We told you they were extremists and guess who agrees now? The new President bwahahah


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
We kept telling you about the bad guys called Right Sector and Svoboda. Svoboda is sitting on themselves for now, but not the Right Sector.

And the new interim President who had no problem whatsoever using the radicals and the extremists to be the muscle behind the coup is looking like he's scared shitless of those who put him in power.


So gee whiz, is the new interim President spreading Putin's propaganda?

:lol: I'm loving every minute of this one. This is the group who have already threatened to blow up gas pipelines.

Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threatUkraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has condemned the ultra-nationalist Right Sector, saying the group is bent on "destabilisation".

Right Sector activists blocked the parliament (Rada) building in Kiev on Thursday night and smashed windows.

They blamed the interior minister for the killing of a Right Sector leader.


BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat
We kept telling you about the bad guys called Right Sector and Svoboda. Svoboda is sitting on themselves for now, but not the Right Sector.

And the new interim President who had no problem whatsoever using the radicals and the extremists to be the muscle behind the coup is looking like he's scared shitless of those who put him in power.


So gee whiz, is the new interim President spreading Putin's propaganda?

:lol: I'm loving every minute of this one. This is the group who have already threatened to blow up gas pipelines.

Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threatUkraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has condemned the ultra-nationalist Right Sector, saying the group is bent on "destabilisation".

Right Sector activists blocked the parliament (Rada) building in Kiev on Thursday night and smashed windows.

They blamed the interior minister for the killing of a Right Sector leader.


BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat
"Right Sector activists are furious over the death of Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, one of their leaders. The interior ministry said he died on Monday night in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine.

"A member of the far-right group in Rivne threatened revenge for the killing of Mr Muzychko.

"'We will avenge ourselves on [Interior Minister] Arsen Avakov for the death of our brother. The shooting of Sashko Bily is a contract killing ordered by the minister,' Right Sector member Roman Koval was quoted as saying by the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

"The Right Sector played a prominent role in the Kiev protests - and the clashes with police - which led to the removal of Mr Yanukovych from power. Its main support base is in western Ukraine."

BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat

Thousands of weapons have been stolen from military armories in western Ukraine since the new government came to power. When Europe discovers how the Nazis feel about the EU, they'll wish Yanukovych was back
We kept telling you about the bad guys called Right Sector and Svoboda. Svoboda is sitting on themselves for now, but not the Right Sector.

And the new interim President who had no problem whatsoever using the radicals and the extremists to be the muscle behind the coup is looking like he's scared shitless of those who put him in power.


So gee whiz, is the new interim President spreading Putin's propaganda?

:lol: I'm loving every minute of this one. This is the group who have already threatened to blow up gas pipelines.

Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threatUkraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has condemned the ultra-nationalist Right Sector, saying the group is bent on "destabilisation".

Right Sector activists blocked the parliament (Rada) building in Kiev on Thursday night and smashed windows.

They blamed the interior minister for the killing of a Right Sector leader.


BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat
"Right Sector activists are furious over the death of Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, one of their leaders. The interior ministry said he died on Monday night in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine.

"A member of the far-right group in Rivne threatened revenge for the killing of Mr Muzychko.

"'We will avenge ourselves on [Interior Minister] Arsen Avakov for the death of our brother. The shooting of Sashko Bily is a contract killing ordered by the minister,' Right Sector member Roman Koval was quoted as saying by the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

"The Right Sector played a prominent role in the Kiev protests - and the clashes with police - which led to the removal of Mr Yanukovych from power. Its main support base is in western Ukraine."

BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat

Thousands of weapons have been stolen from military armories in western Ukraine since the new government came to power. When Europe discovers how the Nazis feel about the EU, they'll wish Yanukovych was back

Leaving aside the Ukraine for the moment, can Comrade George tell us what the European countries think of the NeoNazis in their midst?

Europe's Dark Core: The Neo-Nazi Movements on the March

Rise of neo-Nazis in Germany seven decades after the downfall of the Third Reich - Mirror Online
We kept telling you about the bad guys called Right Sector and Svoboda. Svoboda is sitting on themselves for now, but not the Right Sector.

And the new interim President who had no problem whatsoever using the radicals and the extremists to be the muscle behind the coup is looking like he's scared shitless of those who put him in power.


So gee whiz, is the new interim President spreading Putin's propaganda?

:lol: I'm loving every minute of this one. This is the group who have already threatened to blow up gas pipelines.

Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threatUkraine's interim President Olexander Turchynov has condemned the ultra-nationalist Right Sector, saying the group is bent on "destabilisation".

Right Sector activists blocked the parliament (Rada) building in Kiev on Thursday night and smashed windows.

They blamed the interior minister for the killing of a Right Sector leader.


BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat
"Right Sector activists are furious over the death of Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, one of their leaders. The interior ministry said he died on Monday night in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine.

"A member of the far-right group in Rivne threatened revenge for the killing of Mr Muzychko.

"'We will avenge ourselves on [Interior Minister] Arsen Avakov for the death of our brother. The shooting of Sashko Bily is a contract killing ordered by the minister,' Right Sector member Roman Koval was quoted as saying by the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

"The Right Sector played a prominent role in the Kiev protests - and the clashes with police - which led to the removal of Mr Yanukovych from power. Its main support base is in western Ukraine."

BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat

Thousands of weapons have been stolen from military armories in western Ukraine since the new government came to power. When Europe discovers how the Nazis feel about the EU, they'll wish Yanukovych was back

Leaving aside the Ukraine for the moment, can Comrade George tell us what the European countries think of the NeoNazis in their midst?

Europe's Dark Core: The Neo-Nazi Movements on the March

Rise of neo-Nazis in Germany seven decades after the downfall of the Third Reich - Mirror Online
"The collapse of confidence in institutions after the 2008 financial crisis, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the spread of populist and nationalist sentiment has acted as recruitment magnet for the dissafected and the angry.

"At the forefront of the protest against the European Union - perceived as a bureaucratic, useless apparatus made to suck up growth -, neo-Nazis have focussed their action on the wave of migrants coming to Europe to escape from civil wars, genocides and poverty."

Why would you feel it's necessary to leave aside Ukraine in a thread about recent events in that country?

Europe's Dark Core: The Neo-Nazi Movements on the March
"Right Sector activists are furious over the death of Oleksandr Muzychko, better known as Sashko Bily, one of their leaders. The interior ministry said he died on Monday night in a shoot-out with police in a cafe in Rivne in western Ukraine.

"A member of the far-right group in Rivne threatened revenge for the killing of Mr Muzychko.

"'We will avenge ourselves on [Interior Minister] Arsen Avakov for the death of our brother. The shooting of Sashko Bily is a contract killing ordered by the minister,' Right Sector member Roman Koval was quoted as saying by the Ukrayinska Pravda website.

"The Right Sector played a prominent role in the Kiev protests - and the clashes with police - which led to the removal of Mr Yanukovych from power. Its main support base is in western Ukraine."

BBC News - Ukraine leader Turchynov warns of far-right threat

Thousands of weapons have been stolen from military armories in western Ukraine since the new government came to power. When Europe discovers how the Nazis feel about the EU, they'll wish Yanukovych was back

Leaving aside the Ukraine for the moment, can Comrade George tell us what the European countries think of the NeoNazis in their midst?

Europe's Dark Core: The Neo-Nazi Movements on the March

Rise of neo-Nazis in Germany seven decades after the downfall of the Third Reich - Mirror Online
"The collapse of confidence in institutions after the 2008 financial crisis, the widening gap between rich and poor, and the spread of populist and nationalist sentiment has acted as recruitment magnet for the dissafected and the angry.

"At the forefront of the protest against the European Union - perceived as a bureaucratic, useless apparatus made to suck up growth -, neo-Nazis have focussed their action on the wave of migrants coming to Europe to escape from civil wars, genocides and poverty."

Why would you feel it's necessary to leave aside Ukraine in a thread about recent events in that country?

Europe's Dark Core: The Neo-Nazi Movements on the March

Since you have been obsessing over the NeoNazis in the Ukraine, wanting to tie them in with your favorite scapegoats, the Jews, it seems strange that you weren't also focusing on the NeoNazi movement in Europe as you have been wanting readers to think that you are one of the Arabs best friends. Meanwhile, the NeoNazis have been protesting and harassing "your best friends." Sad how this movement is so stronge in Europe now. I imagine Hitler would be proud of them. It is one thing to protest peacefully if you are against immigration, but it is another if you start acting violently.

5 Photos That Show Europe's Neo-Nazi Problem is Alive and Well - PolicyMic
"Ukraine is burning, it is going to the dogs; it has been taken over by an illegitimate government engorged with fascists, neo-Nazis and simple pro-Western opportunists, as well as countless EU and US-sponsored members of various NGO’s..."

