WH changing tune on wire tapping claim

Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

No Coyote,you need to cease with your partisan BS.

Let's see the proof of this Russian hacking...stop spewing the lie and show the proof. Everyday the media is pushing the agenda but so far no proof...when you on the left can stop with the theatre then you can whine about lies....and again Obama was the biggest goddamn liar to ever sit in the WH.

I'm not even a huge Trump fan, impeach him I don't care and would laugh when you get Pence, who I adore. Win-win for me but the biggest win? SCOTUS and THAT is why I voted for Trump
Speaking of SCOTUS, hand job, what happened to his nominee? His name hasn't been mentioned for weeks
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.
I guess you missed all the crap democrats spewed during obama care....


The video caused it...


IRS targeting...


Gun running to drug lords...

And on and on and on.
what was spewed about Obamacare?
Maybe the video did cause it
Gunrunning as you cal it, was also done by the Bush administration.
IRS targeted everyone
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

No Coyote,you need to cease with your partisan BS.

Let's see the proof of this Russian hacking...stop spewing the lie and show the proof. Everyday the media is pushing the agenda but so far no proof...when you on the left can stop with the theatre then you can whine about lies....and again Obama was the biggest goddamn liar to ever sit in the WH.

I'm not even a huge Trump fan, impeach him I don't care and would laugh when you get Pence, who I adore. Win-win for me but the biggest win? SCOTUS and THAT is why I voted for Trump

The first claim: that the Russians were behind the hackings in an attempt to influence the election.
There is considerable evidence supporting Russian meddling and part of that is a widespread consensus among the various (and often competing) intelligence agencies - it's not something brand new, it's a series of events that put together form a pretty coherent picture of what Russia is trying to do. The only alternatives to this (ie that it was done by Seth Richards, the DNC etc) offer so little in actual evidence they're laughable. I just don't see how it is partisan to acknowledge this and make sure Russia doesn't repeat it here or elsewhere. Any American should be concerned.

How is the above "partisan BS"?

It's not going to change the election outcome one iota. Trump is the legitimately elected president. There is no way of knowing IF and TO WHAT DEGREE Russia's actions MIGHT have influenced the election IF AT ALL.

That leads to the second issue, or claim: That Trump colluded with the Russians to rig the election.

That claim, thus far, has no legs. There is no evidence to support it. In fact - the VERY AGENCIES AND PEOPLE you claim are lying about Russian hacking are the ones who have stated they haven't found any evidence to support collussion!

That leads to the third claim: Trump claiming Obama wire tapped him. Notice with each new claim, the credibility ante gets upped.
Once again, it's a baseless claim, with Trump claiming to have "evidence" and then failing to come up with it. Once again - the VERY AGENCIES AND PEOPLE who stated there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia have also stated there is no evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump.

So Sassy - WHO exactly is engaging in partisan BS here? Me or you - who are picking and choosing what to accept when it suits your political viewpoint?

Show the proof...it's just that simple, right?

As for partisan I've already said I don't care what happens with Trump so you're barking up the wrong tree.

All this "theater" is unproductive bullshit, he said she said, nothing will come of it....it's time to stop. But you won't....

So...why don't you ask that question about Obama and wiretapping?

What constitutes "proof"?

Well here's the thing, I don't care about it, Trump won regardless.

Did Obama do it? Likely given the fact he's underhanded and practiced Chicago style politics but I'm not going to put up post after post of something I can't prove one way or another and if you look you won't see many comments from me on Russian hacking....guess why. No proof and I doubt very much there is any

But you've already decided, with no proof, that he did it.
No Coyote,you need to cease with your partisan BS.

Let's see the proof of this Russian hacking...stop spewing the lie and show the proof. Everyday the media is pushing the agenda but so far no proof...when you on the left can stop with the theatre then you can whine about lies....and again Obama was the biggest goddamn liar to ever sit in the WH.

