"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
More excuses form the party of excuses.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch.

All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures and the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.

It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results.

Maybe Bush should have not wasted $trillions on useless spending bills...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have fucked up those 2 wars...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have been a sleep at the switch when the economy was crashing...
Maybe Trump should have taken the virus seriously
Maybe Trump should have just worn a fucking mask and not had like 100+ super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties etc.
Maybe trump shouldn't have incited a riot at the capitol based on fabricated lies...
Funny how covid cases drop rapidly when Biden comes in and promotes mask wearing and stops all the Trump super-spreader events...

You conveniently leave out those little facts...
You try to act like Bush's repeated fuck ups aren't his fault, when they are.
You try to act like trump's repeated fuck up aren't his fault, when they are...
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
More excuses form the party of excuses.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch.

All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures and the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.

It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results.

Maybe Bush should have not wasted $trillions on useless spending bills...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have fucked up those 2 wars...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have been a sleep at the switch when the economy was crashing...
Maybe Trump should have taken the virus seriously
Maybe Trump should have just worn a fucking mask and not had like 100+ super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties etc.
Maybe trump shouldn't have incited a riot at the capitol based on fabricated lies...
Funny how covid cases drop rapidly when Biden comes in and promotes mask wearing and stops all the Trump super-spreader events...

You conveniently leave out those little facts...
You try to act like Bush's repeated fuck ups aren't his fault, when they are.
You try to act like trump's repeated fuck up aren't his fault, when they are...

Remember Trump told them the stock market would fall apart if Biden won?

According to a survey by Hartford Funds, 47% of investors also believe that a Republican president is better for investments, while 37% believe a Democrat is better.
But looking at history, the association of a Republican president with better stock market performance is not steeped in reality. Here’s what’s really the case.
Historically, the stock market performs better under Democrats.

since 1945, the S&P 500 has averaged an annual gain of 11.2% when Democrats controlled the White House, versus an average 6.9% gain under Republicans.

The average annual U.S. GDP growth rate was 3.6% under Democrats and 2.6% under Republicans.

Even if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic ― both of which occurred while a Republican was in office ― the data still shows stronger performance when Democrats occupied the White House.

“Corporate and income tax cuts tend to have a muted immediate effect on the economy, [while] government spending on items such as infrastructure, unemployment benefits and food stamps tends to have a greater impact,”

A new report says Biden would be best for the economy.
Historical data aside, how might the 2020 election result affect the economy as a whole? A new analysis from economists Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros of Moody’s Analytics says Joe Biden would have a stronger impact on the economy than Trump as president.
“Largely because of Biden’s substantially more expansive fiscal policies, the economy would return to full employment more quickly coming out of the pandemic than under Trump,” the report said. “Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies on foreign trade and immigration would also contribute to stronger economic growth, so that by the end of their terms in 2024, real GDP would be $960 billion, or 4.5%, larger under Biden than Trump.”

That would translate to 7.4 million more jobs under Biden than Trump, according to the report.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
More excuses form the party of excuses.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch.

All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures and the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.

It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results.

Maybe Bush should have not wasted $trillions on useless spending bills...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have fucked up those 2 wars...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have been a sleep at the switch when the economy was crashing...
Maybe Trump should have taken the virus seriously
Maybe Trump should have just worn a fucking mask and not had like 100+ super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties etc.
Maybe trump shouldn't have incited a riot at the capitol based on fabricated lies...
Funny how covid cases drop rapidly when Biden comes in and promotes mask wearing and stops all the Trump super-spreader events...

You conveniently leave out those little facts...
You try to act like Bush's repeated fuck ups aren't his fault, when they are.
You try to act like trump's repeated fuck up aren't his fault, when they are...

Remember Trump told them the stock market would fall apart if Biden won?

According to a survey by Hartford Funds, 47% of investors also believe that a Republican president is better for investments, while 37% believe a Democrat is better.
But looking at history, the association of a Republican president with better stock market performance is not steeped in reality. Here’s what’s really the case.
Historically, the stock market performs better under Democrats.

since 1945, the S&P 500 has averaged an annual gain of 11.2% when Democrats controlled the White House, versus an average 6.9% gain under Republicans.

The average annual U.S. GDP growth rate was 3.6% under Democrats and 2.6% under Republicans.

Even if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic ― both of which occurred while a Republican was in office ― the data still shows stronger performance when Democrats occupied the White House.

