I have never understood what the Israelis thought would happen with the West Bank. If they had killed, or driven away, most of its Arab inhabitants, that would have made sense. Then they could just have annexed it.
Or, if they deliberately planned to use the settlements as land-for-peace bargaining chips, that would have made sense. Or at least some sense.
But the first didn't happen, and the second seems like an unlikely perspective.
So what did they think would happen with all the Palestinians? Moshe Dayan thought they would become friendly, having experienced the benefits of civilized Israeli rule. Even if that had happened, it's hard to imagine what would follow from that. Israeli citizenship?
Perhap they had nothing in particular in mind, and just hoped something would turn up.
If anyone has an answer to this, I would be grateful to hear it.
But a much more interesting question is: what should Israel do with the West Bank now? (Or, rather, that part of it which is outside their security wall -- I assume that part which is within the wall will be annexed.)
What is the point of having settlements deep inside hostile territory? I could see a few military fortresses -- that might make sense from a strategic point of view. But why expose women and children to snipers and bombs? It would seem to make as much sense as the Mormons establishing a colony in Iraq.
Perhaps someone can explain this to me.
Or, if they deliberately planned to use the settlements as land-for-peace bargaining chips, that would have made sense. Or at least some sense.
But the first didn't happen, and the second seems like an unlikely perspective.
So what did they think would happen with all the Palestinians? Moshe Dayan thought they would become friendly, having experienced the benefits of civilized Israeli rule. Even if that had happened, it's hard to imagine what would follow from that. Israeli citizenship?
Perhap they had nothing in particular in mind, and just hoped something would turn up.
If anyone has an answer to this, I would be grateful to hear it.
But a much more interesting question is: what should Israel do with the West Bank now? (Or, rather, that part of it which is outside their security wall -- I assume that part which is within the wall will be annexed.)
What is the point of having settlements deep inside hostile territory? I could see a few military fortresses -- that might make sense from a strategic point of view. But why expose women and children to snipers and bombs? It would seem to make as much sense as the Mormons establishing a colony in Iraq.
Perhaps someone can explain this to me.