‭‘‬We’re Doomed If He Loses‭’‬:‭ ‬The Impeached President trump’s Support Holds Firm In Pennsylvania Coal Country


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016
‭‘‬We’re Doomed If He Loses‭’‬:‭ ‬The Impeached President trump’s Support Holds Firm In Pennsylvania Coal Country

During a‭ ‬2016‭ ‬political rally in Johnstown,‭ ‬western Pennsylvania,‭ ‬the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump and made promises to the thousands in attendance,‭ “‬Your jobs will come back under a Trump administration.‭ ‬Your steel will come back,‭ ‬your energy will be protected,‭ ‬it will be a whole different ball game.‭ ‬We’re also going to unleash the power of American energy right here in Pennsylvania:‭ ‬shale,‭ ‬oil,‭ ‬natural gas,‭ ‬clean coal and all the new infrastructure that comes along with it.‭”

The-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump made the same speech to all who would listen across the Rust Belt,‭ ‬in blue collar towns across rural Pennsylvania,‭ ‬and across Appalachia.

Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

But,‭ ‬why should all Americans be forced to remain in the horse-and-buggy world of conservatives‭? ‬We are one fifth of the way through the twenty-first century,‭ ‬with the burgeoning technologies that will soon leave the fossil-fueled internal combustion engine in the past as well as all coal-fired applications.

The reason,‭ ‬the conservatives‭’ ‬and many centrists‭’ ‬refusal to educate themselves and acquire the skills necessary to qualify for twenty-first century jobs.‭ ‬It’s the right-wingers‭’ ‬need for jobs requiring limited skills such as coal mining,‭ ‬drilling for oil,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬and other jobs similar to manufacturing buggy whips that keep pushing the United States further and further behind nations like China.

Members of the ruling billionaire class are more than happy to see these American workers choose to remain ignorant and limited in skills.‭ ‬The growing wealth gap is good for the‭ ‬billionaires.‭ ‬Even better,‭ ‬they can find the skilled employees they need overseas.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬since conservatives fight all attempts to increase minimum wage,‭ ‬members of the ruling billionaire class know they will always have the unskilled workers they need,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬these loyal,‭ ‬unskilled folk,‭ ‬will also fight against any form of a raise in pay.

Conservatives and many centrists are still patiently awaiting Reagan’s‭ “‬trickle down‭” ‬to begin,‭ ‬and are confident that,‭ ‬when it does,‭ ‬they will be on Easy Street.‭ ‬They need only vote Republican,‭ ‬election after election after election...‭ ‬More of that horse-and-buggy thinking that has served them so well.

‭‘‬We’re Doomed If He Loses‭’‬:‭ ‬The Impeached President trump’s Support Holds Firm In Pennsylvania Coal Country

During a‭ ‬2016‭ ‬political rally in Johnstown,‭ ‬western Pennsylvania,‭ ‬the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump and made promises to the thousands in attendance,‭ “‬Your jobs will come back under a Trump administration.‭ ‬Your steel will come back,‭ ‬your energy will be protected,‭ ‬it will be a whole different ball game.‭ ‬We’re also going to unleash the power of American energy right here in Pennsylvania:‭ ‬shale,‭ ‬oil,‭ ‬natural gas,‭ ‬clean coal and all the new infrastructure that comes along with it.‭”

The-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump made the same speech to all who would listen across the Rust Belt,‭ ‬in blue collar towns across rural Pennsylvania,‭ ‬and across Appalachia.

Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

But,‭ ‬why should all Americans be forced to remain in the horse-and-buggy world of conservatives‭? ‬We are one fifth of the way through the twenty-first century,‭ ‬with the burgeoning technologies that will soon leave the fossil-fueled internal combustion engine in the past as well as all coal-fired applications.

The reason,‭ ‬the conservatives‭’ ‬and many centrists‭’ ‬refusal to educate themselves and acquire the skills necessary to qualify for twenty-first century jobs.‭ ‬It’s the right-wingers‭’ ‬need for jobs requiring limited skills such as coal mining,‭ ‬drilling for oil,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬and other jobs similar to manufacturing buggy whips that keep pushing the United States further and further behind nations like China.

