We’re At the Pivot Point


Dec 23, 2009
Middle class, suburban ghetto.
We will become a totalitarian globalist commie state unless enough people wake up, wise up and rise up…

“The Terraforming of America

Scot Faulkner

The Left is moving rapidly to change America forever.

Except for isolated pockets of resistance, such as during Virginia’s 2021 elections and 2022 executive and legislative actions, decades of the Left’s preparations are paying off for reshaping America into a unitary totalitarian state.

Starting with the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the Left has acted like Chess Grandmasters. They devised a detailed strategy, thinking and implementing many moves ahead of their opposition.

The Left’s actions, many decades in the making, is nothing less than “Terraforming” America into their Communist vision. They are deliberately, and systematically, changing our nation’s entire landscape, modifying America’s institutions, civic culture and society to make them more habitable for their uch-heralded “Great Reset.” [John Holdren in his own (radical) words – CFACT]

The “Great Reset” is the global devolution or destruction of capitalism, democracy, entire energy and economic systems, and personal freedoms, in the name of preventing climate change. It is about eradicating “white privilege,” and the institutions and cultures of “white exploitation,” to remake society based on “equity, diversity and inclusion.” [The Great Reset | Reset and shape the future]

It all began with Stuart Chase, one of the founding members of President Franklin Roosevelt’s (FDR) “Brain Trust.” Chase coined the term “The New Deal” and promoted eliminating America’s free enterprise system, “by firing squad if necessary.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

Chase gained inspiration and insights into how to implement a Communist state during his 1927 meetings with Stalin and Trotsky. In his 1932 “New Deal” book, Chase mused, “Why should the Russians have all the fun of remaking the world?”

FDR’s Brain Trust thought well beyond building the massive New Deal bureaucracy. Rexford Tugwell, another “Brain Truster,” drafted a “Constitution for the New States of America.” His goal was nothing less than remaking America as the next Soviet Union. [Constitutional Convention | Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America (sweetliberty.org)]

Tugwell’s Constitution abolished all aspects of federalism. It eliminated states, turning them into uniform administration districts with equal population. It abolished the “Bill of Rights,” creating a laundry list of “Rights and Responsibilities” for citizens to act on behalf of the state. Any individual actions could be erased based upon “declared emergencies” (think Trudeau’s Canada in recent weeks) and for “conforming to such standards as may improve health and welfare.” Tugwell knew Sovietizing America would “require the laying of rough, unholy hands on many a sacred precedent.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

The Left’s “Terraforming” of America is guided by the Chase/Tugwell vision. Capturing the cultural levers and the media were achieved by the 1960s. Dumbing down the youth, and ultimately indoctrinating them in Leftist thought, began with Howard Zinn’s 1980 revisionist history, “A People’s History of the United States,” which became the standard high school textbook for a generation. [A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present – Zinn Education Project (zinnedproject.org)]

A parallel project was shrinking civics education to the point where only 23% of eighth-graders perform at or above the proficient level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) civics exam, and only 26% of Americans can name all three branches of government. [020618_CivicsEducation-UPDATED.pdf (AmericanProgress.org)]

An intensified phase of Terraforming began after a 2011 Harvard Study claimed that participating in historical/patriotic celebrations promoted conservative voting patterns. [Harvard: July 4th Parades Are Right-Wing | Politics | US News]

The Left realized that America’s history must be entirely reshaped to achieve the “Great Reset.”

The Left had to prevent Americans from separately honoring the morality, integrity and greatness of Washington and Lincoln. They did so by lumping all 46 Presidents’ birthdays together in 1971. Since then, all other presidents (including mediocrities like Pierce, Fillmore and Carter) get to dilute the commemoration of our most accomplished presidents.

Communists usually use economic jealousy as their wedge issue. Focusing on America’s racial history was determined to gain more traction.

