
Someone suggested the OBVIOUS on Foxfyre's thread which was a poll: Congressmen and Senators should be liable to the same laws as other American Citizens: To wit, if one of us pulls an Anthony Weanie Weiner, the least we'd get is fired.

That goes for DEMS as well as REPS .......or even PC Saints, such as the glorified Whoremaster par excellence, MLK, who has FBI files on him yards thick for his specialty on white prostitutes. This PC Saint, MLK, has a National Holiday named for him, replacing the National Holiday named after the Father of our country (the dead white man) George Washington.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

Where is your thread I'd like to peek in at it and see what people are saying. I think it time for people to all work together on this one!
More "fake" cries of Justice
As soon as Barney Frank goes, hypocrite

What do you expect from someone like this who makes up stuff
(see post above)

Somebody pull this Neo-fool aside and explain to him that Barney Frank has NOT been either accused or proven to have violated Congressional or Senate Ethic rules to be expelled. If he has, then please show me the Ethics review and conclusion, or the campaign by the GOP to remove him on such charges.

But Vitter did, and so did Ensign...and the neocon driven GOP that wailed for Clinton's ouster and Weiner's didn't say jack about the forementioned. Vitter is STILL in office, and Ensign was allowed to finish out his term and, like Weiner, choose not to run again.
Hypocrisy...plain and simple based on the FACTS.

How can anyone take Neo seriously when his neocon myopia and willful ignorance is so painfully blatant?

Calling someone a fool and in the same breath sticking up for a sick pervert like Bwarney Fwank shows me all I need to know about your thought process. Just because LIBERALS refused to investigate him and show him the door doesn't mean he isn't a scumbag sicko. They're all a disgrace.. Vitter, Ensign, Frank.. throw all of them out with the trash and be done with it.. who cares??!You leftist SHEEP are scary people.. you don't give a damn what a liberal does.. you're only out to destroy conservatives .. it's a bloodsport for your religion (liberalism).

WTF are you babbling about, LGS? I didn't bring Barney Frank into the discussion....and all I did was point out the FACT that the GOP wasn't screaming for Frank's ouster on any ethics charges like Weiner...and the GOP wasn't screaming for the ouster of whore monger Vitter or sleazy Ensign.

Maybe you should get your head in the game and LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, ten years trying to teach that to neocon parrots and toadies), as I NEVER defended Weiner's actions, just pointed out the HYPOCRISY of the neocon GOP and it's parrots/pundits on the matter. You and I are in agreement, Vitter, Ensign and Weiner are all in the same basket. I'm just saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Get your act together, LGS.
My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.

Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

I find it amazing that since YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY FAULT ME ON, you bray like an ass regarding the use of an old sarcastic line which was used to emphasize my agreement with you that Flynt's a sleaze. And Vitter's a sleaze...but the GOP and the neocon parrots and toadies on this thread WON'T condemn Vitter like they and the Dem's did Weiner.

Got it now bunky?
My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.

Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

It's one of the big reasons why he thinks the Government should make all of our decisions for us.

And please produce the quote where I stated such....if you can't, that makes you a lying Boedicca BS artist.

Now, it's time to wager as to when Weiner will reappear on the public stage. I'm betting in early August.

Who cares?
WTF are you babbling about, LGS? I didn't bring Barney Frank into the discussion....and all I did was point out the FACT that the GOP wasn't screaming for Frank's ouster on any ethics charges like Weiner...and the GOP wasn't screaming for the ouster of whore monger Vitter or sleazy Ensign.

The GOP wasn't screaming for Wiener's head (pun intended). Democrats were the ones who wanted him gone. Most in the GOP were rolling on the floor laughing. In their wildest dreams, they wouldn't have imagined an albatross like him hanging around in office until the election. Oh sure, a few issued perfunctory statements that he should resign. What did you expect them to stay "yeah we want Wiener to stay so he can sink whatever chances in the next election the Dims have?"

Maybe you should get your head in the game and LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, ten years trying to teach that to neocon parrots and toadies), as I NEVER defended Weiner's actions, just pointed out the HYPOCRISY of the neocon GOP and it's parrots/pundits on the matter. You and I are in agreement, Vitter, Ensign and Weiner are all in the same basket. I'm just saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Get your act together, LGS.

What hypocrisy?

Ensign resigned, BTW, and Vitter didn't lie repeatedly before the entire nation.
Somebody pull this Neo-fool aside and explain to him that Barney Frank has NOT been either accused or proven to have violated Congressional or Senate Ethic rules to be expelled. If he has, then please show me the Ethics review and conclusion, or the campaign by the GOP to remove him on such charges.

