Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
A particularly informative answer at Quora.com which has a meritocratic system of up-voting, very popular. I've found better-explained answers to a broad range of questions at Quora than some academic websites. Good answers link to sources which back up factual assertions.

Best Quora Answer: Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics? | 9/11 Truth | Pinterest

Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?

Yes the official story violates the laws of thermodynamics. If you assumed that all 10,000 gallons of jet fuel - which is only kerosene - spilled into the towers - and that every bit of office furniture was on fire, you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. NIST did not find any samples of steel which reached more than about 500F. Steel is an excellent heat conductor, and the frames were a giant heat sink which wicked heat away from the impact zones.

You might have pockets of air at 1,000F - 1,200F, or higher, for a few seconds prior to “flashover,” which is a sudden combustion of gases. But even if steel is at 50% strength, which happens at around 1,000F, skyscrapers are made with a five-times maximum load safety factor, meaning at this load you begin to get buckling and partial failures, more creaking and sagging over a period of time, never a sudden disappearance of the whole structure.

The plane hit damage was negligible to the towers which were 2,000 times an airliner’s weight, steel vs. aluminum. A fully loaded 767 weighs 200 tons. Each tower weighed 450,000 tons, one quarter of that the steel frame. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym. Easily 500 pounds without bending, 10 times the weight of the bar. Steel is very strong. The hollow aluminum tubes of the airplanes were shredded like aluminum cans fired at an anvil. The towers were earthquake-proof and already built for plane hits according to building code, since a bomber accidentally hit the Empire State Building in 1945. They were built to stay standing even with half or more of the main vertical support columns cut at the base.

It is impossible to get steel to forgery temperatures, meaning 2,000F - to 2,600F, with only an open air supply. Air needs to be mechanically forced into a burn in order for steel to become malleable. Such as a bellows or the air pump in a blast furnace, which is how it gets its name, it “blasts” air into the coal or other fuel. You could pour kerosene (which is what airliner fuel is, called Jet A) on an I-beam all day long and burn it, and you’ll just get an I-beam that’s too hot to touch. Carbon steel starts to glow red at 1,100F, and melts at 2,600F. You can easily get your woodstove to 1,000F, and there is no danger of it suddenly dribbling into the ground.

Steel is forged at about 2,200F, and still requires significant force to bend. At high temperatures steel is mushy like clay. That is why the behavior of the towers on 9/11 is so suspicious. You didn’t see a slow, long sagging to the ground. The towers suddenly, literally, blew themselves apart. There were chunks of frame a football field away. Most of the frame was not twisted or heat-deformed. It was in nice, straight pieces.

Almost all of the steel below the impact zones was strong and intact. Firefighters in the South Tower radioed that the fires were almost out on the 78th floor, where they were, which was the impact zone of the second plane.

In the end it is important to understand that open air fires can twist, deform, and cause steel to buckle, but not to the point of total failure of all structural components simultaneously. That requires a pre-wired demolition. The tower destruction line accelerated toward the ground at the same speed as a falling rock. That is impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of physics. It violates the laws of physics because any falling mass that meets resistance goes slower than free fall acceleration. The lower intact towers, even if very hot, would have offered enormous resistance. Steel skyscrapers have burned, fully engulfed, like torches for over 20 hours and never collapsed.

The idea that the the top one-fourth of each tower suddenly crushed the lower, heavier and stronger three-quarters, in mere seconds is laughable cartoon physics. A few floors falling would not suddenly crush everything beneath it without a lot of help. When you combine this with clear evidence of explosives, such as both reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust, the molten pools of steel in the basements, the blown out windows across the WTC complex, the collapse of WTC7 which was not even hit by a plane, and other evidence, and it becomes clear that the official is a farce intended to push the US into war. For more info go to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Close up of tower destruction
It's all a Worldwide Jooooo-ish Kornspiracy, I tellz ya !!! :21:

Did you hear the one about how every Jew who worked in the World Trade Center got a call that morning telling him or her to call in sick?
A particularly informative answer at Quora.com which has a meritocratic system of up-voting, very popular. I've found better-explained answers to a broad range of questions at Quora than some academic websites. Good answers link to sources which back up factual assertions.

Best Quora Answer: Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics? | 9/11 Truth | Pinterest

Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?

Yes the official story violates the laws of thermodynamics. If you assumed that all 10,000 gallons of jet fuel - which is only kerosene - spilled into the towers - and that every bit of office furniture was on fire, you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. NIST did not find any samples of steel which reached more than about 500F. Steel is an excellent heat conductor, and the frames were a giant heat sink which wicked heat away from the impact zones.