“Corporate and income tax cuts tend to have a muted immediate effect on the economy, [while] government spending on items such as infrastructure, unemployment benefits and food stamps tends to have a greater impact,”

A new report says Biden would be best for the economy.
Historical data aside, how might the 2020 election result affect the economy as a whole? A new analysis from economists Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros of Moody’s Analytics says Joe Biden would have a stronger impact on the economy than Trump as president.
“Largely because of Biden’s substantially more expansive fiscal policies, the economy would return to full employment more quickly coming out of the pandemic than under Trump,” the report said. “Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies on foreign trade and immigration would also contribute to stronger economic growth, so that by the end of their terms in 2024, real GDP would be $960 billion, or 4.5%, larger under Biden than Trump.”

That would translate to 7.4 million more jobs under Biden than Trump, according to the report.
11 of the last 12 recession were under GOP presidents.

The GOP record is abhorrently bad.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
Should have been Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 40 years. Bush and Trump really fucked us up. Especially with their Supreme Court picks. Those Justices are all Heritage Foundation scum. And they are lifetime appointments so we can't drain that swamp.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
More excuses form the party of excuses.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch.

All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures and the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.

It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results.

Maybe Bush should have not wasted $trillions on useless spending bills...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have fucked up those 2 wars...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have been a sleep at the switch when the economy was crashing...
Maybe Trump should have taken the virus seriously
Maybe Trump should have just worn a fucking mask and not had like 100+ super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties etc.
Maybe trump shouldn't have incited a riot at the capitol based on fabricated lies...
Funny how covid cases drop rapidly when Biden comes in and promotes mask wearing and stops all the Trump super-spreader events...

You conveniently leave out those little facts...
You try to act like Bush's repeated fuck ups aren't his fault, when they are.
You try to act like trump's repeated fuck up aren't his fault, when they are...

Remember Trump told them the stock market would fall apart if Biden won?

According to a survey by Hartford Funds, 47% of investors also believe that a Republican president is better for investments, while 37% believe a Democrat is better.
But looking at history, the association of a Republican president with better stock market performance is not steeped in reality. Here’s what’s really the case.
Historically, the stock market performs better under Democrats.

since 1945, the S&P 500 has averaged an annual gain of 11.2% when Democrats controlled the White House, versus an average 6.9% gain under Republicans.

The average annual U.S. GDP growth rate was 3.6% under Democrats and 2.6% under Republicans.

Even if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic ― both of which occurred while a Republican was in office ― the data still shows stronger performance when Democrats occupied the White House.

“Corporate and income tax cuts tend to have a muted immediate effect on the economy, [while] government spending on items such as infrastructure, unemployment benefits and food stamps tends to have a greater impact,”

A new report says Biden would be best for the economy.
Historical data aside, how might the 2020 election result affect the economy as a whole? A new analysis from economists Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros of Moody’s Analytics says Joe Biden would have a stronger impact on the economy than Trump as president.
“Largely because of Biden’s substantially more expansive fiscal policies, the economy would return to full employment more quickly coming out of the pandemic than under Trump,” the report said. “Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies on foreign trade and immigration would also contribute to stronger economic growth, so that by the end of their terms in 2024, real GDP would be $960 billion, or 4.5%, larger under Biden than Trump.”

That would translate to 7.4 million more jobs under Biden than Trump, according to the report.
11 of the last 12 recession were under GOP presidents.

The GOP record is abhorrently bad.
But Americans have short memories. Bush 1 sucked, 8 years later we nominated his son. What harm could he do right the economy was booming. Then 8 years later we forgot made the same mistake only this time it was Hillary and Trump.

Republicans forget in 2019 Trump started a trade war and only had 2.3% growth and economists said a recession was coming in 2020 because of his trade war. Trump's massive tax breaks did not deliver as promised. We should have had 8 great years of growth after those tax breaks but as we said trickle down doesn't work. The rich don't just hire more people because they have more money. They sock it away. Sure they spend some too but it'd be better to give the middle class the tax breaks. That will benefit everyone including the rich because we spend that money.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
Oh, I'm well aware of blue collar success. My brother in law spent a few years as an intern for a cabinet maker while his wife supported them. Now he's one of the most successful businessmen in his state and didn't finish highschool. The fact is, though, that if you want a stable career as an employee where you don't have to worry about owning a business and you want regular raises and benefits, you'd better get a college degree in a lucrative field like medicine or IT. You can get into a skilled trade like plumbing or electrical work and make good money if you're willing to work when and where most people don't. Driving a truck can be lucrative, but you'd better get used to someone micromanaging every move you make.