I'm not even a huge Trump fan, impeach him I don't care and would laugh when you get Pence, who I adore. Win-win for me but the biggest win? SCOTUS and THAT is why I voted for Trump

The first claim: that the Russians were behind the hackings in an attempt to influence the election.
There is considerable evidence supporting Russian meddling and part of that is a widespread consensus among the various (and often competing) intelligence agencies - it's not something brand new, it's a series of events that put together form a pretty coherent picture of what Russia is trying to do. The only alternatives to this (ie that it was done by Seth Richards, the DNC etc) offer so little in actual evidence they're laughable. I just don't see how it is partisan to acknowledge this and make sure Russia doesn't repeat it here or elsewhere. Any American should be concerned.

How is the above "partisan BS"?

It's not going to change the election outcome one iota. Trump is the legitimately elected president. There is no way of knowing IF and TO WHAT DEGREE Russia's actions MIGHT have influenced the election IF AT ALL.

That leads to the second issue, or claim: That Trump colluded with the Russians to rig the election.

That claim, thus far, has no legs. There is no evidence to support it. In fact - the VERY AGENCIES AND PEOPLE you claim are lying about Russian hacking are the ones who have stated they haven't found any evidence to support collussion!

That leads to the third claim: Trump claiming Obama wire tapped him. Notice with each new claim, the credibility ante gets upped.
Once again, it's a baseless claim, with Trump claiming to have "evidence" and then failing to come up with it. Once again - the VERY AGENCIES AND PEOPLE who stated there was no evidence of collusion between Trump and Russia have also stated there is no evidence of Obama wiretapping Trump.

So Sassy - WHO exactly is engaging in partisan BS here? Me or you - who are picking and choosing what to accept when it suits your political viewpoint?

Show the proof...it's just that simple, right?

As for partisan I've already said I don't care what happens with Trump so you're barking up the wrong tree.

All this "theater" is unproductive bullshit, he said she said, nothing will come of it....it's time to stop. But you won't....

So...why don't you ask that question about Obama and wiretapping?

What constitutes "proof"?

Well here's the thing, I don't care about it, Trump won regardless.

Did Obama do it? Likely given the fact he's underhanded and practiced Chicago style politics but I'm not going to put up post after post of something I can't prove one way or another and if you look you won't see many comments from me on Russian hacking....guess why. No proof and I doubt very much there is any

But you've already decided, with no proof, that he did it.

I've decided? Where exactly did I say he did it? I said it's likely given his past. Again I don't care and to be honest Obama is dead to me, he was a blight on this nation, a social experiment to never be repeated....and probably the main reason you now have a President Donald Trump.

I keep waiting on you people to figure that out...but you're too focused on blaming the Russians, vote fraud, Assange, etc....everything but the real reason you lost.
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.
I guess you missed all the crap democrats spewed during obama care....


The video caused it...

And how retarded was that? Who the hell cares (except for political hacks) if - in the early moments of chaos it was thought to be caused by a video? Instead of focusing the effing investigation on HOW TO MAKE SURE THIS DOESN'T happen again - you go on and on about "video".


IRS targeting...

Yup, and this was appropriately investigated and it was determined that the White House had no involvement in it. What lies are you talking about here?


Gun running to drug lords...

And on and on and on.

Again what outrageous lies are you talking about here?

What you are listing is pretty thin - and no, that doesn't mean I don't think Obama never lies, I think he's like most politicians. But compared to Trump - most politiicans are angelic truthtellers.
Obie's police state spied on heads of state like Merkel, he spied on journalists and news agencies, used the IRS to harass opponents...and requested FISA on Trump and more...much more...but there is no fucking way he would spy on Trump:uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3::uhoh3:
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

No Coyote,you need to cease with your partisan BS.

Let's see the proof of this Russian hacking...stop spewing the lie and show the proof. Everyday the media is pushing the agenda but so far no proof...when you on the left can stop with the theatre then you can whine about lies....and again Obama was the biggest goddamn liar to ever sit in the WH.

I'm not even a huge Trump fan, impeach him I don't care and would laugh when you get Pence, who I adore. Win-win for me but the biggest win? SCOTUS and THAT is why I voted for Trump
Speaking of SCOTUS, hand job, what happened to his nominee? His name hasn't been mentioned for weeks

When you can respond as an adult perhaps you will get an adult response.
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

No Coyote,you need to cease with your partisan BS.

Let's see the proof of this Russian hacking...stop spewing the lie and show the proof. Everyday the media is pushing the agenda but so far no proof...when you on the left can stop with the theatre then you can whine about lies....and again Obama was the biggest goddamn liar to ever sit in the WH.

