And sometimes you really
smell. &nbsp;But it's not all bad, you're big enough to have some soft spots
somewhere in all that redneck madness.</font><br><font size="2"
face="Times New Roman">Take the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org/ia/cquiz.htm">Country
Quiz</a> at the <a href="http://bluepyramid.org">Blue Pyramid</a></font></i></font></p>
Said1 said:

China! WTF!! This quiz is fixed, I swear!
You're China!
Big and powerful, you have a long history behind you with more good and bad than you care to remember, or are really capable of remembering. Lately, in older age, you've gotten sort of crochety and even mean-spirited. There is still a lot that's beautiful about you, but most of the focus people have when they think about you is how hard it is to work with you. There's hope that you might start opening up to people, but lots of people have bumper stickers about how much you should change.

Thats cause your sorta---- split---

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