What are the odds that Kavanaugh Will Withdraw and sue?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?
If Kavanaugh withdraws, it will be because he is terrified about what the FBI is going to unearth.

And he won't sue.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

This wasn't a trial. This was a job interview. Making any argument of 'presumption of innocence' irrelevant. As for perjury, there's no evidence of it. Even Trump admitted that Ford was credible.

Drop out? Unlikely. Sue? Virtually nil.

Kavanaugh has no grounds, he'd lose, and he know he'd lose. Which was why Kavanaugh started up with batshit conspiracy theories about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

The odds are zero
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?
He will never sue.

Isn't it clear why he was against an FBI investigation?

Think about it. You'll figure it out.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?
He will never sue.

Isn't it clear why he was against an FBI investigation?

Think about it. You'll figure it out.

And his answers from the Fox interview changed substantially from his testimony under oath.

With Marc Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI if his testimony can remain confidential.

This does not bode well for Kavanaugh. Which is probably why he didn't want an FBI investigation and refused to call for one.

Ford did. With Ford also passing a polygraph test. Something Kavanaugh has never even attempted on this issue.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.
And with other accusors against Kavanaugh, this just got interesting.

Sound and fury doesn't amount to much in terms of denials. There were 6 additional women willing to testify that they had been sexually harrassed by Thomas. And Thomas came out swinging with his 'uppity black folks' line.

With the FBI investigation, there's a strong chance that the other accusors against Kavanaugh will be interviewed. And a solid chance we'll get to hear more from them too.
He won't withdraw and he should sue the bitch into oblivion

Becoming a SCOTUS justice will be the best revenge, then he can screw over the Dem's for decades.

Alas, the GOP just blinked on that front, calling for an FBI investigation.

They did it because they didn't have the votes to confirm Kavanaugh. Ford's testimony made a difference. And they're stalling for time. They know a vote on Monday means that they lose. They're hoping to make something happen in the next week.

Ford is a liar, you bunch of dumb asses keep pushing we'll haul Ford into a court of law and rip her to shreds on the witness stand.

Ford was a very credible witness. Even Trump was forced to admit as much.

Kavanaugh has no leg to stand on legally and knows he'd lose any such suit. Which is why he started an unhinged conspiracy theory about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.

There's zero chance he'd sue.

And with the Republicans not having the votes to pass him (thus, the stalling manuever of the investigation), and Mark Judge agreeing to cooperate with the FBI on conditions of confidentiality, things don't look good for Kavanaugh.
And with other accusors against Kavanaugh, this just got interesting.

Sound and fury doesn't amount to much in terms of denials. There were 6 additional women willing to testify that they had been sexually harrassed by Thomas. And Thomas came out swinging with his 'uppity black folks' line.

With the FBI investigation, there's a strong chance that the other accusors against Kavanaugh will be interviewed. And a solid chance we'll get to hear more from them too.
On Fox, Chris Wallace said Kavanaugh doesn't have a race card like Thomas.
And with other accusors against Kavanaugh, this just got interesting.

Sound and fury doesn't amount to much in terms of denials. There were 6 additional women willing to testify that they had been sexually harrassed by Thomas. And Thomas came out swinging with his 'uppity black folks' line.

With the FBI investigation, there's a strong chance that the other accusors against Kavanaugh will be interviewed. And a solid chance we'll get to hear more from them too.
On Fox, Chris Wallace said Kavanaugh doesn't have a race card like Thomas.

Yeah, I don't think the 'priveleged, wealthy, well connected white guy' card is gonna do much for him.

Kavanaugh's tell was the conspiracy theories. When you're basing your argument on that kind of nonsense, you've exhausted your other options. Kavanaugh only has an appeal to emotion left.

And with an FBI investigation looming, appeal to emotion is gonna do jack shit for him. Ford's testimony mattered.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?

This wasn't a trial. This was a job interview. Making any argument of 'presumption of innocence' irrelevant. As for perjury, there's no evidence of it. Even Trump admitted that Ford was credible.

Drop out? Unlikely. Sue? Virtually nil.

Kavanaugh has no grounds, he'd lose, and he know he'd lose. Which was why Kavanaugh started up with batshit conspiracy theories about 'revenge for Clinton' rather than attacking Ford personally.
Character assassination and destroying a person's reputation, calling him a gang rapist and accusing him of running a drug/rape ring is NEVER OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Only Democrats believe all is fair if it results in what they want.
Denial of civil rights(presumption of innocence until proven guilty and right to confront their accusers and many others.)

Calumny( the legal term for character assassination)

Perjury and solicitation of perjury

Admissability of repressed memory uncovered by use of a therapist is considered suspect in all courts and is normally thrown out if corraberation is lacking. The above range from constitutional rights in all cases including the UCMJ to some degree to common law and on to general practices.

Kavanaugh knows that ripping the Ds a new one is the best way to clear his name.

Will he do it?
How is that denial of civil rights?

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