In 2019, through the New York Times and other media, the Left launched their 1619 History Curriculum Project. Under the banner of “inclusive history,” “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) and dozens of other labels, versions of the 1619 curriculum rapidly spread to thousands of schools. [Project1619]

Their final solution was demonizing everything that made America America. Their mantra became “a country built on stolen land and slavery.” [U.N. Official: U.S. Founded on Land Stolen From Indians, Built on Race-Based Slavery, BLM Movement Is Result | CNSNews]

1619’s politically correct “wokism” declared that “everything is racist” and built cases for eliminating the Electoral College, the Senate Filibuster, the Senate itself, our Founding documents, the American flag, America’s National Anthem, and even the nuclear family. All these initiatives aligned with Tugwell’s new Constitution. [Citizen Oversight: The Left’s Final Solution]

Reshaping our collective memory, and the physical touchstones that validate our memory, is directly from the Communist playbook.

Eliminating statues and eradicating holidays are central to Terraforming America. Once our national symbols and rituals are uprooted, American society will be adrift, ripe for reshaping. Thus Juneteenth is now considered more “inclusive” than the Fourth of July. One day only the “woke” holiday will remain. [Citizen Oversight: Assault on July 4th]

The Left is methodically replacing the existing “pro-America” calendar with their perverse “Advent Calendar for Anarchy.” We are now expected to annually focus on Floyd, Ferguson, Charlottesville and January 6, instead of true milestones like the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

The Left has a hundred-year head start on us and commands the levers of power. It will take years of dedication, courage, perseverance and providence to turn the tide. Let us begin in 2022.”
We will become a totalitarian globalist commie state unless enough people wake up, wise up and rise up…

“The Terraforming of America

Scot Faulkner

The Left is moving rapidly to change America forever.

Except for isolated pockets of resistance, such as during Virginia’s 2021 elections and 2022 executive and legislative actions, decades of the Left’s preparations are paying off for reshaping America into a unitary totalitarian state.

Starting with the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the Left has acted like Chess Grandmasters. They devised a detailed strategy, thinking and implementing many moves ahead of their opposition.

The Left’s actions, many decades in the making, is nothing less than “Terraforming” America into their Communist vision. They are deliberately, and systematically, changing our nation’s entire landscape, modifying America’s institutions, civic culture and society to make them more habitable for their uch-heralded “Great Reset.” [John Holdren in his own (radical) words – CFACT]

The “Great Reset” is the global devolution or destruction of capitalism, democracy, entire energy and economic systems, and personal freedoms, in the name of preventing climate change. It is about eradicating “white privilege,” and the institutions and cultures of “white exploitation,” to remake society based on “equity, diversity and inclusion.” [The Great Reset | Reset and shape the future]

It all began with Stuart Chase, one of the founding members of President Franklin Roosevelt’s (FDR) “Brain Trust.” Chase coined the term “The New Deal” and promoted eliminating America’s free enterprise system, “by firing squad if necessary.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

Chase gained inspiration and insights into how to implement a Communist state during his 1927 meetings with Stalin and Trotsky. In his 1932 “New Deal” book, Chase mused, “Why should the Russians have all the fun of remaking the world?”

FDR’s Brain Trust thought well beyond building the massive New Deal bureaucracy. Rexford Tugwell, another “Brain Truster,” drafted a “Constitution for the New States of America.” His goal was nothing less than remaking America as the next Soviet Union. [Constitutional Convention | Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America (sweetliberty.org)]

Tugwell’s Constitution abolished all aspects of federalism. It eliminated states, turning them into uniform administration districts with equal population. It abolished the “Bill of Rights,” creating a laundry list of “Rights and Responsibilities” for citizens to act on behalf of the state. Any individual actions could be erased based upon “declared emergencies” (think Trudeau’s Canada in recent weeks) and for “conforming to such standards as may improve health and welfare.” Tugwell knew Sovietizing America would “require the laying of rough, unholy hands on many a sacred precedent.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

