Is Obama the answer?
He can be part of it if we join him. C'mon folks! He is the first presidential candidate with a serious shot at the White House in my memory who has even mentioned fundamental change in the way Washington does business. He has also expressed a distain for Government so severely influenced by mercenary lobbyists.
Unless you have a better option this year I think we need to take this shot on Obama. Big John McCain of the 2000 primaries against Bush would at least made this a contest, but he has Karl Roves stench all over him now.
Mr Pickins talks about a transfer of wealth to the Middle East I do not doubt is true, but how about the transfer of wealth here in America from the lower & lower-middle classes to the greedy and the rich over the last 20 years. The guys who pay for the bureaucracies of the DNC and the RNC have been slowly figuring out bleed us dry since at least the 60's... Bush & Cheny just perfected the operation.
Obama isn't a Democrat, he is a leader.
The first one I've seen wiggle his way past the wealthy owners watchdogs and into the sacred halls of power in my lifetime. He snuck in on the voices of the voters. The owners had Hillary groomed for the DNC candidacy this year and Obama upset the apple cart. Is he perfect? Probably not. Will he make mistakes? I hope so, seeing as a true saint would kind of freak me out right now. Will he be better at the job his last year than he will his first? Sure, wouldn't you? That makes him human.
I myself am sick and tired of living under a tax code that is complicated enough to support an industry, with just one corporate participant earning enough to spend $272,000 lobbying my government in one three month period this year.
Do you reckon they're the only corporation smart enough to hire the 'tax guy' lobbyists?
Do you think those guys are earning their outrageous salaries to try and persuade congress to simplify the tax process? Wake up!
Come on people! Obama has hoodwinked the powers that be! I think a lot of people who have had enough are going to give him a mandate for change. He seems to have even brought Bill and Hillary back from the dark side! Let's give him a shot at leading us! It may not be the exact direction you'd choose... but if he can lead us away from the professional lobbyists, it might stop the bleeding.
First rule of accounting: Stop The Bleeding.
I feel positive about this election just because it is the first unscripted election since I've been voting!
He can be part of it if we join him. C'mon folks! He is the first presidential candidate with a serious shot at the White House in my memory who has even mentioned fundamental change in the way Washington does business. He has also expressed a distain for Government so severely influenced by mercenary lobbyists.
Unless you have a better option this year I think we need to take this shot on Obama. Big John McCain of the 2000 primaries against Bush would at least made this a contest, but he has Karl Roves stench all over him now.
Mr Pickins talks about a transfer of wealth to the Middle East I do not doubt is true, but how about the transfer of wealth here in America from the lower & lower-middle classes to the greedy and the rich over the last 20 years. The guys who pay for the bureaucracies of the DNC and the RNC have been slowly figuring out bleed us dry since at least the 60's... Bush & Cheny just perfected the operation.
Obama isn't a Democrat, he is a leader.
The first one I've seen wiggle his way past the wealthy owners watchdogs and into the sacred halls of power in my lifetime. He snuck in on the voices of the voters. The owners had Hillary groomed for the DNC candidacy this year and Obama upset the apple cart. Is he perfect? Probably not. Will he make mistakes? I hope so, seeing as a true saint would kind of freak me out right now. Will he be better at the job his last year than he will his first? Sure, wouldn't you? That makes him human.
I myself am sick and tired of living under a tax code that is complicated enough to support an industry, with just one corporate participant earning enough to spend $272,000 lobbying my government in one three month period this year.
Do you reckon they're the only corporation smart enough to hire the 'tax guy' lobbyists?
Do you think those guys are earning their outrageous salaries to try and persuade congress to simplify the tax process? Wake up!
Come on people! Obama has hoodwinked the powers that be! I think a lot of people who have had enough are going to give him a mandate for change. He seems to have even brought Bill and Hillary back from the dark side! Let's give him a shot at leading us! It may not be the exact direction you'd choose... but if he can lead us away from the professional lobbyists, it might stop the bleeding.
First rule of accounting: Stop The Bleeding.
I feel positive about this election just because it is the first unscripted election since I've been voting!