What are the underlying principles of Modern liberalism?

I never said they were honest enough to write it down.

Why would you ascribe some hidden nefarious plot of world domination to Democratic party?

Do some research on the Supreme Court New London ruling that government can confiscate land for it's own interest and not public use.

You can't have it both ways. You can't say it's ok to clear slums for economic development then say economic development isn't a reason for takings. Not to mention it was a challenge to Congress to legislate against it.

A U.S. Senator from Ohio and an outspoken conservative, Taft was the sponsor of legislation in 1949 to fund slum clearance and build low-income public housing developments. He was the son of William Howard Taft, the 27th President of the United States. He advocated isolationism before World War II. Known as "Mr. Republican," Taft opposed most Democratic New Deal programs. He helped write the Taft-Hartley Labor Act of 1947.

Damn liberal WWII Republicans and their activist courts, eh?
Preamble to the United States Constitution

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
- We the People

- to form a more perfect Union,

- establish Justice,

- insure domestic Tranquility,

- provide for the common defence,

- promote the general Welfare,

- secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity

The Preamble to the United States Constitution is an introductory statement of the Constitution's fundamental intentions and guiding principles. It was the most liberal expression of 18thC philosophy at the time!
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Id prefer to hear the answer from liberals themselves. I want to see what they say their underlying principles are.

That the PURPOSE of government is to serve THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION.

According to our Constitution, in my opinion, the purpose of government is NOT to 'serve' the people. It is to:

1. Establish a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice
3. Provide for the common defense.

That's it. End of. It says so in the preamble... ie the reason behind the Articles.

It's weird how you left out that whole part about providing for the General Welfare. Doesn't fit your narrow view point does it?
And there it is..

The lockstep mentality.

If it ain't broke..don't fix it..by gumption!:lol:
That's what you think I said??? Liberals, you are funny

If left to conservatives..humans would still be cave dwellers picking through shit for food.

And that's not funny.

That is SO not true!!

Conservatives don't give a flying fuck how anyone lives - they just don't want to pay for the infrastructure they use to keep their cash flowing and the military they use to protect that flow.
Modern Liberalism = Progressive State Control and Collectivism, where the State is the Core of All Of Our Lives, and the Last Word on any Decision.


Modern Conservatism=Sexual and Economic Hysteria in the wake of Feminism and Civil Rights for Colored Folks that requires intervention by the State and the Altering of Our Very Constitution to Restrict Rights instead of Expanding Rights.

Everyone can play the bullshit game. Why is it so hard for this board to discuss the post instead of the poster?

You really think liberals are communists? Have they burned down any of your churches lately or whisked you off in the middle of the night for interrogation and the gulag? Seriously? Do you have Totalitarian state confused with Democratic state for some reason?


Only because you don't have the Power or the Numbers Dearest. The only way for your side to grow is by hiding and denying what you really are. Here you are attacking the messenger, rather than addressing the message. You subjugate the Individual to the will of the Collective. You can neither handle criticism or dissent, when you are not the source of it. We got that loud and clear.
Modern Liberalism = Progressive State Control and Collectivism, where the State is the Core of All Of Our Lives, and the Last Word on any Decision.


Modern Conservatism=Sexual and Economic Hysteria in the wake of Feminism and Civil Rights for Colored Folks that requires intervention by the State and the Altering of Our Very Constitution to Restrict Rights instead of Expanding Rights.

Everyone can play the bullshit game. Why is it so hard for this board to discuss the post instead of the poster?

You really think liberals are communists? Have they burned down any of your churches lately or whisked you off in the middle of the night for interrogation and the gulag? Seriously? Do you have Totalitarian state confused with Democratic state for some reason?


Only because you don't have the Power or the Numbers Dearest. The only way for your side to grow is by hiding and denying what you really are. Here you are attacking the messenger, rather than addressing the message. You subjugate the Individual to the will of the Collective. You can neither handle criticism or dissent, when you are not the source of it. We got that loud and clear.


funny... i feel that way about the right. *shrug*
That the PURPOSE of government is to serve THE PEOPLE OF THE NATION.

