We need to stop over-reacting to the Coronavirus.

You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
Irrelevant nonsense. It's a novel virus, dope.
No on has a natural immunity. Heard or otherwise.

Yeah it's novel in the sense that it it just a little different from other corona viruses. It is a mutation of a virus that has already been in existence. The differences do not have to be great but since it is a corona virus it's genome is very similar to other corona viruses so we have a starting place in the research for either a vaccine or a treatment

Every year the flu virus mutates and it is never the same as the year before so technically the new mutations of the flu virus are novel too but they are similar enough to past flu viruses

you really are thick

You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.

Posts like this are why you're on my ignore list.
Then fuck off.
Contumacious writes:
So , why did you choose the pseudonym "Tom Paine" - you must not be familiar with his biography.
While he declared war on King George the III - you on the hand would be kissing his ring or worse his ass
Tom Paine would be looking for the factual basis to declare that "at this time of Covid-19 threat"
May I suggest that you stop desecrating his name a find some spineless cretin you really admire

Not only ignorant and arrogant, lacking real patriotism and traditional American revolutionary values, you are disrespectful and presumptuous. Knowing nothing, you assume others are equally ignorant. You don't know me or my history. And as for Thomas Paine, I've read almost everything he ever wrote, and just finished Christopher Hitchen's excellent short book "Thomas Paine's Rights of Man," which was largely an examination of Paine's famous polemic against the Conservative Edmund Burke's Reflections on the Revolution in France. And while I admire Thomas Paine, I can criticize his shortcomings too. Only a "cretin" -- your word -- sees only heroes and villains in history, or in contemporary political struggles, or would use the name of Thomas Paine in such a crude and self-serving manner.
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I really like your balanced and well informed comments, Flopper. I fear that due to our inadequate early planning and the nature of our medical system, we are rapidly approaching the point when any real organized "tracing of contacts" is abandoned. In China and Korea and Japan they did a marvelous job of tracking down and isolating cases. This seems tragically to be beyond our ability. At a certain point of spread, as in the far less fatal H1N1 2009 pandemic, tracing will probably be abandoned and emphasis will turn to simple amelioration, treatment and "social distancing." With luck those measures (and present economically disruptive ordered closing of unessential workplaces and gatherings) will by themselves eventually slow the virus spread. Of course that is what we all hope. Slow it until treatments and vaccines are developed. But from what I see, at least in big cities, real tracing is already being abandoned, as our public health authorities simply have no personnel to carry on this task.
I agree tracing contacts is just about impossible in the very populous states, now. When asking a positive contact who have you had direct contact with over the last 2 weeks. You're likely to get something like, my son, husband, mother in law, and of course the people at work like my boss, and just about everyone in our section of 18 people. Then there's Fred and Martha, Johnny's school teacher. Casual contact would probably be everyone that lives on my floor about 15 people. Oh, yes, the people at the PTA meeting, about 40 people and the wait staff in the restaurant across the street, about 7, the dress shop, and the beauty shop. To do the job right the investigator will need to locate and contact about 90 people inquiring about possible symptoms. Then he will have to make arrangement for tests for anyone that has symptoms plus everyone with close contact. Later, he would have to follow up on each positive case. About week later, the investigator would followup all contacts to see if symptoms had developed. How long would it take the investigator to do this? At least a week or so, maybe more and that is just one case. The sad truth is there is there is just not enough trained people to handle thousands of new cases every week. During those first weeks when you have only a dozen or less contacts, it is critical to have hundreds if not thousands of trained people tracing all contacts and getting people tested. When hundreds of new cases a week turn into thousands, it's probably to late to stop it, you are just flattening the curve.
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Doesn't work.

What you need to know about hydroxychloroquine, Trump’s new favorite treatment for Covid-19

But the researchers only looked at 36 patients and only 26 actually received hydroxychloroquine in the study — a tiny sample size. Hydroxychloroquine can also have side effects like headaches, dizziness, and diarrhea, so it’s not something that doctors can blanketly prescribe. And the study wasn’t blinded, meaning the patients knew what they were getting, nor was it randomized. That limits the scientific merit of the study.
I think Remdesivir looks more promising but it has not undergone human testing. It is an antiviral that inhibits the virus from reproducing. It has been tested in lab on virus and on animals and found to be effective. It also has the potential for use as a vaccine. However, it would be many months if not a year or more before it could be used on patients.

According to the World Health Organization, there is only anecdotal evidence that it might be effective as a treatment. Trials have started. Since it's available now in large quantities and is very inexpensive, we should try it. If only lessens symptoms it would be worthwhile.
Ovwer reacting?

Oh look. Republicans/Trumpers were wrong again

We need to stop listening to them
Yeah if a republican offered you water in the desert you would rather die of thirst.

Like I said you can't understand anything unless you are told by your political party what it means

I'd never put myself at the mercy of a Republican like that. I'd also halfway suspect it was poisoned.
Thank you for proving my point that you are an unhinged partisan moron
You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off

You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off


So the reaction to this virus was way, way overblown in many places, IMO. So now the reaction TO the reaction will be overblown. IOW, almost as quickly as we shut things down, we will probably open them up again. Nancy Pelosi's little stunt didn't help, because it will solidify in many Americans' minds that this all just a game.

That's good; I'm ready for businesses to open and I don't want the economy to crash. But, just mass opening everything, even large concert and sporting venues, could make the virus proliferate too.
You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off


So the reaction to this virus was way, way overblown in many places, IMO. So now the reaction TO the reaction will be overblown. IOW, almost as quickly as we shut things down, we will probably open them up again. Nancy Pelosi's little stunt didn't help, because it will solidify in many Americans' minds that this all just a game.

