What are Women's Rights Groups in the U.S. - saying about Palin?

Someone at work just pointed out to me that Chaney's daughter also had a child out of wedlock. How come you guys don't practice what you preach?
because even when you teach them the right way, sometimes kids dont always do it
And just because a baby isn't planned doesn't mean we get to kill it..and teaching our children that it's okay to do so is irresponsible and creates and atmosphere where life means nothing.

And lefties wonder why our inner cities are such a mess. It's your mess, go lie in it.
We do practice what we preach. If you get pregnant, you deal with the consequences of a baby.

I thought Cheney's daughter was a lesbian? Are you sure she didn't choose to have a child with her lesbian lover, and wasn't artificially inseminated by an unwilling doctor being held at gunpoint?

Clearly, Palin is practicing her parental role in getting the ABSTINENCE ONLY point across, eh?
what can i say i am a giving woman...you can have him lol...come on...he is more republican than democrat....

You know, I manage to always be wrong about the sex of posters, unless they make it really obvious.
I didn't know you were a woman!
Once again. Nobody has ever claimed there's a policy that will eradicate forever unexpected or teen pregnancy.

But, once again, it's STUPID to teach kids it's "okay" when in reality it's #1, illegal, and #2, dangerous, and #3, can result in an unplanned pregnancy....which means a child.

Note there are three reasons, not just one.

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