The Left’s “Terraforming” of America is guided by the Chase/Tugwell vision. Capturing the cultural levers and the media were achieved by the 1960s. Dumbing down the youth, and ultimately indoctrinating them in Leftist thought, began with Howard Zinn’s 1980 revisionist history, “A People’s History of the United States,” which became the standard high school textbook for a generation. [A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present – Zinn Education Project (zinnedproject.org)]

A parallel project was shrinking civics education to the point where only 23% of eighth-graders perform at or above the proficient level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) civics exam, and only 26% of Americans can name all three branches of government. [020618_CivicsEducation-UPDATED.pdf (AmericanProgress.org)]

An intensified phase of Terraforming began after a 2011 Harvard Study claimed that participating in historical/patriotic celebrations promoted conservative voting patterns. [Harvard: July 4th Parades Are Right-Wing | Politics | US News]

The Left realized that America’s history must be entirely reshaped to achieve the “Great Reset.”

The Left had to prevent Americans from separately honoring the morality, integrity and greatness of Washington and Lincoln. They did so by lumping all 46 Presidents’ birthdays together in 1971. Since then, all other presidents (including mediocrities like Pierce, Fillmore and Carter) get to dilute the commemoration of our most accomplished presidents.

Communists usually use economic jealousy as their wedge issue. Focusing on America’s racial history was determined to gain more traction.

In 2019, through the New York Times and other media, the Left launched their 1619 History Curriculum Project. Under the banner of “inclusive history,” “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) and dozens of other labels, versions of the 1619 curriculum rapidly spread to thousands of schools. [Project1619]

Their final solution was demonizing everything that made America America. Their mantra became “a country built on stolen land and slavery.” [U.N. Official: U.S. Founded on Land Stolen From Indians, Built on Race-Based Slavery, BLM Movement Is Result | CNSNews]

1619’s politically correct “wokism” declared that “everything is racist” and built cases for eliminating the Electoral College, the Senate Filibuster, the Senate itself, our Founding documents, the American flag, America’s National Anthem, and even the nuclear family. All these initiatives aligned with Tugwell’s new Constitution. [Citizen Oversight: The Left’s Final Solution]

Reshaping our collective memory, and the physical touchstones that validate our memory, is directly from the Communist playbook.

Eliminating statues and eradicating holidays are central to Terraforming America. Once our national symbols and rituals are uprooted, American society will be adrift, ripe for reshaping. Thus Juneteenth is now considered more “inclusive” than the Fourth of July. One day only the “woke” holiday will remain. [Citizen Oversight: Assault on July 4th]

The Left is methodically replacing the existing “pro-America” calendar with their perverse “Advent Calendar for Anarchy.” We are now expected to annually focus on Floyd, Ferguson, Charlottesville and January 6, instead of true milestones like the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

The Left has a hundred-year head start on us and commands the levers of power. It will take years of dedication, courage, perseverance and providence to turn the tide. Let us begin in 2022.”

Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody is forcing you to lie out your ass....You're doing it on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.

Nobody forced you to take whatever mind-destroying drugs are fueling those insane delusions of yours. You did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.
Let's start with your first lie...No one supported Chauvin.
Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.
How does that justify turning The United States into a communist dictatorship?
No. This is different and more dangerous.

But you're free to continue with the feeble attempts at deflection!
I know this. When it gets here completely, you will not like the end result. Progs are causing genocide and their own suicide. Vengeance is a powerful weapon if people realize what they are doing. Many of you do not and will find something a hundred times worse when this transition is over.
No. This is different and more dangerous.

But you're free to continue with the feeble attempts at deflection!

I agree it's more dangerous for the communists. Those idiots are going to push the people one step too far and shit's going to go down. Just like the armed gangs in Portland this weekend that forced a law abiding citizen to go switch hot on their asses.
Nobody forced the political right to rally behind Derek Chauvin...you guys did that on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to storm the capitol...you guys did the on your own.
Nobody forced the political right to have a tiki torch parade and chant Nazi slogans...you guys did that on your own.
No one is forcing us to do anything other than those in power now.

