What are God Given Rights? or "Me first and let others be dammed?" as written by Lloyd E. Sheaffer


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"
We only have as many rights as the elites in our various human governments allow us to have. Everything else is just philosophical discussion.
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"
Right to "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness". It isnt up to me to raise children that arent mine, since i had three children of my own, but each persons responsible for their own actions. But since Progs have shown their true colors, it is all about "Victims" because "Victims" cant take care of themselves, because something has interfered with their sorry ass lives, causing them not to achieve those three rights given by God. Government is the major factor in removing those rights, either through taxation for punishment, imprisonment for not paying those taxes, or just out right killing babies born or unborn. Thank a Prog for causing "Victims" all over the world.....
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"
Right to "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness". It isnt up to me to raise children that arent mine, since i had three children of my own, but each persons responsible for their own actions. But since Progs have shown their true colors, it is all about "Victims" because "Victims" cant take care of themselves, because something has interfered with their sorry ass lives, causing them not to achieve those three rights given by God. Government is the major factor in removing those rights, either through taxation for punishment, imprisonment for not paying those taxes, or just out right killing babies born or unborn. Thank a Prog for causing "Victims" all over the world.....

Tramp is the biggest victim I have ever seen. He blames everyone for his inadequacy.

Did you read this?
Jefferson, a man of the Enlightenment, too, substituted the phrase the pursuit of Happiness for Locke’s concept of property, which Locke and others had used to describe freedom of opportunity as well as the duty to help those in need. Perhaps our true patriotic duty is to work together to help fulfill another phrase in the Declaration, all men are created equal. I have not seen that statement on any protesters’ signs.
----------------------------and most of the founders were deists.
Not sure if liberals realize it or not but by promoting people as having a responsibility to make sacrifices including the forcing of masks wearing and extreme social distancing solely for the benefit of others is destroying their main argument for on demand abortion...
Not sure if liberals realize it or not but by promoting people as having a responsibility to make sacrifices including the forcing of masks wearing and extreme social distancing solely for the benefit of others is destroying their main argument for on demand abortion...

Why do you want to kill an unknown person by refusing to wear masks might just take away a life.

those who refuse to wear masks are endangering others.

You are "the me first, let others be dammed."

I'm interested in people who are alive and in this world.
Not sure if liberals realize it or not but by promoting people as having a responsibility to make sacrifices including the forcing of masks wearing and extreme social distancing solely for the benefit of others is destroying their main argument for on demand abortion...

So all lives aren't worth protecting?
Control freaks like Penelope believe everybody should wear masks to "save lives" therefore as long as everybody complies there will be domestic tranquility. That's not Christian, that's Islam.
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"
Right to "Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness". It isnt up to me to raise children that arent mine, since i had three children of my own, but each persons responsible for their own actions. But since Progs have shown their true colors, it is all about "Victims" because "Victims" cant take care of themselves, because something has interfered with their sorry ass lives, causing them not to achieve those three rights given by God. Government is the major factor in removing those rights, either through taxation for punishment, imprisonment for not paying those taxes, or just out right killing babies born or unborn. Thank a Prog for causing "Victims" all over the world.....

Tramp is the biggest victim I have ever seen. He blames everyone for his inadequacy.

Did you read this?
Jefferson, a man of the Enlightenment, too, substituted the phrase the pursuit of Happiness for Locke’s concept of property, which Locke and others had used to describe freedom of opportunity as well as the duty to help those in need. Perhaps our true patriotic duty is to work together to help fulfill another phrase in the Declaration, all men are created equal. I have not seen that statement on any protesters’ signs.
----------------------------and most of the founders were deists.
You must be talking about Obammy, the guy during his 8 years in office, blamed Bush the whole time...You on the other hand just seem to be a petulant little whiney girl, who never got your way, because some man(Prog) made you who you are.
Not sure if liberals realize it or not but by promoting people as having a responsibility to make sacrifices including the forcing of masks wearing and extreme social distancing solely for the benefit of others is destroying their main argument for on demand abortion...

Why do you want to kill an unknown person by refusing to wear masks might just take away a life.

those who refuse to wear masks are endangering others.

You are "the me first, let others be dammed."

I'm interested in people who are alive and in this world.

I suppose , to a degree, you have a point. If everyone followed the Mask Mandate, there would be a lot fewer ugly confrontations in Walmart and on airliners, people are being hurt in the altercations and Germophobes are having acute episodes of anxiety when they see someone w/o a rag over their face and not engaging in a riot.

But as far as masks being effect against the Chinese virus, that's bullshit. Cases are soaring in the Eurotrash Zone even with draconian punishments for refuseniks.
If these are "God given" why didnt God give them to other nations ?

Actually, Almighty God endows all people with these rights including the right to keep and bear arms and the rest of those enumerated by our Founding Fathers.