The truth is, we are never going to get back the 1950's, when we were the only productive industrial nation in the world, everyone in the world wanted to buy what we were selling, and we could afford high wages. Yes, you could get out of high school, work the assembly line for 40 years, raise 5 kids and put them through college, then retire at 65 and live out your golden years on a big pension. Not happening any more and not likely to ever happen again unless we again decimate the rest of the world and emerge unscathed. And that's not the fault of Republicans, nor are unions going to bring back the golden days. It's the reality of the global economy and other nations being as productive as we are. It's all about competition.
I agree except for I think something can or should be done about skyrocketing CEO pay at companies who aren't unionized. Back in the 1990's the company would have handed out raises when they made record profits. Today they don't. They give the CEO and shareholders big $ instead. Just one of the many ways labor has taken a hit at the hands of the corporations and rich.

Another way is when they hire illegals. That's costing blue collar Americans billions of dollars every year.

When did Trump become president?

President Trump said in July 2019 that his namesake businesses have stopped employing undocumented immigrants — but a Costa Rican woman who used to work at one of his golf clubs is calling bull.

The way it sounds to me, he knew his companies were hiring illegals. You guys like to pretend that the illegal employes were unknowingly duped when they hire illegals. We all know that's bullshit. Trump only stopped because how could he possibly dupe his followers and continue to hire illegals? I don't know but he was doing it all the way up until July 2019. None of his followers seemed to mind even hearing that Trump himself is/was an illegal employer. How stupid could they be right?
I wouldn't know, I didn't weigh in on him employing illegals. I do know that he owns hundreds of companies that employ thousands of people, and since he separated from them when he became president, it's possible that some may have started hiring illegals. You'll have to go after the Board of Directors of these companies and convince the workers and retirees whose 401Ks hold stock in these companies that it would be better to pay workers more than for granny to have higher value in her investments as she lives out her last years.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
Should have been Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 40 years. Bush and Trump really fucked us up. Especially with their Supreme Court picks. Those Justices are all Heritage Foundation scum. And they are lifetime appointments so we can't drain that swamp.
and if they were far left democrats you would think they are just great judges...right bobo?....
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
Oh, I'm well aware of blue collar success. My brother in law spent a few years as an intern for a cabinet maker while his wife supported them. Now he's one of the most successful businessmen in his state and didn't finish highschool. The fact is, though, that if you want a stable career as an employee where you don't have to worry about owning a business and you want regular raises and benefits, you'd better get a college degree in a lucrative field like medicine or IT. You can get into a skilled trade like plumbing or electrical work and make good money if you're willing to work when and where most people don't. Driving a truck can be lucrative, but you'd better get used to someone micromanaging every move you make.

The truth is, we are never going to get back the 1950's, when we were the only productive industrial nation in the world, everyone in the world wanted to buy what we were selling, and we could afford high wages. Yes, you could get out of high school, work the assembly line for 40 years, raise 5 kids and put them through college, then retire at 65 and live out your golden years on a big pension. Not happening any more and not likely to ever happen again unless we again decimate the rest of the world and emerge unscathed. And that's not the fault of Republicans, nor are unions going to bring back the golden days. It's the reality of the global economy and other nations being as productive as we are. It's all about competition.
I agree except for I think something can or should be done about skyrocketing CEO pay at companies who aren't unionized. Back in the 1990's the company would have handed out raises when they made record profits. Today they don't. They give the CEO and shareholders big $ instead. Just one of the many ways labor has taken a hit at the hands of the corporations and rich.

Another way is when they hire illegals. That's costing blue collar Americans billions of dollars every year.

When did Trump become president?

President Trump said in July 2019 that his namesake businesses have stopped employing undocumented immigrants — but a Costa Rican woman who used to work at one of his golf clubs is calling bull.

