"We're Rounding the Curve!!!!" for real this time...

We're not whining now we're in charge.

Oh, Joe Biden and his team begs to differ with you....

After issuing the campaign promise he and his team would get COVID-19 under control once in office, once in Biden declared there is nothing he or his team can do.
-- Biden publicly rebuked his team for not being prepared, for not being qualified to handle the pandemic ... relized that was a stupid thing to do and then blamed Trump, falsely claiming Trump and his team had no plan....despite the Trump administrsation being responsible for 20 million vaccines being delivered before Joe took over.

Trump's team immediately killed Biden's claim by releasing evidence of holding 300 meetings with Biden's team in which the existing plan was reviewed / briefed in depth.

Sounde like Whining to me....

Biden is also saddled with inept, incompetent losers, hand-picked on his Cabinet (PA Tranny respnsible for 20k elderly deaths)and overseeing failed COVID programs in Democrat-run states (Cuomo).

I don't feel sorry for the dementia-suffering, CCP-purchased, keftist extremist puppet. I feel sorry for the American people being subjugated by China Joe and the Socialist Democrats.
And we run your country. Relax. When you prosper from us you don't even have to thank us or give us credit for it. Blame your success on a dot com boom and blame democrats for anything that goes wrong in your unregulated free market capitalistic society.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

ad with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!!

1. 'US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...'

Of COURSE 'COVID-19 has PEAKED' after Trump left office - EVERYONE predicted this would be the case, as it demonstrates the severity of 'COVID-19' was / has always been political, about hurting President Trump's re-election chances.

The Democrats sabotaged our nation's eonomy, destoyed millions of Americans' lives, and wiped out thousands of small businesses withDemocrat lockdowns that destroyed more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses.

Everything from car crash deaths to heart attack deaths to suicides were called 'COVID-19 deaths as the real mortality rate of COVID-19 remained below that of the seasonal flu for everyone except the elderly and those with immune-deficiency problems.

The Democrats proved how treasonously power-hungry they are by inflicting harm on the nation just to get back the WH. The fact that it has miraculously changed since Trump left only proves it.

2. Biden has had no plan. Released Documents shoiw Trump's team met with Biden's team 300 (THREE HUNDRED) times going over everything that had been done, the on-going distribution of vaccines to states, and suggestions on how to proceed. Biden PUBLICLY rebuked his own hand-picked team for being unprepared, unqualified, and for under-performing. As this was reported, Biden tried to recover by claiming President Trump and his team had no COVID-19 plan....DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY HAD DELIVERED MILLIONS OF DOSES ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

Biden gave the campaign promise to have 100 Million vaccines in his 1st 100 days, but the Trumpadministration had already oversaw the vaccinations of 20 Million, leaving Biden and his team to onlyneed to vaccinate 80 million more. His biggestproblem was not JUST his own team's incompetency but the incompetency of Democrat leaders all over the United States reponsible for the local / state vaccination programs. D-NY-Gov Cuomo is responsible for at least 15,000 needless deaths of ederly Americans, illegally under-reporting the COVID-19 dearhs in his state by 50%. This clown is now reponsible for a failed vaccine distrubution program that is responsible for throwing thousands of vaccines in the trash.
- Not to be out-done, Biden's choice for his Health team includes a transexualwhoremoved 'their' grandparent from a nursing home to save their life while 'their' policy is resp[onsible for the needless deaths of over 20,000 elderly Americans.

After promising during his campaign to get C-19 under control, Biden came out publicly and declared - 'THERE IS NOTHING I / WE CAN DO!"

That means Biden himself just declared you are a LIAR - you sayhe has a plan, and Biden both said and proved he has none.

3. 'When COVID-19 is gone the economy will explode.'

The CBO announced the US economy will reach pre-COVID-19 levels by the summer / end of summer WITHOUT SPENDING ONE MORE DIME on 'Relief', but Biden is ignoring both thge SCIENCE and the CBO, partisanly forcibly adding another $2 TRILLION in CHINA-supported Deficit, undermining the US dollar and strengthening China's chances of pushing to replace the US dollar as the world's currency with China's.

