What are Women's Rights Groups in the U.S. - saying about Palin?

I have no idea what you're talking about... obviously you listen to him more than I ever thought of doing.

Makes me wonder then why you're still so fucked up.

Well, you seem to like the word "Feminazi"

Feminazi is a portmanteau of the nouns feminist and Nazi. The on-line version of the Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the term as used in a "usually disparaging" manner, to describe "an extreme or militant feminist".

Popularized by Rush Limbaugh

The term was popularized by conservative talk-show host Rush Limbaugh.
Feminazi. That term cracks me up. Removing the issue of race from the equation, men have never had to stand up and fight for rights . . . i.e. the right to vote. Why is it that whenever women stand up for other women or women's rights, we're referred to as fanatical or "feminazi's." Nice to know gender discrimination is still alive and well in our society. Women don't man bash men when they stand up for each other or rally around another guy. Why aren't we afforded the same respect????? :eusa_wall:
Feminazi. That term cracks me up. Removing the issue of race from the equation, men have never had to stand up and fight for rights . . . i.e. the right to vote. Why is it that whenever women stand up for other women or women's rights, we're referred to as fanatical or "feminazi's." Nice to know gender discrimination is still alive and well in our society. Women don't man bash men when they stand up for each other or rally around another guy. Why aren't we afforded the same respect????? :eusa_wall:

Because a LOT of men are scared of women who speak their minds, who are smart, and who have power.

Rush Limbag and his lapdog followers are like that.
Feminazi. That term cracks me up. Removing the issue of race from the equation, men have never had to stand up and fight for rights . . . i.e. the right to vote. Why is it that whenever women stand up for other women or women's rights, we're referred to as fanatical or "feminazi's." Nice to know gender discrimination is still alive and well in our society. Women don't man bash men when they stand up for each other or rally around another guy. Why aren't we afforded the same respect????? :eusa_wall:

Because a lot of men, particularly rightwing men, are terrified of assertive women. They're basically little chicken shits. The gender role they want to see women conform to, is the submissive and demure house wife.
Feminazi. That term cracks me up. Removing the issue of race from the equation, men have never had to stand up and fight for rights . . . i.e. the right to vote. Why is it that whenever women stand up for other women or women's rights, we're referred to as fanatical or "feminazi's." Nice to know gender discrimination is still alive and well in our society. Women don't man bash men when they stand up for each other or rally around another guy. Why aren't we afforded the same respect????? :eusa_wall:

I think men and women have argued from the beginning of time. Men and women continually mock each others behavior and I doubt it's all fear motivated. A feminazi is the kind of woman who you open a door for and she interprets it as an act you have done because you didn't think she could do it for herself.
I don't know of any men who are scared of a smart woman who has an influencal position.

They just don't like women who act rude, and uncivil.

Other women don't like women who act like that either, or men who act like that. But some men and women don't like smart, powerful women, or women who make more money than them.

I didn't say all, I said SOME. Look at some of the posters on this forum for a few examples of my opinion. I know of some men here where I live who think women should be demure and stay in the kitchen. Be seen and not heard.

Lucky for me,most of the men I know in real life are open minded and wonderful.
I don't know of any men who are scared of a smart woman who has an influencal position.

They just don't like women who act rude, and uncivil.

I do.

Nobody likes a rude person, that's not the issue.

Many people expect women to conform to certain gender roles. There is a double standard set up for women. Hillary clinton is no more calculating or ambitious than most other male politicians. But, because she's ambitious she has been villified as an evil shrew, a calculating witch, for two decades. Hillary is not the only example.

I for one, do not like the references to Sarah Palin being a shallow beauty queen. I don't think she should be exposed to misogyny either. I'm sure she's a smart woman. I like to mock her for her lack of experience (as it pertains to the office of vice presidency) and her nutjob rightwing views, but I don't like pigeon holeing her into ridiculous gender stereotypes.
I do.

Nobody likes a rude person, that's not the issue.

Many people expect women to conform to certain gender roles. There is a double standard set up for women. Hillary clinton is no more calculating or ambitious than most other male politicians. But, because she's ambitious she has been villified as an evil shrew, a calculating witch, for two decades. Hillary is not the only example.

I for one, do not like the references to Sarah Palin being a shallow beauty queen. I don't think she should be exposed to misogyny either. I'm sure she's a smart woman. I like to mock her for her lack of experience (as it pertains to the office of vice presidency) and her nutjob rightwing views, but I don't like pigeon holeing her into ridiculous gender stereotypes.

Why not ?---the rest of your liberal buddies seem to LOVE attacking her on gender.
Although I'm fairly certain I would disagree with everything else you could possibly say.....your above statement is true.

People "in general" fear what they do not understand.
Ah, don't be so judgemental on me, you may agree with me on some other things too! :cool:

Open minds are a terrible thing to waste.

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