The way it sounds to me, he knew his companies were hiring illegals. You guys like to pretend that the illegal employes were unknowingly duped when they hire illegals. We all know that's bullshit. Trump only stopped because how could he possibly dupe his followers and continue to hire illegals? I don't know but he was doing it all the way up until July 2019. None of his followers seemed to mind even hearing that Trump himself is/was an illegal employer. How stupid could they be right?
I wouldn't know, I didn't weigh in on him employing illegals. I do know that he owns hundreds of companies that employ thousands of people, and since he separated from them when he became president, it's possible that some may have started hiring illegals. You'll have to go after the Board of Directors of these companies and convince the workers and retirees whose 401Ks hold stock in these companies that it would be better to pay workers more than for granny to have higher value in her investments as she lives out her last years.
Bad answer.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
Should have been Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 40 years. Bush and Trump really fucked us up. Especially with their Supreme Court picks. Those Justices are all Heritage Foundation scum. And they are lifetime appointments so we can't drain that swamp.
and if they were far left democrats you would think they are just great judges...right bobo?....
Yes. Pro we the people not corporations. We’re in charge. Government is the referee. Great social programs, pro union, no pre existing conditions. Universal healthcare. Pro choice. Etc
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
Oh, I'm well aware of blue collar success. My brother in law spent a few years as an intern for a cabinet maker while his wife supported them. Now he's one of the most successful businessmen in his state and didn't finish highschool. The fact is, though, that if you want a stable career as an employee where you don't have to worry about owning a business and you want regular raises and benefits, you'd better get a college degree in a lucrative field like medicine or IT. You can get into a skilled trade like plumbing or electrical work and make good money if you're willing to work when and where most people don't. Driving a truck can be lucrative, but you'd better get used to someone micromanaging every move you make.

The truth is, we are never going to get back the 1950's, when we were the only productive industrial nation in the world, everyone in the world wanted to buy what we were selling, and we could afford high wages. Yes, you could get out of high school, work the assembly line for 40 years, raise 5 kids and put them through college, then retire at 65 and live out your golden years on a big pension. Not happening any more and not likely to ever happen again unless we again decimate the rest of the world and emerge unscathed. And that's not the fault of Republicans, nor are unions going to bring back the golden days. It's the reality of the global economy and other nations being as productive as we are. It's all about competition.
I agree except for I think something can or should be done about skyrocketing CEO pay at companies who aren't unionized. Back in the 1990's the company would have handed out raises when they made record profits. Today they don't. They give the CEO and shareholders big $ instead. Just one of the many ways labor has taken a hit at the hands of the corporations and rich.

Another way is when they hire illegals. That's costing blue collar Americans billions of dollars every year.

When did Trump become president?

President Trump said in July 2019 that his namesake businesses have stopped employing undocumented immigrants — but a Costa Rican woman who used to work at one of his golf clubs is calling bull.

The way it sounds to me, he knew his companies were hiring illegals. You guys like to pretend that the illegal employes were unknowingly duped when they hire illegals. We all know that's bullshit. Trump only stopped because how could he possibly dupe his followers and continue to hire illegals? I don't know but he was doing it all the way up until July 2019. None of his followers seemed to mind even hearing that Trump himself is/was an illegal employer. How stupid could they be right?
I wouldn't know, I didn't weigh in on him employing illegals. I do know that he owns hundreds of companies that employ thousands of people, and since he separated from them when he became president, it's possible that some may have started hiring illegals. You'll have to go after the Board of Directors of these companies and convince the workers and retirees whose 401Ks hold stock in these companies that it would be better to pay workers more than for granny to have higher value in her investments as she lives out her last years.
Bad answer.
When you have a dumb statement like "You guys like to" blah blah blah, what do you expect?
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
The craziest thing about these idiot republicans is how they believe any lie Trump/Alex Jones tells them (no matter how crazy). AND how they support all these failed GOP presidents and try to act these these total failures were somehow good.

These ass clowns act like Bush wasn't the worst president ever, they try to act like Trump didn't totally fuck up covid.
It's insane, it's like they are trying to convince us that the NY Jets are the best football team. They celebrate total failure.
The GOP = NY Jets...
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
The craziest thing about these idiot republicans is how they believe any lie Trump/Alex Jones tells them (no matter how crazy). AND how they support all these failed GOP presidents and try to act these these total failures were somehow good.

These ass clowns act like Bush wasn't the worst president ever, they try to act like Trump didn't totally fuck up covid.
It's insane, it's like they are trying to convince us that the NY Jets are the best football team. They celebrate total failure.
The GOP = NY Jets...
The one time republicans all admitted bush sucked was when trump was taking on Jeb. Only because trump said it. Then they admitted he caused the recession and lied us into Iraq. Trump said it at a North Carolina Republican debate.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
The craziest thing about these idiot republicans is how they believe any lie Trump/Alex Jones tells them (no matter how crazy). AND how they support all these failed GOP presidents and try to act these these total failures were somehow good.