The Iran-backed Houthis are no longer on the terrorists list.
- Democrats unofficially put Conservatives & Republicans on that list

Biden destroyed thousands of jobs/lives in the middle of a pandemic and an already bad economy topush Liberal Socialist ideology / agenda.
- In doing so Biden and Democrats erase US energy Independenct and strengthen enemies China and Russia

Biden's latest massive Deficit addition move increases destabilizing the US Dollar in China's favor. (Biden is earning his CCP $1 Bilion)

Trump only delivered 9M shots, not 20 M.

Everything you posted is a lie.

The difference between Biden and Trump is night and day.
Trump mocked mask wearing and never endorsed it, Biden fully endorsed mask wearing and mask mandates
Trump held numerous super-spreader events, parties, and rallies. Biden sticts to social distaning...
Trump repeatedly said "we're rounding the curve" as cases soared higher month after month and Trump continued to hold super-spreader events.
This is why covid cases are dropping.
You can whine and cry like a little bitch all you want. Everything I posted happened.

Enjoy watching Biden win, Biden is winning on covid and soon the economy will explode to new heights. You are going to hate how great America is under Biden's new roaring 20s. Get your excuses ready...
Truth still stings like a bitch, I see, snowflakes.

The difference between me and board 'Orange Man Bad', TDS-suffering, Socialist teat-sucking, openly weep, scream at the sky snowflakes is they whine, bitch, and spew propaganda and opinion.

I post facts, links....

And we run your country. Relax. When you prosper from us you don't even have to thank us or give us credit for it.
Do me a favor, when you suck out the ass, your politivcians are ptoven to collaborate with our enemies, when they are proven to have violated Constitution and Rule of Law to attempt failed coup attempt after coup attempt, when Joe ignores ther CBO who says we will recover to pre-covid levels WITHOUT ADDING $2 TRILLION IN NEW DEBT and he does so anyway, when the Democrats send thousands of Americans to the unemployment line while desgtroying our energy independence and making oiur enemies China and Russia stronger, TAKE CREDIT FOR IT. Don't be a little bitch and run from it. Emrace it. OWN IT!
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
I think the hope was we all stay home for 2 weeks and the thing would go away. But too many people go to rallies and xmas parties and superbowl parties and so the virus is spreading still. We should have done this in 2 weeks. Trump mocked people who wore masks and hosted rallies. Now Joe can't shut the economy down. Might as well do herd mentality and get the vacine out asap
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

*looks at france*

I hate to break this to you bud but that's not how this works

Europe has proven that

Much more likely it's random chance you fucking retards.

"trust the science" says the guy who doesn't understand what correlation not causation is....

Florida has had no lock downs and filled with old people. They're fine

I don't know what planet you're on but here in reality Florida has the third highest cases of covid in the nation.

Only 2 states have higher number of cases.

That isn't fine.

View attachment 454589

do you think cumulative stats matter? with varying standards for testing?

dumb bitch
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
Oh, I'm well aware of blue collar success. My brother in law spent a few years as an intern for a cabinet maker while his wife supported them. Now he's one of the most successful businessmen in his state and didn't finish highschool. The fact is, though, that if you want a stable career as an employee where you don't have to worry about owning a business and you want regular raises and benefits, you'd better get a college degree in a lucrative field like medicine or IT. You can get into a skilled trade like plumbing or electrical work and make good money if you're willing to work when and where most people don't. Driving a truck can be lucrative, but you'd better get used to someone micromanaging every move you make.

