We should all appreciate the Obama regime.

Bashing or blaming a former President only has merit and relevance if the former President's policies and legacy is having a significant impact on the new guy. Obama had to deal with lots of Bush leftovers, particularly the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terror and the recession. After several years however, blaming the former President becomes an excuse.

The former President had no business being elected. His profound bias and bigotry alone should have been enough. But thanks to millions of ignorant, emotional Americans, a community organizer was put in a position WAY ABOVE his League.....and it showed. Nearly everything he did was a disaster to either the economy, the military or the nation.

What a shame the first Black American President couldn't have been a leader and unifier instead of a cheap, ignorant racist punk.

He literally ruined it for QUALIFIED black Americans who could have been President, for a long time.
He and his minions spent 8 years insulting and disparaging half the American electorate that resulted in motivating a massive amount of people that Hillary finally summarized in the ultimate insult "deplorable" that got Trump elected. What is amazing is the left/Dims still haven't figured out that this rhetoric does not motivate their "base" as much as it does the opposition as they continue to insult anyone that doesn't agree with them.
Your analysis is incorrect. Trump won by obtaining less than 80,000 votes in three key states that resulted in handing him a majority of the electoral votes. He did however lose the popular vote by millions, hence, your evaluation and analysis is way off reality and inaccurate.
Turnout and results of primary voters also indicate your analysis is wrong. The election of a Democrat to the state legislature in Missouri adds to the win column in special elections for Democrats also.
Shit for brains, more people voted for the conservative/libertarian side in the popular vote.
Anyway, the popular vote determines nothing in presidential elections...
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

So, Trump actually lost the popular vote by like almost 10 million votes then?

Must hurt his fragile ego.
Na, more people voted conservative/libertarian than otherwise...
But then again, this is a republic not a shit eating democracy... thank god for the electoral college
He and his minions spent 8 years insulting and disparaging half the American electorate that resulted in motivating a massive amount of people that Hillary finally summarized in the ultimate insult "deplorable" that got Trump elected. What is amazing is the left/Dims still haven't figured out that this rhetoric does not motivate their "base" as much as it does the opposition as they continue to insult anyone that doesn't agree with them.
Your analysis is incorrect. Trump won by obtaining less than 80,000 votes in three key states that resulted in handing him a majority of the electoral votes. He did however lose the popular vote by millions, hence, your evaluation and analysis is way off reality and inaccurate.
Turnout and results of primary voters also indicate your analysis is wrong. The election of a Democrat to the state legislature in Missouri adds to the win column in special elections for Democrats also.
Shit for brains, more people voted for the conservative/libertarian side in the popular vote.
Anyway, the popular vote determines nothing in presidential elections...
Donald J. Trump Republican 62,980,160
Hillary R. Clinton Democratic 65,845,063
Gary Johnson Libertarian 4,488,931
Jill Stein Green 1,457,050

So, Trump actually lost the popular vote by like almost 10 million votes then?

Must hurt his fragile ego.
Yes, and it was a low turnout election. People complained they were not given decent choices.
There would be no trump if there was no Obama… Obama was a really shitty president… Fuct
The Democrat Party is full of so much hate nowadays that they don't even know what what is wrong with being assholes.
Because the rejection of a CURRENT President who constantly lies and says stupid things is somehow hateful while the obsession with attacking former politicians no longer in the public spotlight or any kind of power like the Clinton's and Obama's are not hateful?

You mean like these?
hillary saying stuipd things - Bing video
Ya, "...but whatabout....whatabout...Hillary and Obama...."
What about ism is how the trump cult will be remembered.

Good to see we've moved way beyond Bushism.
Bashing or blaming a former President only has merit and relevance if the former President's policies and legacy is having a significant impact on the new guy. Obama had to deal with lots of Bush leftovers, particularly the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the war on terror and the recession. After several years however, blaming the former President becomes an excuse.
Just admit it obama was and is a shit eater...
I just read the replies and must say I was amused by the responses to the fact that without Obama we never would have elected Trump. I am also thankful that reality has not affected the religion of Secular Socialism, whose deity is government, as they and their clergy continue the diatribe that has cost them state elections, both houses of congress and the presidency. I used to think the Secular Socialist were just uninformed and low IQ despite their claims of superior education and intellect, but they really can't be as stupid as they appear. Rather than ignorance it does appear that they are true believers in a religion. One would have an easier time arguing the veracity of the virgin birth with an Evangelical that disagreeing with their lefist gospel preached by their clergy headed by their Messiah, Obama..

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