These ass clowns act like Bush wasn't the worst president ever, they try to act like Trump didn't totally fuck up covid.
It's insane, it's like they are trying to convince us that the NY Jets are the best football team. They celebrate total failure.
The GOP = NY Jets...
The one time republicans all admitted bush sucked was when trump was taking on Jeb. Only because trump said it. Then they admitted he caused the recession and lied us into Iraq. Trump said it at a North Carolina Republican debate.
Oh yea, one time one of the Einstein's on here was trying to say that Iraq wasn't a total disaster and Bush did fine???? huh??? I hit them with the Trump quote:
“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Then they go into mental overload and surrender. These people are missing a chromosome or something, it has to be genetic.
Last edited:
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
The craziest thing about these idiot republicans is how they believe any lie Trump/Alex Jones tells them (no matter how crazy). AND how they support all these failed GOP presidents and try to act these these total failures were somehow good.

These ass clowns act like Bush wasn't the worst president ever, they try to act like Trump didn't totally fuck up covid.
It's insane, it's like they are trying to convince us that the NY Jets are the best football team. They celebrate total failure.
The GOP = NY Jets...
The one time republicans all admitted bush sucked was when trump was taking on Jeb. Only because trump said it. Then they admitted he caused the recession and lied us into Iraq. Trump said it at a North Carolina Republican debate.
Oh yea, one time one of the genius's on here was trying to say that Iraq wasn't a total disaster and Bush did fine???? huh??? I hit them with the Trump quote:
“The worst single mistake ever made in the history of our country: going into the Middle East, by President Bush,” the president [Trump] said during an exclusive interview with Hill.TV.

Then they go into mental overload and surrender. These people are missing a chromosome or something, it has to be genetic.
Remember not long ago these guys loved John McCain and four years later mitt romney.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
View attachment 454724
That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
Should have been Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 40 years. Bush and Trump really fucked us up. Especially with their Supreme Court picks. Those Justices are all Heritage Foundation scum. And they are lifetime appointments so we can't drain that swamp.

The president who really messed us up was reagan.

He put us on this path. He also crashed the economy but did it at the beginning of his term when he slashed taxes and started on the deregulation tangent we are still in.

At the time, reagan's crash and recession was the worst economic crash and recession since the last republican Great Depression.

He got us out by pulling out the nation's credit card. Went on a spending spree and didn't pay for it. He spent on military, not infrastructure. It was the largest military spending/build up since WW II. Only he didn't have a war. He exploded the deficit and debt.

bush the first took over in 1989 and the economy immediately went bad again. Then the Cold War ended so the congress slashed military spending calling it the "peace dividend." I call it stopping wasting money on needless weapons. All those fake jobs dependent on tax dollars were gone. It sent our already rocky economy over the edge into recession and near collapse.

That is the reason why Clinton was elected. I can't believe that people forget that very infamous 1992 slogan IT'S THE ECONOMY STUPID!

The truth is reagan, bush the first, the bush boy and trump all crashed our economy and exploded our deficit and debt.

Clinton cleaned up the reagan/bush mess.

The bush boy destroyed it all and collapsed our economy with more republican tax cuts, deregulation and out of control military spending.

Obama cleaned up the mess.

trump came and destroyed it all with more tax cuts, deregulation, tariff wars and failure to control the pandemic.

Biden will clean up the mess.

Hopefully Americans will have finally learned, never allow conservative economic or social policy to be inflicted on our nation again.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
More excuses form the party of excuses.
The life of a republican is making pathetic excuses like a little bitch.

All you do is make excuses as to why all the great success under democrats is luck, and why all the many multiple failures and the GOP and Bush and Trump are somehow not their fault.

It's always somebody else's fault with you people. It's always coincidence that the democrats have better results.

Maybe Bush should have not wasted $trillions on useless spending bills...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have fucked up those 2 wars...
Maybe Bush shouldn't have been a sleep at the switch when the economy was crashing...
Maybe Trump should have taken the virus seriously
Maybe Trump should have just worn a fucking mask and not had like 100+ super-spreader events, rallies, holiday parties etc.
Maybe trump shouldn't have incited a riot at the capitol based on fabricated lies...
Funny how covid cases drop rapidly when Biden comes in and promotes mask wearing and stops all the Trump super-spreader events...

You conveniently leave out those little facts...
You try to act like Bush's repeated fuck ups aren't his fault, when they are.
You try to act like trump's repeated fuck up aren't his fault, when they are...