The truth is, we are never going to get back the 1950's, when we were the only productive industrial nation in the world, everyone in the world wanted to buy what we were selling, and we could afford high wages. Yes, you could get out of high school, work the assembly line for 40 years, raise 5 kids and put them through college, then retire at 65 and live out your golden years on a big pension. Not happening any more and not likely to ever happen again unless we again decimate the rest of the world and emerge unscathed. And that's not the fault of Republicans, nor are unions going to bring back the golden days. It's the reality of the global economy and other nations being as productive as we are. It's all about competition.
I think the hope was we all stay home for 2 weeks and the thing would go away. But too many people go to rallies and xmas parties and superbowl parties and so the virus is spreading still. We should have done this in 2 weeks. Trump mocked people who wore masks and hosted rallies. Now Joe can't shut the economy down. Might as well do herd mentality and get the vacine out asap

In the shadow of the last USSC 'slap-down' of soon-to-be EX-Empoerror Newsom's Un-Constitutional shutdown of California churches and in the wake of the Democratic Party's oppressive lickdowns that have destroyed over 50% of ALL Minority-owned small businesses in the country, HOW MUCH LONGER ARE THE SOCIALIST DEMOCRATS GOING TO HOLD AMERICANS, BUSINESS, AND SCHOOL CHILDREN HOSTAGE?

Joe has just sided with teacher's unions (despite screwing over oil industry unions) instead of 'heeding existing science'. It seems 'listen to the science; only applies when and where Democrats choose, like every Constitutional Amendment, existing law, or rule / edict they impose on the rest of the country....
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
I think the hope was we all stay home for 2 weeks and the thing would go away. But too many people go to rallies and xmas parties and superbowl parties and so the virus is spreading still. We should have done this in 2 weeks. Trump mocked people who wore masks and hosted rallies. Now Joe can't shut the economy down. Might as well do herd mentality and get the vacine out asap
The nature of the virus is such that it doesn't matter how long the healthy stay home, as soon as they come out it's going to spread again. We could contain other diseases because we identified the sick and quarantined them, not the healthy. This is much more like the flu that we know is always present and will flair up again as a new mutation is born. We don't quarantine for the flu even though thousands die every year. We get our flu shots and make sick people stay home from work. So yes, herd immunity and vaccines is the only sensible path forward. And no, everyone staying home for 2 weeks would not have stopped it.
China hates America and wants to take our place as the worlds leader. President Xi is ecstatic that Biden is the President so he will be able to do anything he wants. Biden is like a babysitter that lets the kids trash the house.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

ad with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!!

1. 'US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...'

Of COURSE 'COVID-19 has PEAKED' after Trump left office - EVERYONE predicted this would be the case, as it demonstrates the severity of 'COVID-19' was / has always been political, about hurting President Trump's re-election chances.

The Democrats sabotaged our nation's eonomy, destoyed millions of Americans' lives, and wiped out thousands of small businesses withDemocrat lockdowns that destroyed more than 50% of minority-owned small businesses.

Everything from car crash deaths to heart attack deaths to suicides were called 'COVID-19 deaths as the real mortality rate of COVID-19 remained below that of the seasonal flu for everyone except the elderly and those with immune-deficiency problems.

The Democrats proved how treasonously power-hungry they are by inflicting harm on the nation just to get back the WH. The fact that it has miraculously changed since Trump left only proves it.

2. Biden has had no plan. Released Documents shoiw Trump's team met with Biden's team 300 (THREE HUNDRED) times going over everything that had been done, the on-going distribution of vaccines to states, and suggestions on how to proceed. Biden PUBLICLY rebuked his own hand-picked team for being unprepared, unqualified, and for under-performing. As this was reported, Biden tried to recover by claiming President Trump and his team had no COVID-19 plan....DESPITE THE FACT THAT THEY HAD DELIVERED MILLIONS OF DOSES ACROSS THE COUNTRY.

Biden gave the campaign promise to have 100 Million vaccines in his 1st 100 days, but the Trumpadministration had already oversaw the vaccinations of 20 Million, leaving Biden and his team to onlyneed to vaccinate 80 million more. His biggestproblem was not JUST his own team's incompetency but the incompetency of Democrat leaders all over the United States reponsible for the local / state vaccination programs. D-NY-Gov Cuomo is responsible for at least 15,000 needless deaths of ederly Americans, illegally under-reporting the COVID-19 dearhs in his state by 50%. This clown is now reponsible for a failed vaccine distrubution program that is responsible for throwing thousands of vaccines in the trash.
- Not to be out-done, Biden's choice for his Health team includes a transexualwhoremoved 'their' grandparent from a nursing home to save their life while 'their' policy is resp[onsible for the needless deaths of over 20,000 elderly Americans.