I'm not even a huge Trump fan, impeach him I don't care and would laugh when you get Pence, who I adore. Win-win for me but the biggest win? SCOTUS and THAT is why I voted for Trump
Speaking of SCOTUS, hand job, what happened to his nominee? His name hasn't been mentioned for weeks

When you can respond as an adult perhaps you will get an adult response.
When you stop monopolizing the board with your dozens of ID's , I will treat you with some respect. Until then all you are is a hand job, just like always
The Comrade is sweating more and more each day. His Russian ties are being revealed, even as I type.
And how retarded was that? Who the hell cares (except for political hacks) if - in the early moments of chaos it was thought to be caused by a video? Instead of focusing the effing investigation on HOW TO MAKE SURE THIS DOESN'T happen again - you go on and on about "video".


IRS targeting...

Yup, and this was appropriately investigated and it was determined that the White House had no involvement in it. What lies are you talking about here?


Gun running to drug lords...

And on and on and on.

Again what outrageous lies are you talking about here?

What you are listing is pretty thin - and no, that doesn't mean I don't think Obama never lies, I think he's like most politicians. But compared to Trump - most politiicans are angelic truthtellers.

You are pumping out complete bullshit, these things were never resolved because the dimshit scum all lied destroyed evidence and the damn department of justice was complicit in all of the actions and the obstruction of justice It has been proved so by more than just the released emails. So just go on lying about the FACTS that are all out there for everyone to read, see, or post. LIBERAL DOGSHIT SCUM that support the oshit lies and propaganda machine are the most vile disgusting scum on earth they make hitler look like Mother Theresa.
And how retarded was that? Who the hell cares (except for political hacks) if - in the early moments of chaos it was thought to be caused by a video? Instead of focusing the effing investigation on HOW TO MAKE SURE THIS DOESN'T happen again - you go on and on about "video".


IRS targeting...

Yup, and this was appropriately investigated and it was determined that the White House had no involvement in it. What lies are you talking about here?


Gun running to drug lords...

And on and on and on.

Again what outrageous lies are you talking about here?

What you are listing is pretty thin - and no, that doesn't mean I don't think Obama never lies, I think he's like most politicians. But compared to Trump - most politiicans are angelic truthtellers.

You are pumping out complete bullshit, these things were never resolved because the dimshit scum all lied destroyed evidence and the damn department of justice was complicit in all of the actions and the obstruction of justice It has been proved so by more than just the released emails. So just go on lying about the FACTS that are all out there for everyone to read, see, or post. LIBERAL DOGSHIT SCUM that support the oshit lies and propaganda machine are the most vile disgusting scum on earth they make hitler look like Mother Theresa.

Multiple investigations at taxpayer expense.

The fact that you have to make comparisons to Hitler shows how pathetic your argument is.
I don't put much stock in a WAPO analysis...more like a left loon pulling crap outa their ass

What do you put stock in? Name one source you consider credible. Just one.

Just simply name someone who is backing Trump on this. His own staff can't even do that effectively.

We have a Lunatic president. Thanks RW Loons..,

The fact is that Obama used the LIE about how Russians 'hacked the election' to conduct his own 'Watergate' on Trump and his team DURING an election. The information collected was then handed to 16 Intel agencies, and later his holdovers within those agencies illegally leaked that info...which sure sounds like Obama facilitated the illegal leaks .

Trump declaring he was wire-tapped exposed Obama's investigating Trump during the election....and you gotta KNOW that any and all information Obama discovered was immediately funneled to Hillary's camp because his entire Legacy depended on her winning. :p
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

Provably we've never...

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain
Sassy, forget Obama. Aren't you the least little bit concerned about the magnitude of the lies coming from this Administration? I mean stuff that is making such outrageously false claims, that they then have to back off of, stuff that is so easily disproved? I totally get that politicians lie, distort the truth, leave out things for political gain...but I've never seen anything as crazy as this.

Provably we've never...

Trump’s Lies vs. Your Brain

So very true! I think the man cannot help himself. Eventually, his lies will do extraordinary damage, either to the country or to his party. Let's hope the latter...

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