But Vitter did, and so did Ensign...and the neocon driven GOP that wailed for Clinton's ouster and Weiner's didn't say jack about the forementioned. Vitter is STILL in office, and Ensign was allowed to finish out his term and, like Weiner, choose not to run again.
Hypocrisy...plain and simple based on the FACTS.

How can anyone take Neo seriously when his neocon myopia and willful ignorance is so painfully blatant?

Calling someone a fool and in the same breath sticking up for a sick pervert like Bwarney Fwank shows me all I need to know about your thought process. Just because LIBERALS refused to investigate him and show him the door doesn't mean he isn't a scumbag sicko. They're all a disgrace.. Vitter, Ensign, Frank.. throw all of them out with the trash and be done with it.. who cares??!You leftist SHEEP are scary people.. you don't give a damn what a liberal does.. you're only out to destroy conservatives .. it's a bloodsport for your religion (liberalism).

WTF are you babbling about, LGS? I didn't bring Barney Frank into the discussion....and all I did was point out the FACT that the GOP wasn't screaming for Frank's ouster on any ethics charges like Weiner...and the GOP wasn't screaming for the ouster of whore monger Vitter or sleazy Ensign.

Maybe you should get your head in the game and LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, ten years trying to teach that to neocon parrots and toadies), as I NEVER defended Weiner's actions, just pointed out the HYPOCRISY of the neocon GOP and it's parrots/pundits on the matter. You and I are in agreement, Vitter, Ensign and Weiner are all in the same basket. I'm just saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Get your act together, LGS.

I don't care what the ESTABLISHMENT GOP thinks or does. They're a bunch of bloated crusty losers. No dem politician called for Weiners ouster until the smoke became so thick they choked on it. NOW WHAT? I smell a rotten "Goose."
Calling someone a fool and in the same breath sticking up for a sick pervert like Bwarney Fwank shows me all I need to know about your thought process. Just because LIBERALS refused to investigate him and show him the door doesn't mean he isn't a scumbag sicko. They're all a disgrace.. Vitter, Ensign, Frank.. throw all of them out with the trash and be done with it.. who cares??!You leftist SHEEP are scary people.. you don't give a damn what a liberal does.. you're only out to destroy conservatives .. it's a bloodsport for your religion (liberalism).

WTF are you babbling about, LGS? I didn't bring Barney Frank into the discussion....and all I did was point out the FACT that the GOP wasn't screaming for Frank's ouster on any ethics charges like Weiner...and the GOP wasn't screaming for the ouster of whore monger Vitter or sleazy Ensign.

Maybe you should get your head in the game and LEARN TO READ CAREFULLY AND COMPREHENSIVELY (damn, ten years trying to teach that to neocon parrots and toadies), as I NEVER defended Weiner's actions, just pointed out the HYPOCRISY of the neocon GOP and it's parrots/pundits on the matter. You and I are in agreement, Vitter, Ensign and Weiner are all in the same basket. I'm just saying, what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Get your act together, LGS.

I don't care what the ESTABLISHMENT GOP thinks or does. They're a bunch of bloated crusty losers. No dem politician called for Weiners ouster until the smoke became so thick they choked on it. NOW WHAT? I smell a rotten "Goose."


Yours is the key to DEM's MORALITY on this particular issue, and illustrative of their general mindset:

"No dem politician called for Weiner's ouster until the smoke became so thick they choked on it."

Then, the usual Obamarhoidal and LIEberrhoidal bullshit: Enough Dems realize that their silence is too deafening, Obummer joins the act by throwing the Weanie pervert under the bus....then when enough far left LIEberrhoid loons recognize that their sweetie-poo is demolished and begin to whine....Obummer flipity-flops and offers sympathy & good wishes to Weanie and his Muslim Al Queda/Hamas connected wife.
My, my...Uncensored2008 is babbling like a frustrated 8th grader. Somebody give this Uncensored 2008 jackass a dictionary so he can look up the word "fascist" and learn how to properly apply it.

No one said Flynt wasn't a sleaze....but it takes one to know one, or in this case to catch one. And he caught Vitter. A matter of fact and history that willfully ignorant fools like Uncensored2008 doesn't want to deal with.

Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

I find it amazing that since YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY FAULT ME ON, you bray like an ass regarding the use of an old sarcastic line which was used to emphasize my agreement with you that Flynt's a sleaze. And Vitter's a sleaze...but the GOP and the neocon parrots and toadies on this thread WON'T condemn Vitter like they and the Dem's did Weiner.
Got it now bunky?