"Everything was well planned, with Machiavellian precision.

"The EU was hoping to get its hands on the abundant natural resources, heavy industry and a well-educated and cheap labor force. In exchange, it was willing to give… nothing.

"No sane government would be willing to accept such a deal.

"Therefore, the only way to push through its agenda, the West began supporting violence and terror, as well as the fascist, neo-Nazi groups.

"A similar approach is being used by the US and EU in Venezuela, Syria and even Thailand."

Ukraine, a Fascist Coup? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Ukraine is burning, it is going to the dogs; it has been taken over by an illegitimate government engorged with fascists, neo-Nazis and simple pro-Western opportunists, as well as countless EU and US-sponsored members of various NGO’s..."

"Everything was well planned, with Machiavellian precision.

"The EU was hoping to get its hands on the abundant natural resources, heavy industry and a well-educated and cheap labor force. In exchange, it was willing to give… nothing.

"No sane government would be willing to accept such a deal.

"Therefore, the only way to push through its agenda, the West began supporting violence and terror, as well as the fascist, neo-Nazi groups.

"A similar approach is being used by the US and EU in Venezuela, Syria and even Thailand."

Ukraine, a Fascist Coup? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

So, Comrade Geroge, every country that is going to be in turmoil is because of the U.S. and Europe? It would never cross your mind that many of the people in Venezuela were tired of the conditions that communism had wrought and they wanted a better life. Meanwhile, you realy want everyone to use that site you are always quoting like it was the Holy Grail??? Why not show us something from oher sites which are not so quick to blame the U.S. or Europe, but who put the blame on the conditions in Venezuela where it really belongs. I wonder if Comrade George is eventually going to blame the U.S., Europe, and his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the horrendous conditions under which the people in North Korea have to live. The way Comrade George seems to hate the U.S., one would wonder why he still lives here. There are probably tons of people in Venezuela who would be happy to take his place.
"Ukraine is burning, it is going to the dogs; it has been taken over by an illegitimate government engorged with fascists, neo-Nazis and simple pro-Western opportunists, as well as countless EU and US-sponsored members of various NGO’s..."

"Everything was well planned, with Machiavellian precision.

"The EU was hoping to get its hands on the abundant natural resources, heavy industry and a well-educated and cheap labor force. In exchange, it was willing to give… nothing.

"No sane government would be willing to accept such a deal.

"Therefore, the only way to push through its agenda, the West began supporting violence and terror, as well as the fascist, neo-Nazi groups.

"A similar approach is being used by the US and EU in Venezuela, Syria and even Thailand."

Ukraine, a Fascist Coup? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

So, Comrade Geroge, every country that is going to be in turmoil is because of the U.S. and Europe? It would never cross your mind that many of the people in Venezuela were tired of the conditions that communism had wrought and they wanted a better life. Meanwhile, you realy want everyone to use that site you are always quoting like it was the Holy Grail??? Why not show us something from oher sites which are not so quick to blame the U.S. or Europe, but who put the blame on the conditions in Venezuela where it really belongs. I wonder if Comrade George is eventually going to blame the U.S., Europe, and his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the horrendous conditions under which the people in North Korea have to live. The way Comrade George seems to hate the U.S., one would wonder why he still lives here. There are probably tons of people in Venezuela who would be happy to take his place.
A majority of Venezuela's voters made their choice in 2013.
A few oligarchs and their useful idiots objected.
Since the US government invariably sides with the rich, the outcome doesn't look any better for democracy in Venezuela than it does in North Korea.
BTW, have you ever heard of...

"Lyuh Woon-hyung (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea since its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'light.

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."
This dangerous political phenomenon is developing in countries throughout the European Union and in the U.S. Just recently, the National Front, a racist, authoritarian party that labored on the fringes of French politics for years, has emerged as one of the dominant forces in French politics. The Tea Party in the U.S., Golden Dawn in Greece, the People’s Party in Spain, the Partij Voor de Vrijheid in the Netherlands – in these and other countries, a transatlantic radical racist movement is emerging and gaining respectability.

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report
This dangerous political phenomenon is developing in countries throughout the European Union and in the U.S. Just recently, the National Front, a racist, authoritarian party that labored on the fringes of French politics for years, has emerged as one of the dominant forces in French politics. The Tea Party in the U.S., Golden Dawn in Greece, the People’s Party in Spain, the Partij Voor de Vrijheid in the Netherlands – in these and other countries, a transatlantic radical racist movement is emerging and gaining respectability.