After promising during his campaign to get C-19 under control, Biden came out publicly and declared - 'THERE IS NOTHING I / WE CAN DO!"

That means Biden himself just declared you are a LIAR - you sayhe has a plan, and Biden both said and proved he has none.

3. 'When COVID-19 is gone the economy will explode.'

The CBO announced the US economy will reach pre-COVID-19 levels by the summer / end of summer WITHOUT SPENDING ONE MORE DIME on 'Relief', but Biden is ignoring both thge SCIENCE and the CBO, partisanly forcibly adding another $2 TRILLION in CHINA-supported Deficit, undermining the US dollar and strengthening China's chances of pushing to replace the US dollar as the world's currency with China's.

The Iran-backed Houthis are no longer on the terrorists list.
- Democrats unofficially put Conservatives & Republicans on that list

Biden destroyed thousands of jobs/lives in the middle of a pandemic and an already bad economy topush Liberal Socialist ideology / agenda.
- In doing so Biden and Democrats erase US energy Independenct and strengthen enemies China and Russia

Biden's latest massive Deficit addition move increases destabilizing the US Dollar in China's favor. (Biden is earning his CCP $1 Bilion)

Trump only delivered 9M shots, not 20 M.

Everything you posted is a lie.

The difference between Biden and Trump is night and day.
Trump mocked mask wearing and never endorsed it, Biden fully endorsed mask wearing and mask mandates
Trump held numerous super-spreader events, parties, and rallies. Biden sticts to social distaning...
Trump repeatedly said "we're rounding the curve" as cases soared higher month after month and Trump continued to hold super-spreader events.
This is why covid cases are dropping.
You can whine and cry like a little bitch all you want. Everything I posted happened.

Enjoy watching Biden win, Biden is winning on covid and soon the economy will explode to new heights. You are going to hate how great America is under Biden's new roaring 20s. Get your excuses ready...
Truth still stings like a bitch, I see, snowflakes.

The difference between me and board 'Orange Man Bad', TDS-suffering, Socialist teat-sucking, openly weep, scream at the sky snowflakes is they whine, bitch, and spew propaganda and opinion.

I post facts, links....

Show us where Trump delivered 20 M shots like you claimed. It was only 9M.

All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand. They don't support any arguments you are trying to make. There is no point in posting a bunch of irrelevant links, acting like they are sources.

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties. These events spread the virus a lot 100%
Biden has fully endorsed and promoted mask wearing, and social distancing with no super-spreader events, and it is working.

Biden's plan is very simple masks and social distancing, the complete opposite of Trump, and it is working. surprise surprise... funny how that works.

What was Trump plan to distribute the vaccine rapidly? Didn't exist, it he just handed it to states.

Biden has a real plan to use the Government to rapidly distribute the vaccine, and Biden is going to distribute the vaccine much faster than Trump.

Trump only was able to give 9M shots... enough said.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Last edited:
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
FACT the same GOP congress under "Bubba" spent wildly wasting trillions of $ and destroying "Bubbas" balanced budgets. Bubba would have controlled that, and did control that hence the balanced budget...
Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surplus and turned that into a total financial meltdown (enter more excuses...) and it was all 100% from GOP and their policy, plans, and spending. And failed war (let's not forget about the failed war...)
FACT, Trump fucked up covid 20 different ways and lost the election because of it. "we're rounding the curve" "this is nothing it will all go away"
FACT Biden's covid plan, while very simple, is the complete opposite of Trump's. He actually takes covid seriously and has simple yet effective counter measures, like not hosting super-spreader events and wondering why covid cases are at and all time high???

Both Bush and Trump were terrible and fsailed presidents. Their results were terrible, much worse than Clinton or Obama, and they left office with the US in crisis and meltdown, with record low job approvals.
That wooshing sound was the point sailing over your head, namely that kneejerk D president good, R president bad doesn't really do much to tell you why the economy is good or bad at any given time. Bumper sticker arguments, here we go.
I know, I look at policy and results and the results of Bush and Trump were abhorrently terrible, and failed. Bush and Trump have the worst results out of any presidents in US history. Bush and Trump left office with record low approval ratings, and the country in total crisis.