Members of the ruling billionaire class are more than happy to see these American workers choose to remain ignorant and limited in skills.‭ ‬The growing wealth gap is good for the‭ ‬billionaires.‭ ‬Even better,‭ ‬they can find the skilled employees they need overseas.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬since conservatives fight all attempts to increase minimum wage,‭ ‬members of the ruling billionaire class know they will always have the unskilled workers they need,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬these loyal,‭ ‬unskilled folk,‭ ‬will also fight against any form of a raise in pay.

Conservatives and many centrists are still patiently awaiting Reagan’s‭ “‬trickle down‭” ‬to begin,‭ ‬and are confident that,‭ ‬when it does,‭ ‬they will be on Easy Street.‭ ‬They need only vote Republican,‭ ‬election after election after election...‭ ‬More of that horse-and-buggy thinking that has served them so well.


Obama/Biden were in charge for 8 years and didn't increase the education and skills, or the jobs available to those in coal country.

In fact, Obama sent hundreds of millions to Solyndra- in California- instead of Coal Country.

Why would they think that Biden-Harris would be any better or do anything different? Biden hasn't even visited the region since he got the nomination. These people may be "uneducated" but they aren't stupid.

If I were advising Biden, I'd tell him to provide urban funds for cities like Johnstown. Build subways, new urban redevelopment including foodie magnets, B&B's, boutique hotels, capucchino bars, high priced shops.

The kind of places that will draw tourists from Washington and New York to spend huge bundles of cash and provide a middle class life for those in towns like this, as well as construction jobs.
‭‘‬We’re Doomed If He Loses‭’‬:‭ ‬The Impeached President trump’s Support Holds Firm In Pennsylvania Coal Country

During a‭ ‬2016‭ ‬political rally in Johnstown,‭ ‬western Pennsylvania,‭ ‬the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump and made promises to the thousands in attendance,‭ “‬Your jobs will come back under a Trump administration.‭ ‬Your steel will come back,‭ ‬your energy will be protected,‭ ‬it will be a whole different ball game.‭ ‬We’re also going to unleash the power of American energy right here in Pennsylvania:‭ ‬shale,‭ ‬oil,‭ ‬natural gas,‭ ‬clean coal and all the new infrastructure that comes along with it.‭”

The-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump made the same speech to all who would listen across the Rust Belt,‭ ‬in blue collar towns across rural Pennsylvania,‭ ‬and across Appalachia.

Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

But,‭ ‬why should all Americans be forced to remain in the horse-and-buggy world of conservatives‭? ‬We are one fifth of the way through the twenty-first century,‭ ‬with the burgeoning technologies that will soon leave the fossil-fueled internal combustion engine in the past as well as all coal-fired applications.

The reason,‭ ‬the conservatives‭’ ‬and many centrists‭’ ‬refusal to educate themselves and acquire the skills necessary to qualify for twenty-first century jobs.‭ ‬It’s the right-wingers‭’ ‬need for jobs requiring limited skills such as coal mining,‭ ‬drilling for oil,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬and other jobs similar to manufacturing buggy whips that keep pushing the United States further and further behind nations like China.

Members of the ruling billionaire class are more than happy to see these American workers choose to remain ignorant and limited in skills.‭ ‬The growing wealth gap is good for the‭ ‬billionaires.‭ ‬Even better,‭ ‬they can find the skilled employees they need overseas.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬since conservatives fight all attempts to increase minimum wage,‭ ‬members of the ruling billionaire class know they will always have the unskilled workers they need,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬these loyal,‭ ‬unskilled folk,‭ ‬will also fight against any form of a raise in pay.

Conservatives and many centrists are still patiently awaiting Reagan’s‭ “‬trickle down‭” ‬to begin,‭ ‬and are confident that,‭ ‬when it does,‭ ‬they will be on Easy Street.‭ ‬They need only vote Republican,‭ ‬election after election after election...‭ ‬More of that horse-and-buggy thinking that has served them so well.