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report
"The hard turn to the right is not a surprise for those of us who have a clear-eyed view of Euro-American history and politics.

"In all the 20th Century fascist movements in Europe, two elements combined to express the fascist project: 1) the rise of far-right parties and movements as the political expression of an alliance of authoritarian, pro-capitalist class forces bankrolled by sections of the capitalist class and constructed in the midst of capitalist crisis; and 2) racism grounded in white supremacist ideology.

“White workers and the middle classes in Europe and the U.S. are increasingly embracing a retrograde form of white supremacist politics.”

"The neo-fascism that is now emerging within the context of the current capitalist crisis on both sides of the Atlantic has similar characteristics to the movements of the 1930s but with one distinguishing feature.

"The targets for racist scapegoating are different.

"The targets today are immigrants: Arab, Muslim and African in Europe; Latinos and the never-ending target of poor and working class African Americans in the U.S"

Divide and conquer still works for those whose lifestyles depend on exploiting the labor and lives of others.

I'm guessing Venezuela is the next domino to fall...

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report
This dangerous political phenomenon is developing in countries throughout the European Union and in the U.S. Just recently, the National Front, a racist, authoritarian party that labored on the fringes of French politics for years, has emerged as one of the dominant forces in French politics. The Tea Party in the U.S., Golden Dawn in Greece, the People’s Party in Spain, the Partij Voor de Vrijheid in the Netherlands – in these and other countries, a transatlantic radical racist movement is emerging and gaining respectability.

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report
"The hard turn to the right is not a surprise for those of us who have a clear-eyed view of Euro-American history and politics.

"In all the 20th Century fascist movements in Europe, two elements combined to express the fascist project: 1) the rise of far-right parties and movements as the political expression of an alliance of authoritarian, pro-capitalist class forces bankrolled by sections of the capitalist class and constructed in the midst of capitalist crisis; and 2) racism grounded in white supremacist ideology.

“White workers and the middle classes in Europe and the U.S. are increasingly embracing a retrograde form of white supremacist politics.”

"The neo-fascism that is now emerging within the context of the current capitalist crisis on both sides of the Atlantic has similar characteristics to the movements of the 1930s but with one distinguishing feature.

"The targets for racist scapegoating are different.

"The targets today are immigrants: Arab, Muslim and African in Europe; Latinos and the never-ending target of poor and working class African Americans in the U.S"

Divide and conquer still works for those whose lifestyles depend on exploiting the labor and lives of others.

I'm guessing Venezuela is the next domino to fall...

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report

Yes, Venezuela was ruled by a Communist, but naturally Comrade George want to blame others for what is going on there now. Speaking of labor, Comrade George, if you had worked harder years ago, you would not be so busy blaming those who actually worked hard to make something of themselves. How do you think that many Latinos and Black Americans were able to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.? They had ambition and worked hard to get where they were. It's a shame that you never emulated them.
"Ukraine is burning, it is going to the dogs; it has been taken over by an illegitimate government engorged with fascists, neo-Nazis and simple pro-Western opportunists, as well as countless EU and US-sponsored members of various NGO’s..."

"Everything was well planned, with Machiavellian precision.

"The EU was hoping to get its hands on the abundant natural resources, heavy industry and a well-educated and cheap labor force. In exchange, it was willing to give… nothing.

"No sane government would be willing to accept such a deal.

"Therefore, the only way to push through its agenda, the West began supporting violence and terror, as well as the fascist, neo-Nazi groups.

"A similar approach is being used by the US and EU in Venezuela, Syria and even Thailand."

Ukraine, a Fascist Coup? » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

So, Comrade Geroge, every country that is going to be in turmoil is because of the U.S. and Europe? It would never cross your mind that many of the people in Venezuela were tired of the conditions that communism had wrought and they wanted a better life. Meanwhile, you realy want everyone to use that site you are always quoting like it was the Holy Grail??? Why not show us something from oher sites which are not so quick to blame the U.S. or Europe, but who put the blame on the conditions in Venezuela where it really belongs. I wonder if Comrade George is eventually going to blame the U.S., Europe, and his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the horrendous conditions under which the people in North Korea have to live. The way Comrade George seems to hate the U.S., one would wonder why he still lives here. There are probably tons of people in Venezuela who would be happy to take his place.
A majority of Venezuela's voters made their choice in 2013.
A few oligarchs and their useful idiots objected.
Since the US government invariably sides with the rich, the outcome doesn't look any better for democracy in Venezuela than it does in North Korea.
BTW, have you ever heard of...