So who is in power now again?
We will become a totalitarian globalist commie state unless enough people wake up, wise up and rise up…

“The Terraforming of America

Scot Faulkner

The Left is moving rapidly to change America forever.

Except for isolated pockets of resistance, such as during Virginia’s 2021 elections and 2022 executive and legislative actions, decades of the Left’s preparations are paying off for reshaping America into a unitary totalitarian state.

Starting with the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution, the Left has acted like Chess Grandmasters. They devised a detailed strategy, thinking and implementing many moves ahead of their opposition.

The Left’s actions, many decades in the making, is nothing less than “Terraforming” America into their Communist vision. They are deliberately, and systematically, changing our nation’s entire landscape, modifying America’s institutions, civic culture and society to make them more habitable for their uch-heralded “Great Reset.” [John Holdren in his own (radical) words – CFACT]

The “Great Reset” is the global devolution or destruction of capitalism, democracy, entire energy and economic systems, and personal freedoms, in the name of preventing climate change. It is about eradicating “white privilege,” and the institutions and cultures of “white exploitation,” to remake society based on “equity, diversity and inclusion.” [The Great Reset | Reset and shape the future]

It all began with Stuart Chase, one of the founding members of President Franklin Roosevelt’s (FDR) “Brain Trust.” Chase coined the term “The New Deal” and promoted eliminating America’s free enterprise system, “by firing squad if necessary.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

Chase gained inspiration and insights into how to implement a Communist state during his 1927 meetings with Stalin and Trotsky. In his 1932 “New Deal” book, Chase mused, “Why should the Russians have all the fun of remaking the world?”

FDR’s Brain Trust thought well beyond building the massive New Deal bureaucracy. Rexford Tugwell, another “Brain Truster,” drafted a “Constitution for the New States of America.” His goal was nothing less than remaking America as the next Soviet Union. [Constitutional Convention | Proposed Constitution for the Newstates of America (sweetliberty.org)]

Tugwell’s Constitution abolished all aspects of federalism. It eliminated states, turning them into uniform administration districts with equal population. It abolished the “Bill of Rights,” creating a laundry list of “Rights and Responsibilities” for citizens to act on behalf of the state. Any individual actions could be erased based upon “declared emergencies” (think Trudeau’s Canada in recent weeks) and for “conforming to such standards as may improve health and welfare.” Tugwell knew Sovietizing America would “require the laying of rough, unholy hands on many a sacred precedent.” [The Rise of the Administrative State – The New American]

The Left’s “Terraforming” of America is guided by the Chase/Tugwell vision. Capturing the cultural levers and the media were achieved by the 1960s. Dumbing down the youth, and ultimately indoctrinating them in Leftist thought, began with Howard Zinn’s 1980 revisionist history, “A People’s History of the United States,” which became the standard high school textbook for a generation. [A People's History of the United States: 1492 - Present – Zinn Education Project (zinnedproject.org)]

A parallel project was shrinking civics education to the point where only 23% of eighth-graders perform at or above the proficient level on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) civics exam, and only 26% of Americans can name all three branches of government. [020618_CivicsEducation-UPDATED.pdf (AmericanProgress.org)]

An intensified phase of Terraforming began after a 2011 Harvard Study claimed that participating in historical/patriotic celebrations promoted conservative voting patterns. [Harvard: July 4th Parades Are Right-Wing | Politics | US News]

The Left realized that America’s history must be entirely reshaped to achieve the “Great Reset.”

The Left had to prevent Americans from separately honoring the morality, integrity and greatness of Washington and Lincoln. They did so by lumping all 46 Presidents’ birthdays together in 1971. Since then, all other presidents (including mediocrities like Pierce, Fillmore and Carter) get to dilute the commemoration of our most accomplished presidents.