The coal and coal fired industry in AZ thinks otherwise.
Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

Did ya miss the news? Go look up fracking nat gas in Pennsylvania.. Because private enterprise IGNORED the obstruction and purposeful roadblocks of the previous admin -- this development helped to LOWER the USA CO2 emission FASTER and more steeply than ANY of the countries signing the Paris accords. And Trump DID COME THRU on that promise.. Got the Fed govt the hell out of the way and "allowed" that new economy to bloom in Penn...

But I guess you needed to meet a quota for the word "impeached" and just FORGOT all that..

Please continue filling your quota of Orange Man Bad key words...
Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

Did ya miss the news? Go look up fracking nat gas in Pennsylvania.. Because private enterprise IGNORED the obstruction and purposeful roadblocks of the previous admin -- this development helped to LOWER the USA CO2 emission FASTER and more steeply than ANY of the countries signing the Paris accords. And Trump DID COME THRU on that promise.. Got the Fed govt the hell out of the way and "allowed" that new economy to bloom in Penn...

But I guess you needed to meet a quota for the word "impeached" and just FORGOT all that..

Please continue filling your quota of Orange Man Bad key words...
Profit over People is what right wingers are usually about.

During the investigation, the grand jury listened to 75 families who described living near drilling sites. They spoke of drinking well water turning into black sludge and children and adults having breathing problems, sores and stomach ailments. Farmers said livestock would become sick, sterile or even die. Some families spoke of pets becoming violently ill.--https://www.bayjournal.com/news/energy/natural-gas-fracking-under-fire-in-pa/article_37169bd4-f1dc-11ea-aee1-772a61b111bd.html

Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could have enabled cleaner technologies to be developed, and help individuals go to school or improve their skill sets for modern technological times.
Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

Did ya miss the news? Go look up fracking nat gas in Pennsylvania.. Because private enterprise IGNORED the obstruction and purposeful roadblocks of the previous admin -- this development helped to LOWER the USA CO2 emission FASTER and more steeply than ANY of the countries signing the Paris accords. And Trump DID COME THRU on that promise.. Got the Fed govt the hell out of the way and "allowed" that new economy to bloom in Penn...

But I guess you needed to meet a quota for the word "impeached" and just FORGOT all that..

Please continue filling your quota of Orange Man Bad key words...
Profit over People is what right wingers are usually about.

During the investigation, the grand jury listened to 75 families who described living near drilling sites. They spoke of drinking well water turning into black sludge and children and adults having breathing problems, sores and stomach ailments. Farmers said livestock would become sick, sterile or even die. Some families spoke of pets becoming violently ill.--https://www.bayjournal.com/news/energy/natural-gas-fracking-under-fire-in-pa/article_37169bd4-f1dc-11ea-aee1-772a61b111bd.html

Equal protection of the laws for unemployment compensation in our at-will employment States could have enabled cleaner technologies to be developed, and help individuals go to school or improve their skill sets for modern technological times.

Guess you're willing to let unvetted (and outrageously phrased) statements from irate NIMBY take precedent over science and actual evidence.

What was IN "the black sludge" reported? What expertise did the Grand Jury members HAVE in geology or mining?

I'll actually stick with the EPA (as sad as that is science wise) to formulate opinions on this.. Let these "aggrieved" citizens SUE and be confronted for evidence.

Pets do get violently ill.. people get breathing issues, sores and stomach ailments.. It's VOODOO to couple these complaints with something happening a couple thousand feet below ground without looking at the numbers and the science..
Keep in mind -- these people are LIVING over Mother Nature's toxic waste dump.. In former complaints like these -- the history of SOME of the complaints go back generations BEFORE fracking..

From your link --

Most of the grand jury’s recommendations would require initiative from state legislators. Though headline grabbing, it remains to be seen if the grand jury’s concerns will gain traction in the General Assembly.

Some key legislators quickly criticized the report. State Sen. Gene Yaw, majority chair of the Senate Environmental Resources and Energy Committee, said Pennsylvania has overregulated the fracking industry and the attorney general has rehashed claims that were repudiated years ago. “Pennsylvania’s natural gas industry is one of the most regulated in the nation,” he said. “It is absolutely embarrassing for a state, which is a world leader, to have such a short-sighted and myopic view of an industry of international importance.”

