We're losing Florida. What to do?

Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.
Move out or try this:

Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.
Don't worry. Gillum is self destructing.

I don't know about Nelson. He is the biggest scumbucket in Florida.

I got told about Nelson today. He's never worked a day in his life. Most Americans aren't going to vote for a Communist, not even one that's more silvery tongued and slick than Obama.

That Gillium puts on a good speech, but he's got Tallahassee halfway to being a shithole.

I already know who to vote for, just gotta dig into them damn propositions. They should make them word those in plain English, not doublespeak.

Andrew Gillum’s Former Chief of Staff: “Tallahassee had the Highest Number of Murders in History Last Year” – Tallahassee Reports
Oh look....no more talk about Chicago....it will all be about guns and Tallahassee now.
I think Gillum will win because DeSantis is too closely tied to Trump. Gillum nailed DeSantis when he pointed out racists are supporting DeSantis. One reason it could happen is a desire to end one party rule in Florida. It would require Gillum to move to the right and the Republican legislature to move to the left to meet in the center.

I do think that Nelson will beat Scott.

You know Bee, I haven't put you on ignore because you were funny to watch, flailing about in your pathetic attempts to defend the indefensible of the leftists you support. But now you are turning into one of the dumbest excuse for a human being I have ever encountered. You don't have the sense to poor piss out of a boot with the instructions written on the heel. Why don't you do us all a favor and smash your computer/cell phone into tiny little pieces so that people will not realize what a POS your lousy opinions cast you to be?

Alpha Mike Foxtrot!

LMAO Great post buddy and I couldn't have said it better myself.

I laugh at her drivel each and every day.

She sure lives in her own little world.
Well, Scott seemed very confident he will win on Hewitt’s radio program this morning and I am sure he will pull Desantis across the finish line.
Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.

Why don't you worry about Georgia and stay out of Florida.
Because the piece of shit Georgia chooses will vote on legislation that affects the entire country, numskull.
Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.

Why don't you worry about Georgia and stay out of Florida.
Because the piece of shit Georgia chooses will vote on legislation that affects the entire country, numskull.

What legislation does either Gilium or DeSantis vote on that will affect the whole country, dumbshit?
I did my part I voted for DiSantis. Not a chance in hell I want a Communist running my state. I just hope all those refugees that fled their countries and came to Florida remember why they left.
I also voted for Rick Scott, he was a great governor and will make a great Senator
Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.

Why don't you worry about Georgia and stay out of Florida.
Because the piece of shit Georgia chooses will vote on legislation that affects the entire country, numskull.

What legislation does either Gilium or DeSantis vote on that will affect the whole country, dumbshit?
Immigration enforcement.
Speaking of Florida....
They never did find or recover those tens of thousands of voter ballots the DEMOCRATS illegally destroyed in broward county so that their darling, Debbie Wasserman-Shitz would win.
Broward elections supervisor illegally destroyed ballots in Wasserman Schultz race, judge rules

And guess what, there were no prosecutions for those severely illegal activities either AND SHE'S STILL SUPERVISOR OF ELECTIONS
Where there are Democrats, there is deep and pervasive corruption. Always.
Guys, I'm worried that the libtards in Florida are poised to elect Andrew Gillum for Governor and reelect Bill Nelson for Senate.
What can we do to avoid this catastrophe? I'm nervous.

What is so catastrophic about electing democrats?

If that's the people's choice accept it and move on.

There is a good way to make sure republicans get elected. Put forward a platform that doesn't send people running from republicans in horror and stop lying.

I'm a registered Independent, like the majority of Independents these days, you've caused me to run from your party in horror.

I have already voted and voted straight democratic blue this year.

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