"Lyuh Woon-hyung (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea since its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'light.

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

You still talking about the rich, Comrade George? It must gall you that there actually are rich people. Speaking of the South Koreans, how come they are more successful here in the U.S., and you who were born here weren't?
This dangerous political phenomenon is developing in countries throughout the European Union and in the U.S. Just recently, the National Front, a racist, authoritarian party that labored on the fringes of French politics for years, has emerged as one of the dominant forces in French politics. The Tea Party in the U.S., Golden Dawn in Greece, the People’s Party in Spain, the Partij Voor de Vrijheid in the Netherlands – in these and other countries, a transatlantic radical racist movement is emerging and gaining respectability.

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report
"The hard turn to the right is not a surprise for those of us who have a clear-eyed view of Euro-American history and politics.

"In all the 20th Century fascist movements in Europe, two elements combined to express the fascist project: 1) the rise of far-right parties and movements as the political expression of an alliance of authoritarian, pro-capitalist class forces bankrolled by sections of the capitalist class and constructed in the midst of capitalist crisis; and 2) racism grounded in white supremacist ideology.

“White workers and the middle classes in Europe and the U.S. are increasingly embracing a retrograde form of white supremacist politics.”

"The neo-fascism that is now emerging within the context of the current capitalist crisis on both sides of the Atlantic has similar characteristics to the movements of the 1930s but with one distinguishing feature.

"The targets for racist scapegoating are different.

"The targets today are immigrants: Arab, Muslim and African in Europe; Latinos and the never-ending target of poor and working class African Americans in the U.S"

Divide and conquer still works for those whose lifestyles depend on exploiting the labor and lives of others.

I'm guessing Venezuela is the next domino to fall...

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report

Yes, Venezuela was ruled by a Communist, but naturally Comrade George want to blame others for what is going on there now. Speaking of labor, Comrade George, if you had worked harder years ago, you would not be so busy blaming those who actually worked hard to make something of themselves. How do you think that many Latinos and Black Americans were able to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.? They had ambition and worked hard to get where they were. It's a shame that you never emulated them.
It's a bigger shame you can't manage to contribute anything except ad hominem attacks instead of debating the merits of the various issues discussed here. Maybe you're usefulness is limited to Ha$bara meme patrol?
"The hard turn to the right is not a surprise for those of us who have a clear-eyed view of Euro-American history and politics.

"In all the 20th Century fascist movements in Europe, two elements combined to express the fascist project: 1) the rise of far-right parties and movements as the political expression of an alliance of authoritarian, pro-capitalist class forces bankrolled by sections of the capitalist class and constructed in the midst of capitalist crisis; and 2) racism grounded in white supremacist ideology.

“White workers and the middle classes in Europe and the U.S. are increasingly embracing a retrograde form of white supremacist politics.”

"The neo-fascism that is now emerging within the context of the current capitalist crisis on both sides of the Atlantic has similar characteristics to the movements of the 1930s but with one distinguishing feature.

"The targets for racist scapegoating are different.

"The targets today are immigrants: Arab, Muslim and African in Europe; Latinos and the never-ending target of poor and working class African Americans in the U.S"

Divide and conquer still works for those whose lifestyles depend on exploiting the labor and lives of others.

I'm guessing Venezuela is the next domino to fall...

Left-right White Solidarity? A comment on the New Face of 21st Century Neo-Fascism ? Part One | Black Agenda Report

Yes, Venezuela was ruled by a Communist, but naturally Comrade George want to blame others for what is going on there now. Speaking of labor, Comrade George, if you had worked harder years ago, you would not be so busy blaming those who actually worked hard to make something of themselves. How do you think that many Latinos and Black Americans were able to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.? They had ambition and worked hard to get where they were. It's a shame that you never emulated them.
It's a bigger shame you can't manage to contribute anything except ad hominem attacks instead of debating the merits of the various issues discussed here. Maybe you're usefulness is limited to Ha$bara meme patrol?

Why, Comrade George, are you comatose? I have been contributing many articles, proably from more reliable sources than yours. You can skip the dollar signs, Comrade George. We know you are obsessed with your lack of money.