You might have pockets of air at 1,000F - 1,200F, or higher, for a few seconds prior to “flashover,” which is a sudden combustion of gases. But even if steel is at 50% strength, which happens at around 1,000F, skyscrapers are made with a five-times maximum load safety factor, meaning at this load you begin to get buckling and partial failures, more creaking and sagging over a period of time, never a sudden disappearance of the whole structure.

The plane hit damage was negligible to the towers which were 2,000 times an airliner’s weight, steel vs. aluminum. A fully loaded 767 weighs 200 tons. Each tower weighed 450,000 tons, one quarter of that the steel frame. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym. Easily 500 pounds without bending, 10 times the weight of the bar. Steel is very strong. The hollow aluminum tubes of the airplanes were shredded like aluminum cans fired at an anvil. The towers were earthquake-proof and already built for plane hits according to building code, since a bomber accidentally hit the Empire State Building in 1945. They were built to stay standing even with half or more of the main vertical support columns cut at the base.

It is impossible to get steel to forgery temperatures, meaning 2,000F - to 2,600F, with only an open air supply. Air needs to be mechanically forced into a burn in order for steel to become malleable. Such as a bellows or the air pump in a blast furnace, which is how it gets its name, it “blasts” air into the coal or other fuel. You could pour kerosene (which is what airliner fuel is, called Jet A) on an I-beam all day long and burn it, and you’ll just get an I-beam that’s too hot to touch. Carbon steel starts to glow red at 1,100F, and melts at 2,600F. You can easily get your woodstove to 1,000F, and there is no danger of it suddenly dribbling into the ground.

Steel is forged at about 2,200F, and still requires significant force to bend. At high temperatures steel is mushy like clay. That is why the behavior of the towers on 9/11 is so suspicious. You didn’t see a slow, long sagging to the ground. The towers suddenly, literally, blew themselves apart. There were chunks of frame a football field away. Most of the frame was not twisted or heat-deformed. It was in nice, straight pieces.

Almost all of the steel below the impact zones was strong and intact. Firefighters in the South Tower radioed that the fires were almost out on the 78th floor, where they were, which was the impact zone of the second plane.

In the end it is important to understand that open air fires can twist, deform, and cause steel to buckle, but not to the point of total failure of all structural components simultaneously. That requires a pre-wired demolition. The tower destruction line accelerated toward the ground at the same speed as a falling rock. That is impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of physics. It violates the laws of physics because any falling mass that meets resistance goes slower than free fall acceleration. The lower intact towers, even if very hot, would have offered enormous resistance. Steel skyscrapers have burned, fully engulfed, like torches for over 20 hours and never collapsed.

The idea that the the top one-fourth of each tower suddenly crushed the lower, heavier and stronger three-quarters, in mere seconds is laughable cartoon physics. A few floors falling would not suddenly crush everything beneath it without a lot of help. When you combine this with clear evidence of explosives, such as both reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust, the molten pools of steel in the basements, the blown out windows across the WTC complex, the collapse of WTC7 which was not even hit by a plane, and other evidence, and it becomes clear that the official is a farce intended to push the US into war. For more info go to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Close up of tower destruction

Coo Coo - Coo Coo - Coo Coo
A particularly informative answer at Quora.com which has a meritocratic system of up-voting, very popular. I've found better-explained answers to a broad range of questions at Quora than some academic websites. Good answers link to sources which back up factual assertions.

Best Quora Answer: Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics? | 9/11 Truth | Pinterest

Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?

Yes the official story violates the laws of thermodynamics. If you assumed that all 10,000 gallons of jet fuel - which is only kerosene - spilled into the towers - and that every bit of office furniture was on fire, you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. NIST did not find any samples of steel which reached more than about 500F. Steel is an excellent heat conductor, and the frames were a giant heat sink which wicked heat away from the impact zones.

You might have pockets of air at 1,000F - 1,200F, or higher, for a few seconds prior to “flashover,” which is a sudden combustion of gases. But even if steel is at 50% strength, which happens at around 1,000F, skyscrapers are made with a five-times maximum load safety factor, meaning at this load you begin to get buckling and partial failures, more creaking and sagging over a period of time, never a sudden disappearance of the whole structure.

