Liz Cheney: Trump should not be leader of the Republican Party


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
Wasn't her father the one who let Jews in his office lie us into invading Iraq for Israel? When she acknowledges her father's role in the deaths of millions of innocents, she can tell us who is and isn't a Republican.
I agree with Liz, for probably the first time ever. Trump shouldn’t be the leader of the Republican Party.

Instead, we need a true Lifestyle Conservative; someone who walks the talk and has lived the ideology. Someone who will rid the party of people like Liz Cheney and her Center-Left Establishment scum.
As bad as Trump is, he isn't as bad as the Cheney's.
He lost the Presidency for the GOP. He helped lose the Senate for the GOP. He is the perfect person to serve as the leader of the GOP. The Dems love to see him lead the Republican Party....wait....the GOPQ party.
I agree with Liz, for probably the first time ever. Trump shouldn’t be the leader of the Republican Party.

Instead, we need a true Lifestyle Conservative; someone who walks the talk and has lived the ideology. Someone who will rid the party of people like Liz Cheney and her Center-Left Establishment scum.
I see you didn't put a name forward for that "true lifestyle conservative"......like________ (pick a loser, Mitt?, Kasich?, Graham?)

Here's who I like for the 2024 Presidential nominees on stage
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Kristi Noem

Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or anyone named Trump
The GOP never embraced Trump. Liz Chaney and her ilk are scared because so many voters see the GOP for the scum that they are. Trump was elected because he acknowledged how poorly government serves the people. The Tea Party brought this to public attention years ago. Trump was an extension of that attitude. His success scares the hell out of the establishment GOP who are only in it for themselves.

Why did Liz vote to impeach Trump? Because Trump is an outsider. He didn't run for office to fatten his own purse, he ran to serve the USA. Such outrageous patriotism cannot be tolerated by the party.
Cheney is an ingrate, a traitor to her friends and allies and a warmonger just like her daddy. She has no more authority to lead than Maxine Watters or Schiff. She's an establishment swamper, an anti job anti worker anti freedom globalist and an elitist asskisser. Send that bitch packing.
The GOP never embraced Trump. Liz Chaney and her ilk are scared because so many voters see the GOP for the scum that they are. Trump was elected because he acknowledged how poorly government serves the people. The Tea Party brought this to public attention years ago. Trump was an extension of that attitude. His success scares the hell out of the establishment GOP who are only in it for themselves.

Why did Liz vote to impeach Trump? Because Trump is an outsider. He didn't run for office to fatten his own purse, he ran to serve the USA. Such outrageous patriotism cannot be tolerated by the party.
I agree with about 90% of your post. Here's where we disagree:
1. 74m voted for Trump, that includes the "real grassroots GOP". The GOP "establishment wing" including "Never-Trumpers" (all ~100 of them) hate Trump, because he was so successful, and they suck.
2. No voters see the GOP as scum, the GOP did not lose one House seat in 2020, so you are just plain wrong. Reality is that the democrats lost House seats, and will lose the House in the 2022 mid-terms.
3. We agree why Liz voted to impeach Trump, which is why Mitt and the other senators voted that the impeachment was constitutional, when it isn't. Because GOP voters now expect results, like Trump's "promises kept" list:
He lost the Presidency for the GOP. He helped lose the Senate for the GOP. He is the perfect person to serve as the leader of the GOP. The Dems love to see him lead the Republican Party....wait....the GOPQ party.
No he didn't. Millions of lazy ass non producing people voted for Progs by mail. Add that with the cheating and we have Beijing Biden...100 Days of the Dragon..
I see you didn't put a name forward for that "true lifestyle conservative"......like________ (pick a loser, Mitt?, Kasich?, Graham?)

Here's who I like for the 2024 Presidential nominees on stage
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Kristi Noem

Not Hogan, Rubio, Christie, Graham, or anyone named Trump

You’re right that I didn’t put a name forward.

Honestly, I have no idea who it should be. What I do know is that none of the names on either of your lists qualify in my mind. They’re all tainted in one or more ways.

It needs to be somebody new and fresh. Someone who doesn’t qualify for Social Security and would t take it, even if they did. Someone who doesn’t have a mansion full of skeletons and hypocrisy to be used against them.

She is Right. The Republican Party needs to return to their political roots. trump does not represent those policies or ideals.

The fear comes when Republicans think of the possibility of losing trump supporters. Who are those supporters? Many are QAnon and outright racist. Does the GOP really want these moral degenerates in their party?
I find you're concern for the welfare of the GOP as surprising as it is unimpressive. Concern yourself instead with the idiots/sexual assault victims in the party of socialist corruption.
The GOP never embraced Trump. Liz Chaney and her ilk are scared because so many voters see the GOP for the scum that they are. Trump was elected because he acknowledged how poorly government serves the people. The Tea Party brought this to public attention years ago. Trump was an extension of that attitude. His success scares the hell out of the establishment GOP who are only in it for themselves.

Why did Liz vote to impeach Trump? Because Trump is an outsider. He didn't run for office to fatten his own purse, he ran to serve the USA. Such outrageous patriotism cannot be tolerated by the party.
I agree with about 90% of your post. Here's where we disagree:
1. 74m voted for Trump, that includes the "real grassroots GOP". The GOP "establishment wing" including "Never-Trumpers" (all ~100 of them) hate Trump, because he was so successful, and they suck.
2. No voters see the GOP as scum, the GOP did not lose one House seat in 2020, so you are just plain wrong. Reality is that the democrats lost House seats, and will lose the House in the 2022 mid-terms.
3. We agree why Liz voted to impeach Trump, which is why Mitt and the other senators voted that the impeachment was constitutional, when it isn't. Because GOP voters now expect results, like Trump's "promises kept" list:
OK. Fair enough. Regarding #2. I see the GOP as scum. I was projecting my attitude onto other voters. Regarding grassroots GOP... I'm not so sure about the ratio of establishment vs grassroots GOP - I've become so disgusted with the whole lot that it's difficult to for me to even like the guy I voted for in the primaries in 2016 (Ted Cruz). The bottom line for me is that it appears that GOP politicians won't even stand up for each other- how can we expect them to stand up for the people they have sworn to serve?

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