West Virginians strongly disagree with Manchin on voting rights legislation

West Virginia would benefit greatly from Biden's plans including the child tx credit. Why don't Republicans support that?

Maybe because they don't believe it is others' responsibility to support them? This is a foreign concept I know for most Democrats. When I waited tables right out of college I didn't expect working professionals to support me. I didn't vote for "free" stuff for me to be paid for by them because it wasn't right. I was a Republican then too. Many of my friends in college grew out of their liberal ways as they matured. Many nowadays are either REALLY slow to emotionally mature or they never do. That is the only explanation I have for why they vote for policies that will most assuredly destroy our economy all for a freebie or two.
FB and twitter. It doesn’t matter if they’re private or not. They’re influential and powerful. Censorship is censorship. Excusing censorship is censorship and that’s un-American.

Censorship is not legally censorship unless it is done by the government. Businesses have a right to say what is done with their property. That is American. You are un-American.
I'm actually from WV and know a lot of people there. Most think Manchin is an ass.

The only purpose of GOP involvement in the electoral process now is to suppress votes since they know that the GOP cannot now win a national election legitimately. Virginia is blue, NC moving that way, and the RepubliKKKlans are scared.

Well, too bad. The GOP is nothing but the Party of Billionaire Privilege and increasing THE PEOPLE are seeing through the BS rhetoric and realizing that voting for the GOP is voting to screw yourself.

Wake up, fools!
Ahh yes. Yet another advocate for a permanent ONE PARTY Far Left country.
Poll question:

Do you support the " For The People Act to protect voting rights"

I'm guessing .001% of the general public know WTF that is, so who would answer 'NO' to such a question?

The individual provisions are popular with Americans. This poll went through the individual provisions and found strong support for the individual provisions.

Vote by mail
Support 56%
Oppose 33%

Donor Transparency
Support 68%
Oppose 13%

Shorter wait times
Support 59%
Oppose 23%

Same Day registration
Support 58%
Oppose 29%
And Democrats don’t want to stay in power? It seems to me the Democratic Party is concerned only with power.

I hope a couple other parties show up and ruin the two party system.

The Democrats are not doing what Republicans are doing. They are making it easier to vote.
Maybe because they don't believe it is others' responsibility to support them? This is a foreign concept I know for most Democrats. When I waited tables right out of college I didn't expect working professionals to support me. I didn't vote for "free" stuff for me to be paid for by them because it wasn't right. I was a Republican then too. Many of my friends in college grew out of their liberal ways as they matured. Many nowadays are either REALLY slow to emotionally mature or they never do. That is the only explanation I have for why they vote for policies that will most assuredly destroy our economy all for a freebie or two.

Blah! Blh! Blah! This is the 21st century. It is the rich and powerful that are destroying this country. For the first time, the top 1% control 27% of the nation's wealth. The middle 60% control 27.6%. You have no objection to big business and the rich getting freebies but you tell mothers with children to drop dead. You are nothing but a major asshole.
Polls don't elect representatives, voters do.
The voters put Manchin in, and they can take him out.
In the meantime, suckit.
Moderate democrats won't go along with the radical LWNJ agenda.

These are not moderate Democrats. Synema has been bought off by big business. She should be in a jail cell not the Senate. Manchin is trying to explain his debacle. He wrote the bill and said Republicans would not filibuster. He got educated.
Well, he's managed to hold onto a Senate seat there as a Democrat for years, despite the state becoming more red. So I'm going to say he probably understands his state better than you do.

I somewhat doubt that. He just got taken by Republicans.
Democrats want to have it so that that the goddamn Illegals can vote and they can have a system where they can create fraudulent ballots with the scam of ballot harvesting and mail in ballots counted in precedents controlled by the Democrat filth, with no accountability.

Americans want to have so that only eligible voters can vote and there is no fraud.

That is what this is all about.

Democrat attempting to legitimize election fraud so they can steal more elections, just like they did in 2020.

Republicans like you are the filthy fascists in this country. You can't win honest elections so you try to cheat. You make it harder to vote and throw out votes.

There were no illegal aliens voting, just goddamn stupid Trump supporters who wouldn't know the truth if it hit them.

The scam is being perpetuated by you. You are running a scam by lying about voter fraud. There is nothing fraudulent about ballot harvesting. That is how Trump voted.
There is nothing fraudulent about mail-in ballots.

Americans support the reforms that the Democrats are pushing. They do not like the voter suppression laws Republicans want.
Simple, the 4 Republican likely voters in WV that they polled were drunk at the time they were asked. :p

I’d be interested to see what question the poll takers asked since I suspect that NONE of the people polled have read the 800 page bill and thus have no idea what’s actually in it.

You are just plain stupid. Most Americans want fair elections except right wing fascist Republicans like you.
Try reduced or no ID requirements, nation wide ballot harvesting. public matching funds and a general nationalizing of elections. I have more but you can start with those.


The Constitution gives the Congress the power to override state election laws. There is nothing wrong with ballot harvesting. That is how Trump voted. When you talk about public financing of elections, you mean getting special interests out of it or helping a candidate who does not have the support of the rich and powerful.
Yeah, LaCooter, I'm sure the reddest state in America is suddenly hating their long-term Senator because he's not knuckling under to the far-left scheme to bankrupt the country for all time. And I'm sure your stupid ass is an expert on what West Virginians are thinking right now.

Bullshit. We are talking about $350 billion a year for 10 years. A lot of West Virginians are grateful to Biden for the expanded child tax credit.
You oppose audits to see if the Dominion Machines manufacture ballots for those who did not vote but are registered after the polls close
Voting 2 weeks after the election - PA

You are either a lying anti-Semitic weasel or a stupid anti-Semitic weasel.
Being right once every two years spares a lot....

And they never elected Ku Klux Klan Enchanted Cyclops Robert KKKing of Pork Byrd to the Senate, either...

David Duke is a KKK member and now a Republican and Trump supporter. At least Byrd renounced his ties to the KKK.
I think you are a race baiter. I never said anything about Black people voting.

In Texas, the new voting laws would make it harder for minorities to vote. Minority areas that have generally supported
Democrats will get fewer polling. In the 2020 Democrat primaries, minorities had to wait for hours to vote. They may have a even longer wait now. White po0lling places will get more polling places. In Georgia, Republicans are trying to take over the Fulton County Board of Elections. Fulton County has a large number of black voters. There is a racial componenht to it. That is what you are defending.

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