What Are These People Thinking?

I had to chuckle at the high school student, Andrea Colmenero, holding a sign with the word Cencor on it. She might want to go back to junior high school and learn how to spell, censor.
Yeah, it was incredible what some were saying, and their signs. Just ridiculous.
Silly school board. Only progressive manipulation of a curriculum is allowed.
you do realize that the things they want to put into the textbooks would void out the very founding of this nation right?
You people get the irony of these morons right?

Anyone? Anyone?
Really, care to expound?
Did or did not the founders of this nation respect the law of england or not respect it in order to found this nation?
Had they listened to "authority" like these tards recommend, the USA wouldnt be here.

Or the civil war
Or labor laws
or civil rights
"Of all tyrannies sincerely exercised for the good of its victims"?

Tyranny, plural tyrannies.

arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse ofauthority.
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.

the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.

a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.

oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

undue severity or harshness.

a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action.
What it boils down to is the teachers are going to have merit based pay now and they don't like it.

Performance-based pay plan for Jeffco teachers
separate issue.
Absolutely not. And if you are honest you would admit to it.
These kids were holding signs up to support the teachers at these protests. They also erroneously said they heard slavery history would be removed from the text books. And that the hiroshima bombing would be removed. None of which the board has suggested.
What it boils down to is the teachers are going to have merit based pay now and they don't like it.

Performance-based pay plan for Jeffco teachers
separate issue.
Absolutely not. And if you are honest you would admit to it.
These kids were holding signs up to support the teachers at these protests. They also erroneously said they heard slavery history would be removed from the text books. And that the hiroshima bombing would be removed. None of which the board has suggested.

it is a separate issue, that just so happens to be happening at the sametime. Oh course if you were honest you would know the teachers are upset about both.
Neat...that type of stuff happens.
"Of all tyrannies sincerely exercised for the good of its victims"?

Tyranny, plural tyrannies.

arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse ofauthority.
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.

the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.

a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.

oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

undue severity or harshness.

a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action.
"Of all tyrannies sincerely exercised for the good of its victims"?

Tyranny, plural tyrannies.

arbitrary or unrestrained exercise of power; despotic abuse ofauthority.
Synonyms: despotism, absolutism, dictatorship.

the government or rule of a tyrant or absolute ruler.

a state ruled by a tyrant or absolute ruler.

oppressive or unjustly severe government on the part of any ruler.

undue severity or harshness.

a cruel or harsh act or proceeding; an arbitrary, oppressive, or tyrannical action.

Your point?

What it boils down to is the teachers are going to have merit based pay now and they don't like it.

Performance-based pay plan for Jeffco teachers
separate issue.
Absolutely not. And if you are honest you would admit to it.
These kids were holding signs up to support the teachers at these protests. They also erroneously said they heard slavery history would be removed from the text books. And that the hiroshima bombing would be removed. None of which the board has suggested.

it is a separate issue, that just so happens to be happening at the sametime. Oh course if you were honest you would know the teachers are upset about both.
Neat...that type of stuff happens.
Just quit, plasma. That's the lie you hope if repeated enough, it will be believed. Some are fools, but most aren't.

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