According to our Constitution, in my opinion, the purpose of government is NOT to 'serve' the people. It is to:

1. Establish a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice
3. Provide for the common defense.

That's it. End of. It says so in the preamble... ie the reason behind the Articles.

It's weird how you left out that whole part about providing for the General Welfare. Doesn't fit your narrow view point does it?

Which Interpretation of "General Welfare"? Before the Constitution was Ratified (What they told everyone in order to get them to agree to it), or after it was Ratified, when Hamilton sprung the trap?

Everyone can play the bullshit game. Why is it so hard for this board to discuss the post instead of the poster?

You really think liberals are communists? Have they burned down any of your churches lately or whisked you off in the middle of the night for interrogation and the gulag? Seriously? Do you have Totalitarian state confused with Democratic state for some reason?


Only because you don't have the Power or the Numbers Dearest. The only way for your side to grow is by hiding and denying what you really are. Here you are attacking the messenger, rather than addressing the message. You subjugate the Individual to the will of the Collective. You can neither handle criticism or dissent, when you are not the source of it. We got that loud and clear.


funny... i feel that way about the right. *shrug*

Right or Left Jillian, I will alway's support the Voice of Individual Conscience.
Modern Liberalism = Progressive State Control and Collectivism, where the State is the Core of All Of Our Lives, and the Last Word on any Decision.


Modern Conservatism=Sexual and Economic Hysteria in the wake of Feminism and Civil Rights for Colored Folks that requires intervention by the State and the Altering of Our Very Constitution to Restrict Rights instead of Expanding Rights.

Everyone can play the bullshit game. Why is it so hard for this board to discuss the post instead of the poster?

You really think liberals are communists? Have they burned down any of your churches lately or whisked you off in the middle of the night for interrogation and the gulag? Seriously? Do you have Totalitarian state confused with Democratic state for some reason?



The Mean Old USMB Software said:
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to snjmom again.


Fair working wages, as opposed to Limbaugh and Hannity who favor union busting.

"The Urban Institute reports that more than half of U.S. workers—52 percent—earn $25,000 or less annually."


"In the United States today, one in four workers earns $18,800 a year, or $360 a week, thereby qualifying as "working poor." They have jobs, but inadequate salaries and few if any benefits."

High Impact for Low-Wage Workers | workforce.com
Liberalism is about forcing people to behave in a way that they feel is best for us all. Key word "forcing".

Free advice, rookie:


It's no wonder you people are so easy for the status quo to manipulate!
According to our Constitution, in my opinion, the purpose of government is NOT to 'serve' the people. It is to:

1. Establish a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice
3. Provide for the common defense.

That's it. End of. It says so in the preamble... ie the reason behind the Articles.

It's weird how you left out that whole part about providing for the General Welfare. Doesn't fit your narrow view point does it?

Which Interpretation of "General Welfare"? Before the Constitution was Ratified (What they told everyone in order to get them to agree to it), or after it was Ratified, when Hamilton sprung the trap?

The one in the constitution as it is today.
According to our Constitution, in my opinion, the purpose of government is NOT to 'serve' the people. It is to:

1. Establish a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice
3. Provide for the common defense.

That's it. End of. It says so in the preamble... ie the reason behind the Articles.

It's weird how you left out that whole part about providing for the General Welfare. Doesn't fit your narrow view point does it?

Which Interpretation of "General Welfare"? Before the Constitution was Ratified (What they told everyone in order to get them to agree to it), or after it was Ratified, when Hamilton sprung the trap?

irrelevant. they couldn't anticipate what would be in the general welfare 200 years plus down the line.

if they could, they'd have expressly set out what it was.

or you could actually read the 200 years of caselaw on the subject. :)

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