Exactly what I said.. "rehashed claims that were repudiated years ago".. And from the SAME INSANE Green Deal activists that want to TRY to power America SOLELY on wind and solar.. Same people who will be sicker for their decision -- when the sun dont shine and wind doesn't blow..

"Big Green" has learned to take advantage of grand juries to establish NON-SCIENCE based legal outcomes into the media and public opinion..
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‭‘‬We’re Doomed If He Loses‭’‬:‭ ‬The Impeached President trump’s Support Holds Firm In Pennsylvania Coal Country

During a‭ ‬2016‭ ‬political rally in Johnstown,‭ ‬western Pennsylvania,‭ ‬the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump and made promises to the thousands in attendance,‭ “‬Your jobs will come back under a Trump administration.‭ ‬Your steel will come back,‭ ‬your energy will be protected,‭ ‬it will be a whole different ball game.‭ ‬We’re also going to unleash the power of American energy right here in Pennsylvania:‭ ‬shale,‭ ‬oil,‭ ‬natural gas,‭ ‬clean coal and all the new infrastructure that comes along with it.‭”

The-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump made the same speech to all who would listen across the Rust Belt,‭ ‬in blue collar towns across rural Pennsylvania,‭ ‬and across Appalachia.

Blue collar workers in these regions believed every word,‭ ‬and nearly four years after helping put the-inevitably-will-be-impeached-if-elected-candidate-trump into the White House,‭ ‬the impeached president trump has done little to fulfill the promises to these poor suckers.

But,‭ ‬why should all Americans be forced to remain in the horse-and-buggy world of conservatives‭? ‬We are one fifth of the way through the twenty-first century,‭ ‬with the burgeoning technologies that will soon leave the fossil-fueled internal combustion engine in the past as well as all coal-fired applications.

The reason,‭ ‬the conservatives‭’ ‬and many centrists‭’ ‬refusal to educate themselves and acquire the skills necessary to qualify for twenty-first century jobs.‭ ‬It’s the right-wingers‭’ ‬need for jobs requiring limited skills such as coal mining,‭ ‬drilling for oil,‭ ‬etc.,‭ ‬and other jobs similar to manufacturing buggy whips that keep pushing the United States further and further behind nations like China.

Members of the ruling billionaire class are more than happy to see these American workers choose to remain ignorant and limited in skills.‭ ‬The growing wealth gap is good for the‭ ‬billionaires.‭ ‬Even better,‭ ‬they can find the skilled employees they need overseas.‭ ‬Also,‭ ‬since conservatives fight all attempts to increase minimum wage,‭ ‬members of the ruling billionaire class know they will always have the unskilled workers they need,‭ ‬and,‭ ‬these loyal,‭ ‬unskilled folk,‭ ‬will also fight against any form of a raise in pay.

Conservatives and many centrists are still patiently awaiting Reagan’s‭ “‬trickle down‭” ‬to begin,‭ ‬and are confident that,‭ ‬when it does,‭ ‬they will be on Easy Street.‭ ‬They need only vote Republican,‭ ‬election after election after election...‭ ‬More of that horse-and-buggy thinking that has served them so well.


Obama/Biden were in charge for 8 years and didn't increase the education and skills, or the jobs available to those in coal country.

In fact, Obama sent hundreds of millions to Solyndra- in California- instead of Coal Country.

Why would they think that Biden-Harris would be any better or do anything different? Biden hasn't even visited the region since he got the nomination. These people may be "uneducated" but they aren't stupid.

If I were advising Biden, I'd tell him to provide urban funds for cities like Johnstown. Build subways, new urban redevelopment including foodie magnets, B&B's, boutique hotels, capucchino bars, high priced shops.

The kind of places that will draw tourists from Washington and New York to spend huge bundles of cash and provide a middle class life for those in towns like this, as well as construction jobs.

Ever build a subway in a small town through solid bedrock?

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