Bill Clinton set the standard for what is acceptable for politicians.
Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

I find it amazing that since YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY FAULT ME ON, you bray like an ass regarding the use of an old sarcastic line which was used to emphasize my agreement with you that Flynt's a sleaze. And Vitter's a sleaze...but the GOP and the neocon parrots and toadies on this thread WON'T condemn Vitter like they and the Dem's did Weiner.
Got it now bunky?

Bill Clinton set the standard for what is acceptable for politicians.

However, the LIEberrhoid stooges will keep on whining about Ensign & Vitter as moral equivalents......ignoring their ICONS of MORALITY like JFK, his bro, The Chappaquidick Murderer Ted Kennedy (may hie roast in Hell)......and of course the PC Saint MLK: The Whoremaster par excellence for whom we have a National Holiday......instead of the Father of our Country, the dead white man George Washington.
Interesting you think it an impossibility that an honest person cannot see what a criminal does. I also find it amazing that you have different types of fools. I guess it is a good thing, so you can tell your friends apart.

I find it amazing that since YOU HAVE NOTHING TO LOGICALLY OR FACTUALLY FAULT ME ON, you bray like an ass regarding the use of an old sarcastic line which was used to emphasize my agreement with you that Flynt's a sleaze. And Vitter's a sleaze...but the GOP and the neocon parrots and toadies on this thread WON'T condemn Vitter like they and the Dem's did Weiner.
Got it now bunky?

Bill Clinton set the standard for what is acceptable for politicians.

No, Thomas Jefferson did with all that slave sex.
We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

Pasting a link into this post would have helped.:confused:

Now I gotta go detective, frisk you, searching for Foxfyre Threads!:evil:

You don't have any sharp objects in your pockets, do you?
This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

Pasting a link into this post would have helped.:confused:

Now I gotta go detective, frisk you, searching for Foxfyre Threads!:evil:

You don't have any sharp objects in your pockets, do you?

The last time I posted a link to another thread on USMB--it wasn't even my thread--I was reprimanded by an Admin for spamming. So I haven't committed that particular sin since.

Is it allowed to do that now?
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We Americans should all get together and demand that the politicians pass a bill called “ZERO TOLERENCE” to police themselves and any politician’s shenanigans. I mean anything, drunk driving, drug use, sexual idiots, spouse abuse not paying your taxes you name it, cheating on their spouses, ANYTHING!

We need a “ZERO TOLERENCE BILL” for politician’s who want to pull shenanigans while in office. With the new bill if they were proven to have done wrong they’d immediately get thrown out of office in disgrace or made to resign without their pensions. This would be for all polticians no matter what level of government they're on, if they're found wrong doing of any kind their out. I mean one time and you’re out!

This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

I'm thinking if a politician doesn't have the intelligence to act appropriately and morally he sure in the heck shouldn't be in public office at any level. The weak minded are too easily corrupted by money. We have over 300 million people in America, I think we can find another politician easily if a vacancy should come available.
This is why we have elections.

And we should get rid of pensions for political office holders altogether. Let them use 401Ks like the private sector.

Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

I'm thinking if a politician doesn't have the intelligence to act appropriately and morally he sure in the heck shouldn't be in public office at any level. The weak minded are too easily corrupted by money. We have over 300 million people in America, I think we can find another politician easily if a vacancy should come available.

And this is why we should minimize the Moral Hazard of Other People's money by limiting government to the smallest scope possible. The more government does, the more money it extracts, and the more money there is for the weak minded to abuse.
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Yup, change the career politicians back into public servants and I think there would be many fewer Anthony Weiners and such on the public scene.

I started a thread re this very concept in politics just a few minutes ago. . . .Once and for all how to fix the federal government.

I hope many will at least log in there.

Pasting a link into this post would have helped.:confused:

Now I gotta go detective, frisk you, searching for Foxfyre Threads!:evil:

You don't have any sharp objects in your pockets, do you?

The last time I posted a link to another thread on USMB--it wasn't even my thread--I was reprimanded by an Admin for spamming. So I haven't committed that particular sin since.

Is it allowed to do that now?

I do it all the time, but then, I'm special.:eusa_angel:
I heard Obama was Pressing Weiner a week or so ago...

And it was Larry this time... It was some Rep from NY.

True Story... It was an ABCNews Headline.



Spurred on by your sig........

I just googled:" larry sinclair obama ".

OMG....is that semi-black Black Racist Swine a fucking Queer as well ???

Cause, there's the video with Sinclair stating that he fellatioed (neologism ?) Obummer in a limo, then hotel.

Then, challenges Obummer to a polygraph and whatever else to establish veracity.....

If this is a scam of such monumental defamation, shouldn't this be exposed.....??????

One way or another, this startling info has to be investigated.

What with wagging fingers, and wagging weiners.......?!?!?!?
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