The plane hit damage was negligible to the towers which were 2,000 times an airliner’s weight, steel vs. aluminum. A fully loaded 767 weighs 200 tons. Each tower weighed 450,000 tons, one quarter of that the steel frame. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym. Easily 500 pounds without bending, 10 times the weight of the bar. Steel is very strong. The hollow aluminum tubes of the airplanes were shredded like aluminum cans fired at an anvil. The towers were earthquake-proof and already built for plane hits according to building code, since a bomber accidentally hit the Empire State Building in 1945. They were built to stay standing even with half or more of the main vertical support columns cut at the base.

It is impossible to get steel to forgery temperatures, meaning 2,000F - to 2,600F, with only an open air supply. Air needs to be mechanically forced into a burn in order for steel to become malleable. Such as a bellows or the air pump in a blast furnace, which is how it gets its name, it “blasts” air into the coal or other fuel. You could pour kerosene (which is what airliner fuel is, called Jet A) on an I-beam all day long and burn it, and you’ll just get an I-beam that’s too hot to touch. Carbon steel starts to glow red at 1,100F, and melts at 2,600F. You can easily get your woodstove to 1,000F, and there is no danger of it suddenly dribbling into the ground.

Steel is forged at about 2,200F, and still requires significant force to bend. At high temperatures steel is mushy like clay. That is why the behavior of the towers on 9/11 is so suspicious. You didn’t see a slow, long sagging to the ground. The towers suddenly, literally, blew themselves apart. There were chunks of frame a football field away. Most of the frame was not twisted or heat-deformed. It was in nice, straight pieces.

Almost all of the steel below the impact zones was strong and intact. Firefighters in the South Tower radioed that the fires were almost out on the 78th floor, where they were, which was the impact zone of the second plane.

In the end it is important to understand that open air fires can twist, deform, and cause steel to buckle, but not to the point of total failure of all structural components simultaneously. That requires a pre-wired demolition. The tower destruction line accelerated toward the ground at the same speed as a falling rock. That is impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of physics. It violates the laws of physics because any falling mass that meets resistance goes slower than free fall acceleration. The lower intact towers, even if very hot, would have offered enormous resistance. Steel skyscrapers have burned, fully engulfed, like torches for over 20 hours and never collapsed.

The idea that the the top one-fourth of each tower suddenly crushed the lower, heavier and stronger three-quarters, in mere seconds is laughable cartoon physics. A few floors falling would not suddenly crush everything beneath it without a lot of help. When you combine this with clear evidence of explosives, such as both reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust, the molten pools of steel in the basements, the blown out windows across the WTC complex, the collapse of WTC7 which was not even hit by a plane, and other evidence, and it becomes clear that the official is a farce intended to push the US into war. For more info go to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Close up of tower destruction

Are you a flat earther also?
Remember when that dumb ass libtard rosie

said fire couldn’t melt steal…..
A particularly informative answer at Quora.com which has a meritocratic system of up-voting, very popular. I've found better-explained answers to a broad range of questions at Quora than some academic websites. Good answers link to sources which back up factual assertions.

Best Quora Answer: Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics? | 9/11 Truth | Pinterest

Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?

Yes the official story violates the laws of thermodynamics. If you assumed that all 10,000 gallons of jet fuel - which is only kerosene - spilled into the towers - and that every bit of office furniture was on fire, you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. NIST did not find any samples of steel which reached more than about 500F. Steel is an excellent heat conductor, and the frames were a giant heat sink which wicked heat away from the impact zones.

You might have pockets of air at 1,000F - 1,200F, or higher, for a few seconds prior to “flashover,” which is a sudden combustion of gases. But even if steel is at 50% strength, which happens at around 1,000F, skyscrapers are made with a five-times maximum load safety factor, meaning at this load you begin to get buckling and partial failures, more creaking and sagging over a period of time, never a sudden disappearance of the whole structure.

The plane hit damage was negligible to the towers which were 2,000 times an airliner’s weight, steel vs. aluminum. A fully loaded 767 weighs 200 tons. Each tower weighed 450,000 tons, one quarter of that the steel frame. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym. Easily 500 pounds without bending, 10 times the weight of the bar. Steel is very strong. The hollow aluminum tubes of the airplanes were shredded like aluminum cans fired at an anvil. The towers were earthquake-proof and already built for plane hits according to building code, since a bomber accidentally hit the Empire State Building in 1945. They were built to stay standing even with half or more of the main vertical support columns cut at the base.

It is impossible to get steel to forgery temperatures, meaning 2,000F - to 2,600F, with only an open air supply. Air needs to be mechanically forced into a burn in order for steel to become malleable. Such as a bellows or the air pump in a blast furnace, which is how it gets its name, it “blasts” air into the coal or other fuel. You could pour kerosene (which is what airliner fuel is, called Jet A) on an I-beam all day long and burn it, and you’ll just get an I-beam that’s too hot to touch. Carbon steel starts to glow red at 1,100F, and melts at 2,600F. You can easily get your woodstove to 1,000F, and there is no danger of it suddenly dribbling into the ground.