That's good; I'm ready for businesses to open and I don't want the economy to crash. But, just mass opening everything, even large concert and sporting venues, could make the virus proliferate too.
My wife's veterinary clinic is considered an essential business so she is open but with major precautionary procedures in place.

She has a tech pick up their animals from the parking lot and the vets conference with the owners over the phone and payment will be by credit card only over the phone.

The only people allowed in are people who are euthanizing a pet.

There are ways to cope and stay open for many businesses
Thank you for proving my point that you are an unhinged partisan moron

Republicans are using this crisis as a way to divert more money to their rich buddies... Um, yeah, partisanship is called for.
Just like Obama did when he had an excuse to do so.

You can't see the truth that all politicians will pay their masters and never let a crisis go to waste.

But funny how the Dems blocked a bill that would give cash for 2 weeks of payroll to small businesses.
The economy is being harmed by the Coronavirus hysteria created by the mainstream media. The virus itself will not harm our economy that much as long as we don't over-react. Most of the damage being done by the Coronavirus is being done by people talking about it and over-reacting. Contrast this with how well the world handled the flu pandemic of 1918. The stock market in the USA actually only dropped about 5% that year.

To put things into perspective, the 1918 flu killed about 50,000,000 people out of 1.6 billion. Today, that would be proportional to a virus killing about 215 million people worldwide. That sounds like it would be devastating, except if there was no global market crash in 1918, there is certainly no reason for us to panic and create one today.

We need to stop panicking, stoically let the virus run its course and keep working or we might suffer an economic depression.

Demo Rats, Lamestream Media, The Deep State and Disinformation

The Scam Continues

How Coronavirus Cases in The U.S. Are Going to Explode Out of Nowhere

In a prior report I revealed the spring equinox (May 19) marks the beginning of the earth tilting back towards the sun and an increase solar ultraviolet radiation which results in elevate vitamin D levels in human populations that will abolish coronavirus cases and death. I also indicated quarantines will be counterproductive and force people indoors and further deprive them of life-saving vitamin D.

But here is how this ruse is accomplished.

Buried in the news report is this language: “numbers in the U.S. are rising sharply partly because testing is being more widespread.”

So indiscriminate news reports will sound alarming because news agencies want to capture readership. This parade of irresponsible news reports is anticipated to raise levels of anxiety in the American population at large. The “What do we do now?” panic sets in.
You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off


You obviously have no understanding of what immunity is. Just stop.
You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off


You obviously have no understanding of what immunity is. Just stop.
More than you do obviously.

Even with vaccines there are too many bugs to count that humans have no immunity to infection even though the immune system of most people can fight them off eventually

You're blowing this out of proportion just like all the other idiots
There is no natural immunity. It's a novel virus, dope.

Excuse me Dingle Berry, may I call you DB?

Corona viruses are not new. They were first identified as RNA viruses in 1970.

You should call me, sir.
Covid-19 is new, dope. Hence the term, novel.

Excuse me DB, Sir

Provide a link showing that Covid-19 is not a member of the coronavirus family and that the present tests can distinguish the different coronavirus strains.

I won't hold my breath.

You're an idiot.
I never said it wasn't a corona virus. I said it was a new corona virus. A novel virus, new to humans who have no natural immunity.
COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic has a natural origin

The current test does indeed test for the RNA markers specific to this strain.
How do the new coronavirus tests work? | Live Science

Stop being a dope and educate yourself.
The only thing that makes it novel are a couple proteins on the outer shell it still shares characteristics of other related Corona viruses

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
No, dope.
By definition a novel virus is new to humans. As it has never existed in the human body previously, humans have no natural immunity.

No, dope. By definition "new to humans" doesn't require it to be 100% different from every other virus that has ever existed. The strain of coronavirus which causes Covid-19 is genetically very similar to, other viruses. This is how they know to classify it as a coronavirus.

It doesn't require much difference at all to be "novel".
But funny how the Dems blocked a bill that would give cash for 2 weeks of payroll to small businesses.

Because it also would have given hundreds of billions to rich corporations that don't need it.

No Bailouts. If the airlines need cash, they should take out loans and use their assets as collateral.
Yeah but they had no problem when Obama gave billions to rich corporations that didn't need it.

This is my problem with the fucking government and all the fucking asshole politcians
You are simply wrong. You are promoting erroneous information. You are part of the problem. Just stop.
Novel means new to humans. Period.

You're too dense to understand what I am saying.

be gone

You're not saying anything worthwhile. You're arguing over the quality of trash.

Novel means one thing only. New to humans.
And I am trying to tell you that to be new to humans only a minuscule change in a virus is necessary you fucking dolt

Which means nothing.
It's precisely that change that makes it so virulent. Humans have no immunity.

Actually most people do because most people who get it won't die

think about will ya?

No, they don't. They became infected because there is no natural immunity, dope.
There is no natural immunity to literally thousands of viruses and bacteria. You seem to think contracting this virus is a death sentence. it isn't because moat people's immune system will be able to fight it off


You obviously have no understanding of what immunity is. Just stop.
More than you do obviously.

Even with vaccines there are too many bugs to count that humans have no immunity to infection even though the immune system of most people can fight them off eventually

You're blowing this out of proportion just like all the other idiots
Fighting the infection and becoming infected in the first place are two different things, dope. This is highly contagious precisely because humans have no natural immunity. Like I said. You have no understanding.
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