Venezuela university officials decry attacks on students - latimes.com
Yes, Venezuela was ruled by a Communist, but naturally Comrade George want to blame others for what is going on there now. Speaking of labor, Comrade George, if you had worked harder years ago, you would not be so busy blaming those who actually worked hard to make something of themselves. How do you think that many Latinos and Black Americans were able to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc.? They had ambition and worked hard to get where they were. It's a shame that you never emulated them.
It's a bigger shame you can't manage to contribute anything except ad hominem attacks instead of debating the merits of the various issues discussed here. Maybe you're usefulness is limited to Ha$bara meme patrol?

Why, Comrade George, are you comatose? I have been contributing many articles, proably from more reliable sources than yours. You can skip the dollar signs, Comrade George. We know you are obsessed with your lack of money.

Venezuela university officials decry attacks on students - latimes.com
You still haven't told us if you're compensated for your spam, Ha$bara $ally...
I know I'm not compensated guys!


PM me and I'll give you a box number if you want to send donations. Look I'm just in the middle of nowhere having had a blast for most of my life on this box when I actually believed fatal exception meant I killed the computer and ran to the mall with a quarter (note no cell phone) to cry to my husband.

Granted I've gotten really good at this shit and can and do work boards. All for free. Cripes. I haven't been paid a dime but I post with passion.

Being Ukrainian (third generation mothers side) I took particular interest last year when out of the blue another "student" protest occured. This time in Kiev.

Now call me crazy but after Egypt, Libya, Syria and all our governments interference in all those countries but my radar went off.

Do any of you find what I find most interesting with the Ukraine? An unelected illegal government *cough* interim is making deals with the EU and the IMF brazenly?

A billion from the US alone? There is no legal government in the Ukraine. But the money is changing hands?
So, Comrade Geroge, every country that is going to be in turmoil is because of the U.S. and Europe? It would never cross your mind that many of the people in Venezuela were tired of the conditions that communism had wrought and they wanted a better life. Meanwhile, you realy want everyone to use that site you are always quoting like it was the Holy Grail??? Why not show us something from oher sites which are not so quick to blame the U.S. or Europe, but who put the blame on the conditions in Venezuela where it really belongs. I wonder if Comrade George is eventually going to blame the U.S., Europe, and his favorite scapegoats, the Jews, for the horrendous conditions under which the people in North Korea have to live. The way Comrade George seems to hate the U.S., one would wonder why he still lives here. There are probably tons of people in Venezuela who would be happy to take his place.
A majority of Venezuela's voters made their choice in 2013.
A few oligarchs and their useful idiots objected.
Since the US government invariably sides with the rich, the outcome doesn't look any better for democracy in Venezuela than it does in North Korea.
BTW, have you ever heard of...

"Lyuh Woon-hyung (May 25, 1886 – July 19, 1947) was a Korean politician who argued that Korean independence was essential to world peace, and a reunification activist who struggled for the independent reunification of Korea since its national division in 1945.

"His pen-name was Mongyang (몽양; 夢陽), the Hanja for 'dream' and 'light.

"He is rare among politicians in modern Korean history in that he is revered in both South and North Korea."

You still talking about the rich, Comrade George? It must gall you that there actually are rich people. Speaking of the South Koreans, how come they are more successful here in the U.S., and you who were born here weren't?

Sally you obviously have some sort of personal problem with George. Okey dokey. I am at probably when we started out the political polar opposite of George but we are noticing a pattern.

And that pattern is real. And is taking effect.
I know I'm not compensated guys!


PM me and I'll give you a box number if you want to send donations. Look I'm just in the middle of nowhere having had a blast for most of my life on this box when I actually believed fatal exception meant I killed the computer and ran to the mall with a quarter (note no cell phone) to cry to my husband.

Granted I've gotten really good at this shit and can and do work boards. All for free. Cripes. I haven't been paid a dime but I post with passion.

Being Ukrainian (third generation mothers side) I took particular interest last year when out of the blue another "student" protest occured. This time in Kiev.

Now call me crazy but after Egypt, Libya, Syria and all our governments interference in all those countries but my radar went off.

Do any of you find what I find most interesting with the Ukraine? An unelected illegal government *cough* interim is making deals with the EU and the IMF brazenly?

A billion from the US alone? There is no legal government in the Ukraine. But the money is changing hands?
It is tempting to consider how much change the Middle East and Eurasia have experienced over the last 11 years, and then consider what we might expect to see by 2025.

