Well, I'll be danged. My idea being put into practice, at least partially.

They pretend to understand and then just attack. That's the arrogant ignorance of MAGA world.

They're fine with sending that money to China, though. They don't care about that.

They're just trained seals. Zero (0) independent thought.

So Mac, how many items in your household are not made in China because you refuse to buy them?

Talk is cheap you know.
Your analysis is correct, but the Dems won't do this to the extent necessary because they WANT illegal immigration, because they think it will turn red states blue. But they are mistaken. They are mistaken because they are racists who stereotype the immigrants as ignorant future welfare queens, when most of them want to work and own a piece of the American Dream. They go to church and value family, and will gravitate to the conservative side once they can poke their heads up again.

It doesn't really matter. What happens now is that they count as citizens according to the US Census. They just count people as people. Trump tried to change that by having a question on the census that asks if those surveyed are here illegally or not. The Democrats made sure that wasn't going to happen.

Our Congress critters in the House are determined by population and since these illegals flock to Democrat sanctuary cities and states, they get unfair representation in the House.
They're fine with sending that money to China, though. They don't care about that.
Thats a lie

Trump supporters are very anti China

I even hold my nose and support biden on the rare occasions when he stands up to the chicoms

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