Steel is forged at about 2,200F, and still requires significant force to bend. At high temperatures steel is mushy like clay. That is why the behavior of the towers on 9/11 is so suspicious. You didn’t see a slow, long sagging to the ground. The towers suddenly, literally, blew themselves apart. There were chunks of frame a football field away. Most of the frame was not twisted or heat-deformed. It was in nice, straight pieces.

Almost all of the steel below the impact zones was strong and intact. Firefighters in the South Tower radioed that the fires were almost out on the 78th floor, where they were, which was the impact zone of the second plane.

In the end it is important to understand that open air fires can twist, deform, and cause steel to buckle, but not to the point of total failure of all structural components simultaneously. That requires a pre-wired demolition. The tower destruction line accelerated toward the ground at the same speed as a falling rock. That is impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of physics. It violates the laws of physics because any falling mass that meets resistance goes slower than free fall acceleration. The lower intact towers, even if very hot, would have offered enormous resistance. Steel skyscrapers have burned, fully engulfed, like torches for over 20 hours and never collapsed.

The idea that the the top one-fourth of each tower suddenly crushed the lower, heavier and stronger three-quarters, in mere seconds is laughable cartoon physics. A few floors falling would not suddenly crush everything beneath it without a lot of help. When you combine this with clear evidence of explosives, such as both reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust, the molten pools of steel in the basements, the blown out windows across the WTC complex, the collapse of WTC7 which was not even hit by a plane, and other evidence, and it becomes clear that the official is a farce intended to push the US into war. For more info go to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Close up of tower destruction

I will address the part of the explanation I came to first, which I believe I can help enlighten you on.

If there are other points which have nothing to do with this post of mine, I have no opinion or scientific knowledge to add.

Take a wire coat hanger and unravel it so that it is as straight as needed to break the wire into two pieces.

Bend the two opposite ends of the wire toward each other and then back the other way and try to break the wire at a joint.

Bending it back and forward repeatedly makes the task of each bend easier because you are heating the metal and applying force to it and also by bending it back and forth rapidly and repeatedly, you are heating the metal.

Keep doing that motion until the wire is in two pieces.

Now quickly feel the wire.

It feels warm to the touch.

Almost hot.

What you have demonstrated is that metal will weaken and lose strength when it is heated and enough force us exerted on it.

The temperature needn't be hot enough to melt the steel.

Just hot enough to weaken it so it cannot support the weight that it did at ambient temperatures.

Force + heat.

Heat + force.

It broke your wire coat hanger.

The extra weight of the plane plus the heat from the burning fuel was enough to weaken the structure and start the floors to pancake downward.

Each floor added hundreds of thousands of pounds of weight to the floor below all the accumulated weight added to the force hitting the floor below it.

The burning fuel heated the steel enough so it was no longer strong enough to support the weight of the building.

Heat + force.

Heat only needs to warm the steel to weaken it until it can't support the forces it could when at lower temperatures.

Heat and force.

I'd bet there is a graph that shows a sliding scale with higher temperatures requiring less force to make the steel fail.

Or conversely, with lower temperatures, more weight would be needed to make the steel fail.

Heating the steel at that temperature, for that length of time and with that amount of weight made it weaken enough to fail.
Last edited:
A particularly informative answer at Quora.com which has a meritocratic system of up-voting, very popular. I've found better-explained answers to a broad range of questions at Quora than some academic websites. Good answers link to sources which back up factual assertions.

Best Quora Answer: Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics? | 9/11 Truth | Pinterest

Were the laws of thermodynamics broken on 9/11 in addition to the laws of physics?

Yes the official story violates the laws of thermodynamics. If you assumed that all 10,000 gallons of jet fuel - which is only kerosene - spilled into the towers - and that every bit of office furniture was on fire, you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. NIST did not find any samples of steel which reached more than about 500F. Steel is an excellent heat conductor, and the frames were a giant heat sink which wicked heat away from the impact zones.

You might have pockets of air at 1,000F - 1,200F, or higher, for a few seconds prior to “flashover,” which is a sudden combustion of gases. But even if steel is at 50% strength, which happens at around 1,000F, skyscrapers are made with a five-times maximum load safety factor, meaning at this load you begin to get buckling and partial failures, more creaking and sagging over a period of time, never a sudden disappearance of the whole structure.