The best explanation I've heard for recent events in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine posits a deliberate destabilization effort on the part of the US, EU, and NATO in order to create an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but the idea is to fragment Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon into warring sub-states in order to control gas and oil pipelines originating in the Caspian area.

If that's the plan, some neo-cons (Dick Cheney) are willing to consider going the extra mile and fragment Russia itself, in spite of its nuclear arsenal generally considered to be about the same size as the US.

Ukraine may be the line in the sand Putin can't afford to back away from.
I know I'm not compensated guys!


PM me and I'll give you a box number if you want to send donations. Look I'm just in the middle of nowhere having had a blast for most of my life on this box when I actually believed fatal exception meant I killed the computer and ran to the mall with a quarter (note no cell phone) to cry to my husband.

Granted I've gotten really good at this shit and can and do work boards. All for free. Cripes. I haven't been paid a dime but I post with passion.

Being Ukrainian (third generation mothers side) I took particular interest last year when out of the blue another "student" protest occured. This time in Kiev.

Now call me crazy but after Egypt, Libya, Syria and all our governments interference in all those countries but my radar went off.

Do any of you find what I find most interesting with the Ukraine? An unelected illegal government *cough* interim is making deals with the EU and the IMF brazenly?

A billion from the US alone? There is no legal government in the Ukraine. But the money is changing hands?

It is tempting to consider how much change the Middle East and Eurasia have experienced over the last 11 years, and then consider what we might expect to see by 2025.

The best explanation I've heard for recent events in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine posits a deliberate destabilization effort on the part of the US, EU, and NATO in order to create an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but the idea is to fragment Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon into warring sub-states in order to control gas and oil pipelines originating in the Caspian area.

If that's the plan, some neo-cons (Dick Cheney) are willing to consider going the extra mile and fragment Russia itself, in spite of its nuclear arsenal generally considered to be about the same size as the US.

Ukraine may be the line in the sand Putin can't afford to back away from.

Hmm, I wonder from what legitimate source did Comrade George get the following information. Could it have been from the World Socialist Web Site or something similar to that?

"The best explanation I've heard for recent events in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine posits a deliberate destabilization effort on the part of the US, EU, and NATO in order to create an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea."
I know I'm not compensated guys!


PM me and I'll give you a box number if you want to send donations. Look I'm just in the middle of nowhere having had a blast for most of my life on this box when I actually believed fatal exception meant I killed the computer and ran to the mall with a quarter (note no cell phone) to cry to my husband.

Granted I've gotten really good at this shit and can and do work boards. All for free. Cripes. I haven't been paid a dime but I post with passion.

Being Ukrainian (third generation mothers side) I took particular interest last year when out of the blue another "student" protest occured. This time in Kiev.

Now call me crazy but after Egypt, Libya, Syria and all our governments interference in all those countries but my radar went off.

Do any of you find what I find most interesting with the Ukraine? An unelected illegal government *cough* interim is making deals with the EU and the IMF brazenly?

A billion from the US alone? There is no legal government in the Ukraine. But the money is changing hands?

It is tempting to consider how much change the Middle East and Eurasia have experienced over the last 11 years, and then consider what we might expect to see by 2025.

The best explanation I've heard for recent events in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine posits a deliberate destabilization effort on the part of the US, EU, and NATO in order to create an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea.

It sounds counter-intuitive, but the idea is to fragment Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon into warring sub-states in order to control gas and oil pipelines originating in the Caspian area.

If that's the plan, some neo-cons (Dick Cheney) are willing to consider going the extra mile and fragment Russia itself, in spite of its nuclear arsenal generally considered to be about the same size as the US.

Ukraine may be the line in the sand Putin can't afford to back away from.

Hmm, I wonder from what legitimate source did Comrade George get the following information. Could it have been from the World Socialist Web Site or something similar to that?

"The best explanation I've heard for recent events in Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine posits a deliberate destabilization effort on the part of the US, EU, and NATO in order to create an arc of instability stretching from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea."
Wesley Clark - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"In Clark's book, Winning Modern Wars, published in 2003, he describes his conversation with a military officer in the Pentagon shortly after 9/11 regarding a plan to attack seven Middle Eastern countries in five years: 'As I went back through the Pentagon in November 2001, one of the senior military staff officers had time for a chat. Yes, we were still on track for going against Iraq, he said. But there was more. This was being discussed as part of a five-year campaign plan, he said, and there were a total of seven countries, beginning with Iraq, then Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off Iran."

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