You can make any lame excuses you want, and you can type any lies you want. BUT you can't change history and results. Bush inherited a balanced budget with a projected surpluss and he passed of a destroyed country with 2 losing wars and a total economic meltdown. Trump inherited a solid country with plenty of room to grow and he passed of a shit show disaster-fuck mess, with a net loss of 3 million jobs, epic deficits, and a virus spreading rapidly with cases at all time highs pretty much the day he left office...
Scratch at the surface of a bumper sticker argument and the whole thing falls apart. You can play D president good, R president bad all day long if you want, but it doesn't change the very real reality to Bubba had no natural disaster or foreign attack on America to worry about, plus the .com revolution to ride, so as long as the Republican Congress kept him in check, the economy did quite well. Bush had to deal with the first successful attack on mainland America since 1812, something you seem to think was inconsequential for the country, and TRUMP! had a roaring economy with record low unemployment before a natural disaster struck, another thing you seem to think inconsequential for the country. Keep scratching at your bumper stickers, though, you might learn something.
Vaccinating the nursing homes was always going to tremendously reduce the number of infected and deaths.

With the vaccine out there the number of infected will drop significantly. That and so many people working from home if they can nowadays.

My wife got her two shots in January and I got my first one today.

God bless Trump for Operation Warp Speed.
US daily covid cases peaked as Trump was leaving office...

Biden has a simple covid plan, wear masks, social distance, wash hands and DO NOT politicize wask wearing, hold super spreader events, dumb ass rallies, and stupid holiday parties.

Funny how that works... US covid cases have been dropping since Biden took over, and no it isn't from the vaccine. That is a 2 shot vaccine and Trump only delivered a meager 9 million shots.

We are beating covid for the first time because Biden has a simple plan to stop it's spread with masks and social distancing and no superspreader events AND a plan to quickly distribute the vaccine.
Ummm...try again, jackass. https://www.usnews.com/news/health-...f-coronavirus-in-bidens-first-month-in-office

When covid is gone the economy will explode!!! Welcome to the new roaring 20s!! Another Clinton style Golden Age.

Time for the excuses and the crying from the Trumpers...

Because nothing says "exploding economy like rising taxes and energy costs.
We had a great economy in the Bill Clinton 90s and that was after read my lips hw bush no new taxes raised taxes. A decade of prosperity.
Do you remember what new technology was developed during that time? Hint, Algore tried to claim he invented it.
So what? Look at the great economy Obama handed Trump and look what he did with it. He caused yet another great recession with his handling of Corona.
So what? Obviously, you don't understand economics or want to scratch below the surface of bumper sticker arguments. Fact, post WWII we were the only major industrial nation on the planet not partially or totally destroyed by the war. Of course we would have a great economy, because we were making the stuff the world wanted, demand was high, and when demand is high prices and wages can be too. Fact, the .com boom was huge and required a great deal of infrastructure to be invested in and built. Of course that would create a great economy. Fact, the WTC was destroyed by an enemy attack. Of course the economy is going to suffer after that as Americans had to face the reality that they could be attacked by a determined enemy and the old way of looking at the world wasn't going to work any more. Fact, we had a booming economy before idiots decided the best way to quarantine sick people was to make healthy people lose their jobs.

Fact, your antipathy toward anything and anyone Republican will cause you to ignore these other facts and repeat your mantra. It wasn't a coincidence that Bubba plus a Republican Congress produced the most nearly balanced federal budget in decades. It certainly would not have happened with a democrat Congress.
Cheap college, good paying middle class blue collar union jobs, buy American, social security and medicare, cheap healthcare, these are all the things that helped me become a great success in America.