The plane hit damage was negligible to the towers which were 2,000 times an airliner’s weight, steel vs. aluminum. A fully loaded 767 weighs 200 tons. Each tower weighed 450,000 tons, one quarter of that the steel frame. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym. Easily 500 pounds without bending, 10 times the weight of the bar. Steel is very strong. The hollow aluminum tubes of the airplanes were shredded like aluminum cans fired at an anvil. The towers were earthquake-proof and already built for plane hits according to building code, since a bomber accidentally hit the Empire State Building in 1945. They were built to stay standing even with half or more of the main vertical support columns cut at the base.

It is impossible to get steel to forgery temperatures, meaning 2,000F - to 2,600F, with only an open air supply. Air needs to be mechanically forced into a burn in order for steel to become malleable. Such as a bellows or the air pump in a blast furnace, which is how it gets its name, it “blasts” air into the coal or other fuel. You could pour kerosene (which is what airliner fuel is, called Jet A) on an I-beam all day long and burn it, and you’ll just get an I-beam that’s too hot to touch. Carbon steel starts to glow red at 1,100F, and melts at 2,600F. You can easily get your woodstove to 1,000F, and there is no danger of it suddenly dribbling into the ground.

Steel is forged at about 2,200F, and still requires significant force to bend. At high temperatures steel is mushy like clay. That is why the behavior of the towers on 9/11 is so suspicious. You didn’t see a slow, long sagging to the ground. The towers suddenly, literally, blew themselves apart. There were chunks of frame a football field away. Most of the frame was not twisted or heat-deformed. It was in nice, straight pieces.

Almost all of the steel below the impact zones was strong and intact. Firefighters in the South Tower radioed that the fires were almost out on the 78th floor, where they were, which was the impact zone of the second plane.

In the end it is important to understand that open air fires can twist, deform, and cause steel to buckle, but not to the point of total failure of all structural components simultaneously. That requires a pre-wired demolition. The tower destruction line accelerated toward the ground at the same speed as a falling rock. That is impossible and violates the laws of thermodynamics, as well as the laws of physics. It violates the laws of physics because any falling mass that meets resistance goes slower than free fall acceleration. The lower intact towers, even if very hot, would have offered enormous resistance. Steel skyscrapers have burned, fully engulfed, like torches for over 20 hours and never collapsed.

The idea that the the top one-fourth of each tower suddenly crushed the lower, heavier and stronger three-quarters, in mere seconds is laughable cartoon physics. A few floors falling would not suddenly crush everything beneath it without a lot of help. When you combine this with clear evidence of explosives, such as both reacted and unreacted nanothermite in the dust, the molten pools of steel in the basements, the blown out windows across the WTC complex, the collapse of WTC7 which was not even hit by a plane, and other evidence, and it becomes clear that the official is a farce intended to push the US into war. For more info go to Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth.

Close up of tower destruction

You are still posting disproven theories under that photoshopped avatar. What an incredible dumbass you are proving yourself to be!

BTW, I reported you post as not being politics. It should be moved to the trash can.
you still wouldn’t have enough heat-energy to get any significant portion of the tower steel much higher 600F. Think of how much you can load up on a 50 pound barbell bar at the gym.

Your post is chock full of misinformation. For one thing, barbells are not plain steel as are buildings. Jet fuel has three reaction points, the highest, as with the WTC, is when the fuel is aerated into a mist as was the case when the planes hit at 500 mph and much of the fuel was atomized and oxygenated by the impact, making a fire a full 1500°F or hotter possible. Further, the impact blew off the protective heat coating on the beams put there because they needed it to resist a jet impact. The resulting heat was easily hot enough to weaken a few floors to the point where one or more floors failed their support spans dropping them like pancakes down onto the weakened floors below. Anyone who has ever dropped a hammer on their foot knows it carries a lot more kinetic energy than if you just lay it there!

The moment of impact of the floor(s) above onto a weakened floor(s) below had far more instantaneous moment of inertia than the spans were designed to take causing them to fail only adding to the pancaking of the floors, and once the process began, it was inevitable like a chain reaction---- BANG! BANG! BANG! --- and the building fell in on itself straight down. All of the strength in the building was split between the outer wall and the elevator core, it wasn't a good design. It was created to save steel, cost and to lighten the building; The entire concept is predicated on the entire structure supporting itself---- weakened by the loss of the floor spans connecting the inner core to the outer wall, the entire structure becomes unstable and susceptible to buckling. No mysteries needed, no conspiracy theories. All of this has been confirmed by eye witnesses and experts.


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