Well, I'll be danged. My idea being put into practice, at least partially.

Yep… far better to invest in Asian makets for lower cost labor and production than on our own continent. Better to fund China’s economic and social development than that of our own neighbors. :cuckoo:
AGREE, it should be better to support our neighbors.
Except we do a really really bad job when the money go's out of country\
With out CLEAR & STRONG RULES. PLUS BACK UP WATCHING EYES.. Not sure what the solution for that is?
I think the best way to deal with illegal immigration is by addressing its ROOT CAUSE with American Capitalism. While I'd like to see this being done under GSE's for various protections, this is a good start. The two silly parties can squabble and bitch at each other and try to use band aids all they want.

Nice to see some new thinking, for a change. My idea from 2021 (and before):

And some news:

WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Private companies have committed to invest $4.2 billion in northern Central America as part of an effort by U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to reduce migration by targeting economic development, the White House said on Monday.
$4.2 billion dollar "investment" that will end up in the pockets of foreign dictators, oligarchs and their inner circle. Meanwhile, the Mexican drug cartels will tighten their grip on the border, more Fentanyl will continue killing American citizens, more poor Americans will lose the food, clothing, shelter and health services they need. Brilliant Mac, you should be in government! :113:

AGREE, it should be better to support our neighbors.
Except we do a really really bad job when the money go's out of country\
With out CLEAR & STRONG RULES. PLUS BACK UP WATCHING EYES.. Not sure what the solution for that is?

Stop sending them taxpayer money. Is this really that hard to understand?
I think the best way to deal with illegal immigration is by addressing its ROOT CAUSE with American Capitalism. While I'd like to see this being done under GSE's for various protections, this is a good start. The two silly parties can squabble and bitch at each other and try to use band aids all they want.

Nice to see some new thinking, for a change. My idea from 2021 (and before):

And some news:

WASHINGTON, Feb 6 (Reuters) - Private companies have committed to invest $4.2 billion in northern Central America as part of an effort by U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to reduce migration by targeting economic development, the White House said on Monday.
Tighten border security? Nah!

Throw money at the “problem” WHILE the border remains fully open.

I stand in amazement at yet another display of liberal Democrat Parody “thinking.”
And yet you will not find a single post where I ever said that so....
What I SAID was it is best to bring those jobs BACK TO THE USA.
Are you illiterate?

Back at ya :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
It will never happen. Labor in Mexico and Central America is much cheaper.
Tighten border security? Nah!

Throw money at the “problem” WHILE the border remains fully open.

I stand in amazement at yet another display of liberal Democrat Parody “thinking.”
I didn't say that. You only imagined it in your twisted mind. That's how you folks have been conditioned.

Not my problem.
Wow, Mac, I had not realized that you were so magnificent that you had THAT much influence on the world! Congratulations!!!!!

Is there a particular style you have in mind for your trophy?
/——-/ Mac1958’s trophy is on its way via FedX
I didn't say that. You only imagined it in your twisted mind. That's how you folks have been conditioned.

Not my problem.
I didn’t say you said it. You imbecile. But the shit you quoted did start with a price tag. Did you and your fellow ignorant dishonest libtarded buddies miss that?

Your retardation isn’t my problem. But you do suck at this discussion stuff.
I didn’t say you said it. You imbecile. But the shit you quoted did start with a price tag. Did you and your fellow ignorant dishonest libtarded buddies miss that?

Your retardation isn’t my problem. But you do suck at this discussion stuff.
And another Trumpster melts down before ol' Mac.

They pretend to understand and then just attack. That's the arrogant ignorance of MAGA world.

They're fine with sending that money to China, though. They don't care about that.

They're just trained seals. Zero (0) independent thought.
and sartre play play says nothing about Mac dividing us, why not? Because he agrees with Mac so dividing is okay?
I do realize many won't understand it.
Look up the banana wars, Gen Butler, etc Mac

Sooner or later , you'll realize we've a long and sorted 'capitalist' history w/ S America , up and including recent history re>


A capitalist society has only capitalist remedies

Looking back through Hx, this should be no epiphany to you

Your analysis is correct, but the Dems won't do this to the extent necessary because they WANT illegal immigration, because they think it will turn red states blue. But they are mistaken. They are mistaken because they are racists who stereotype the immigrants as ignorant future welfare queens, when most of them want to work and own a piece of the American Dream. They go to church and value family, and will gravitate to the conservative side once they can poke their heads up again.
While this is all fine and good for the future, it does not address the immediate out of control crisis we are NOW experiencing.

We need:

An immediate stop to this flood of illegals pouring over our border. We need fences, walls, more border patrol agents, more deportation rights, more tools that allow us to reverse what is happening. This country cannot and should not be trying to absorb the #'s that are now flooding in. We need to start putting employers who knowingly hire illegals, in jail, and taking away their ability to operate a business.

This needs to happen NOW!

All these problems could be solved legislatively. Congress pass a law that being in this country illegally is a felony. The penalty for committing this felony is a minimum of 5 years in prison, A MINIMUM for the first offense. Second offense 10 years minimum. This also includes never being able to get a green card, Visa, or citizenship for life.

We would still have a border problem, only in reverse; people trying to get the hell out of this country as fast as they can instead of getting into the country. No need for walls, technology, additional boarder patrol.

Then we announce military action against the drug cartels in Mexico if they continue to send fentanyl to the states. If Mexico doesn't want to comply, we cut off their foreign aid from the US.

By making being here illegally a felony, not only would it stop border crossers, but people that still live here after their Visa expired, people that disappear not attending their asylum hearing, and people caught using their fake ID's.

Problem solved.

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