Thinks are great for me. But I have a college degree. What about blue collar Americans? I just saw 1/3 of Americans can't afford diapers. WTF? Fuck college they can't afford diapers.
Oh, I'm well aware of blue collar success. My brother in law spent a few years as an intern for a cabinet maker while his wife supported them. Now he's one of the most successful businessmen in his state and didn't finish highschool. The fact is, though, that if you want a stable career as an employee where you don't have to worry about owning a business and you want regular raises and benefits, you'd better get a college degree in a lucrative field like medicine or IT. You can get into a skilled trade like plumbing or electrical work and make good money if you're willing to work when and where most people don't. Driving a truck can be lucrative, but you'd better get used to someone micromanaging every move you make.

The truth is, we are never going to get back the 1950's, when we were the only productive industrial nation in the world, everyone in the world wanted to buy what we were selling, and we could afford high wages. Yes, you could get out of high school, work the assembly line for 40 years, raise 5 kids and put them through college, then retire at 65 and live out your golden years on a big pension. Not happening any more and not likely to ever happen again unless we again decimate the rest of the world and emerge unscathed. And that's not the fault of Republicans, nor are unions going to bring back the golden days. It's the reality of the global economy and other nations being as productive as we are. It's all about competition.
I agree except for I think something can or should be done about skyrocketing CEO pay at companies who aren't unionized. Back in the 1990's the company would have handed out raises when they made record profits. Today they don't. They give the CEO and shareholders big $ instead. Just one of the many ways labor has taken a hit at the hands of the corporations and rich.

Another way is when they hire illegals. That's costing blue collar Americans billions of dollars every year.

When did Trump become president?

President Trump said in July 2019 that his namesake businesses have stopped employing undocumented immigrants — but a Costa Rican woman who used to work at one of his golf clubs is calling bull.

The way it sounds to me, he knew his companies were hiring illegals. You guys like to pretend that the illegal employes were unknowingly duped when they hire illegals. We all know that's bullshit. Trump only stopped because how could he possibly dupe his followers and continue to hire illegals? I don't know but he was doing it all the way up until July 2019. None of his followers seemed to mind even hearing that Trump himself is/was an illegal employer. How stupid could they be right?
All your articles are barely relevant to the argument at hand.
Says the rabid, TDS-suffering, 'Orange Man Bad' snowflake who has yet to postthe 1st article and instead has chosen to stick with propaganda and opinion......

I will admit, I was wrong about the number of vaccines delivered uynder Trump - 9 Million+, which is more than enought odestroy Biden's lie that Trump had no plan...along with the article about how Biden did what Biden does best: Plagiarize, stealoing from Trump's plan and adopting it as his own. I admit my mistakes...do YOU? My bet is NO!

You posted a long laundry list of bullshit, and i have no intention of going through your complete luandry list of talking points and lies....

So allow me to help you destroy your credibility

Where did Trump promote mask wearing? never, he held maskless super-spreader events, rallies, parties.

CNBC calls you a 'Liar', as it documents how President Trump DID call for wearing masks.

'B...B...BUT......' - Let's hear the excuses...or admit you were wrong about THIS.
wait wait wait, because Trump said a handful of times wear a mask, you take that as having a pro mask policy.
Because there are more times Trump has mocked people for wearing a mask. AND Trump and republicans politicized mask wearing.
How many GOP politicians fought mask wearing? How many tweetd "Be brave" while not wearing a mask. How many super spreader maskless events did Trump have? (alot) How many did Biden have? (none)

You just hit exactly why Trump failed, and why Trumpers are detached from reality. Trump and the GOP repeatedly promoted no mask wearing, and repeatedly held super-spreader events where nobody wore masks, then Trump makes a handful of statements about wearing a mask and you somehow try to say that Trump and GOP promoted masks???

Are you fucking stupid??? Republicans openly rebelled against mask wearing, and if you can't admit that then the debate is over.

Pretty much Trump and the GOP did everything to possible to NOT wear masks, then Trump says a couple of time "wear a mask" and you try and spin that as Trump promoting masks.

You just summed up exactly why you are pathetic.

You are the first retard republican I hav met that tried to claim Trump and republicans were/are pro-masks.
Trump compared wearing a mask to wearing a purse.

I finally found a mask Republicans feel is acceptable

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