Another loss.....

Two years ago I had a heart attack. I thought it was just gas and indigestion cause I had none of the classic signs. In fact if I burped the discomfort went away. It bothered me for three days and I finally decided to go get it checked out. Due to his age I'm sure no one even dreamed he could be having heart problems. That indigestion feeling can really fool you.
Being a friend of the family, and having been through the loss of another friends child less than 2 months ago....this is really difficult!

Very hard to put in perspective!
Please, please give my condolences to the family. Any to you as well.
Fmr jarhead said:
Being a friend of the family, and having been through the loss of another friends child less than 2 months ago....this is really difficult!

Very hard to put in perspective!

Condolences and my prayers to all. Too hard to understand the incomprehensible. Sounds like such a wonderful family though.
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