Remember Trump told them the stock market would fall apart if Biden won?

According to a survey by Hartford Funds, 47% of investors also believe that a Republican president is better for investments, while 37% believe a Democrat is better.
But looking at history, the association of a Republican president with better stock market performance is not steeped in reality. Here’s what’s really the case.
Historically, the stock market performs better under Democrats.

since 1945, the S&P 500 has averaged an annual gain of 11.2% when Democrats controlled the White House, versus an average 6.9% gain under Republicans.

The average annual U.S. GDP growth rate was 3.6% under Democrats and 2.6% under Republicans.

Even if you exclude the Great Recession and COVID-19 pandemic ― both of which occurred while a Republican was in office ― the data still shows stronger performance when Democrats occupied the White House.

“Corporate and income tax cuts tend to have a muted immediate effect on the economy, [while] government spending on items such as infrastructure, unemployment benefits and food stamps tends to have a greater impact,”

A new report says Biden would be best for the economy.
Historical data aside, how might the 2020 election result affect the economy as a whole? A new analysis from economists Mark Zandi and Bernard Yaros of Moody’s Analytics says Joe Biden would have a stronger impact on the economy than Trump as president.
“Largely because of Biden’s substantially more expansive fiscal policies, the economy would return to full employment more quickly coming out of the pandemic than under Trump,” the report said. “Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies on foreign trade and immigration would also contribute to stronger economic growth, so that by the end of their terms in 2024, real GDP would be $960 billion, or 4.5%, larger under Biden than Trump.”

That would translate to 7.4 million more jobs under Biden than Trump, according to the report.
11 of the last 12 recession were under GOP presidents.

The GOP record is abhorrently bad.
But Americans have short memories. Bush 1 sucked, 8 years later we nominated his son. What harm could he do right the economy was booming. Then 8 years later we forgot made the same mistake only this time it was Hillary and Trump.

Republicans forget in 2019 Trump started a trade war and only had 2.3% growth and economists said a recession was coming in 2020 because of his trade war. Trump's massive tax breaks did not deliver as promised. We should have had 8 great years of growth after those tax breaks but as we said trickle down doesn't work. The rich don't just hire more people because they have more money. They sock it away. Sure they spend some too but it'd be better to give the middle class the tax breaks. That will benefit everyone including the rich because we spend that money.

No middle class doesn't need a tax cut.

The middle class and poor need their wages increased.

The federal minimum wage is 7.25 an hour and has not been increased since the bush boy years. No one can live on 7.25 an hour in America.

The government isn't supposed to pay people at a private company. The government isn't supposed to provide public assistance to those working at a private company because they aren't paid enough.

The government is supposed to make sure that employers pay people a living wage.

Tax cuts won't raise anyone's wages to a living wage.

Raising the minimum wage will.

When did people get the idea that it's government's job to pay people and provide public assistance so people can get by?

Whatever happened to employers paying their employees a living wage?

When did it become ok for employers to reap billions while their employees are on public assistance because they aren't being paid enough to live?

Talk about a big nanny government.
Last edited:
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable
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That dumb fucking moron just had the audacity to say that Trump and republicans endorsed mask wearing because Trump made like 1 statement saying "wear a mask", then he went out and held his super-spreader events.

Easyt65 is a new kind of stupid. these people are so gullible, they believe any lie Trump tells them.
75% of them truly believe the election was stolen last year when all the shit they claim happened to them, they did to Al Gore in 2000. Throwing out votes for hanging chads, rioting to stop the recount, rigged diebold voting machines.

But funny they wouldn't believe back then but today somehow now all the things we said they did in 2000 suddenly DID happen to them last year, without evidence.

It's more fun talking to them when we are in charge huh?
Can you imagine how much better and stronger America would be if Bush was never president?
Should have been Clinton, Gore, Hillary, Biden then Obama. 40 years. Bush and Trump really fucked us up. Especially with their Supreme Court picks. Those Justices are all Heritage Foundation scum. And they are lifetime appointments so we can't drain that swamp.
and if they were far left democrats you would think they are just great judges...right bobo?....
Yes. Pro we the people not corporations. We’re in charge. Government is the referee. Great social programs, pro union, no pre existing conditions. Universal healthcare. Pro choice. Etc
the far left is just as bad as the far right...you people that think the extremes are good people who actually give a shit about you are pretty pathetic...

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