Communists usually use economic jealousy as their wedge issue. Focusing on America’s racial history was determined to gain more traction.

In 2019, through the New York Times and other media, the Left launched their 1619 History Curriculum Project. Under the banner of “inclusive history,” “Critical Race Theory” (CRT) and dozens of other labels, versions of the 1619 curriculum rapidly spread to thousands of schools. [Project1619]

Their final solution was demonizing everything that made America America. Their mantra became “a country built on stolen land and slavery.” [U.N. Official: U.S. Founded on Land Stolen From Indians, Built on Race-Based Slavery, BLM Movement Is Result | CNSNews]

1619’s politically correct “wokism” declared that “everything is racist” and built cases for eliminating the Electoral College, the Senate Filibuster, the Senate itself, our Founding documents, the American flag, America’s National Anthem, and even the nuclear family. All these initiatives aligned with Tugwell’s new Constitution. [Citizen Oversight: The Left’s Final Solution]

Reshaping our collective memory, and the physical touchstones that validate our memory, is directly from the Communist playbook.

Eliminating statues and eradicating holidays are central to Terraforming America. Once our national symbols and rituals are uprooted, American society will be adrift, ripe for reshaping. Thus Juneteenth is now considered more “inclusive” than the Fourth of July. One day only the “woke” holiday will remain. [Citizen Oversight: Assault on July 4th]

The Left is methodically replacing the existing “pro-America” calendar with their perverse “Advent Calendar for Anarchy.” We are now expected to annually focus on Floyd, Ferguson, Charlottesville and January 6, instead of true milestones like the signing of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787.

The Left has a hundred-year head start on us and commands the levers of power. It will take years of dedication, courage, perseverance and providence to turn the tide. Let us begin in 2022.”
The Left have had over a century of experience in infiltrating organizations and governments and taking them over.

Their ability to access large amounts of money by various means and appealing to man's base nature of greed to go along with their plans coupled with threats real and imagined to do their bidding has produced what we see today.

The Nazi regime were experts at this. Hitler was terrified of a revolt at home if they went to war because people protested during the First World War. So what he did was spend more money than revenue coming in. In fact, the amount of money being printed out of thin air was so concerning that Hitler forbade them from passing a budget as it was estimated that Germany at one point either needed to conquer the world or go flat broke. Then they rounded up the Jews and took their money, taxed the top 4% heavily, and then threw the money at both the military and at increasing the living status of the populace to the point that the Germans had a higher living standard than those in the US right up until the war ended.

Today, the modern day Leftists does pretty much the same. Every US President for a very long time, except for Trump had been at war somewhere in the world. In fact, the US has troops in over 80 countries in the world today, something Hitler could only dream about. They also spend more than revenue coming in, they to have made abortion a billion dollar industry raking in trillions via the abortions, they also tax heavily the top 1%, and they throw endless money at welfare in the US as well.

Maynard Keynes, FDR's economic advisor, said before the war that Hitler proved all of his economic theories to be true before he had time to publish them and even added that the only way to best implement FDR"s vision was perhaps a tyranny like the one in Germany.

History keeps repeating itself.
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No one is forcing us to do anything other than those in power now.
What are you being forced to do, stupid? Nothing.

All of your guys errors are unforced.

Nobody forces you to be hateful ...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to shout at the rain...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to adopt all of these wild conspiracy theories... you do that on your own.
What are you being forced to do, stupid? Nothing.

All of your guys errors are unforced.

Nobody forces you to be hateful ...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to shout at the rain...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to adopt all of these wild conspiracy theories... you do that on your own.
You obviously don't know what hateful is.
What are you being forced to do, stupid? Nothing.

All of your guys errors are unforced.

Nobody forces you to be hateful ...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to shout at the rain...you do that on your own.

Nobody forces you to adopt all of these wild conspiracy theories... you do that on your own.
Sometimes, all I can do when I read this is smh and :auiqs.jpg:

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