Its just that in some nations, like those of you in the Eurotrash Zone, the despots in charge crush you under their heels refusing you Medical Freedom and so many other essential liberties.
If these are "God given" why didnt God give them to other nations ?

Actually, Almighty God endows all people with these rights including the right to keep and bear arms and the rest of those enumerated by our Founding Fathers.

Its just that in some nations, like those of you in the Eurotrash Zone, the despots in charge crush you under their heels refusing you Medical Freedom and so many other essential liberties.
Not sure if liberals realize it or not but by promoting people as having a responsibility to make sacrifices including the forcing of masks wearing and extreme social distancing solely for the benefit of others is destroying their main argument for on demand abortion...

Why do you want to kill an unknown person by refusing to wear masks might just take away a life.

those who refuse to wear masks are endangering others.

You are "the me first, let others be dammed."

I'm interested in people who are alive and in this world.

If others are wearing masks and practicing social distancing how are they being endangered?
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"

INDIVIDUAL freedom and liberty are the backbone of our American Civilization. What you seem to want, Penelope, are millions of other Americans to subsidize you and your people with a percentage of their blood, sweat and tears—otherwise known as their relentless days of hard work. You desire collectivism and communal equality of outcome. What you want is Soviet Communism.

If an American sells a book he has written over many years for hundreds of thousands—even millions of dollars—then that does not mean he has privilege over any other American. Nor does it mean he must or should share the fruit of his HARD work with anyone else. The same goes for a factory worker who has ascended through the ranks to upper management. America is and always has been the land of realized dreams . . . but ONLY if any individual is willing to put in years of hard work to attain their goals, to improve their station in life.

GOD given rights enshrine the AMERICAN philosophy of personal responsibility, self-control and dedication to working toward the realization of our dreams WITHOUT government limitation or interference. We are born and die with these rights. Folks like you just can't seem to wrap your heads around the hard work for self-improvement concept. No one in government should ever force us to share our good fortune or redistribute our hard earned wealth. If that's what you seek then by all means emigrate, now.
The U.S. Constitution, too, has a preamble: We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The prologue makes no mention of God or Creator or Supreme Being; in fact, the word God does not appear anywhere in the document—in no article, in no amendment, nowhere. It is We the People of the United States who confer the rights and privileges and responsibilities under which our citizenry lives.

God, in whatever form or substance one believes, does not bestow rights as we understand them politically, but God does speak commands to humankind as models for how to live together.

Those from the Judeo-Christian tradition know the greatest command as The Golden Rule, “Love your neighbor as yourself” or “Do to others what you want them to do to you.”


If they were, they would not be putting vulnerable people at risk with behaviors that encourage the spread of the deadly virus. As I perceive God, God wants people to live full, healthy lives; God does not want conduct that endangers people, even something like entombing crowds of vulnerable individuals in church buildings that can serve as perfect breeding grounds for COVID-19. Such demands come not out of allegiance to God; they are manifestations of the divisive and destructive “Me First and Others Be Damned” attitude, another virus that has infected our nation.

our rights come from men. There is no God Given Rights.

I know the trampers and those that go to the tramp's rallies

say "me first and others be dammed"

INDIVIDUAL freedom and liberty are the backbone of our American Civilization. What you seem to want, Penelope, are millions of other Americans to subsidize you and your people with a percentage of their blood, sweat and tears—otherwise known as their relentless days of hard work. You desire collectivism and communal equality of outcome. What you want is Soviet Communism.

If an American sells a book he has written over many years for hundreds of thousands—even millions of dollars—then that does not mean he has privilege over any other American. Nor does it mean he must or should share the fruit of his HARD work with anyone else. The same goes for a factory worker who has ascended through the ranks to upper management. America is and always has been the land of realized dreams . . . but ONLY if any individual is willing to put in years of hard work to attain their goals, to improve their station in life.

GOD given rights enshrine the AMERICAN philosophy of personal responsibility, self-control and dedication to working toward the realization of our dreams WITHOUT government limitation or interference. We are born and die with these rights. Folks like you just can't seem to wrap your heads around the hard work for self-improvement concept. No one in government should ever force us to share our good fortune or redistribute our hard earned wealth. If that's what you seek then by all means emigrate, now.

I'm not even sure of the rights you think of as yours?

I am not on welfare or a subsidy, but if the trampers have their way, I might need it. And wearing a mask and social distancing is NOT a god given right. So you are a
"me first and others be dammed"

Jacobson v. Massachusetts, 197 U.S. 11 (1905), was a United States Supreme Court case in which the Court upheld the authority of states to enforce compulsory vaccination laws. The Court's decision articulated the view that individual liberty is not absolute and is subject to the police power of the state.

and then TX used that law to further its abortion ban.

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