We need to drop the colorization of 'Nationalist'.

the magas are neither patriots nor nationalists. maybe "jingoist" is closer.
Given the commonly understood definition of this term? I would have to disagree with you based on the rhetoric. Most folks that identify as MAGAS, aren't jingoist, but, they aren't really clear that Trump does not do, what he claims to say he wants to do, IMO.

In fact, this was one of the biggest problems Trump had, was trying to cultivate loyalty among Neo-cons, who tend to be the real jingoists in our nation. These are the folks that stand with the Neo-liberals in their rabid insistence in accelerating our Ukraine policy, with no attempt to understand Russia's security concerns.

I can't say if this was purposeful, or accidental. We all see that rhetoric from the, "Lincoln Project." It is those neo-cons, which tend to be the most jingoist. SO why are they so rabid in attacking Trump, unless Trump does not share their agenda?

"Jingoism is nationalism in the form of aggressive and proactive foreign policy, such as a country's advocacy for the use of threats or actual force, as opposed to peaceful relations, in efforts to safeguard what it perceives as its national interests.[1] Colloquially, jingoism is excessive bias in judging one's own country as superior to others – an extreme type of nationalism (cf. chauvinism and ultranationalism).. . . . "

Trump and his supports, claim, to want to withdraw from having an active role in the leading the world, and wish to have a multi-polar world of co-equals.

Whether this is true? I cannot say. It might just be an attempt for electoral success. Trump made the same sort of claims before te 2016 election, but his foreign policy did not really reflect that. He gave jobs to Neo-cons, instead of weakening NATO, strengthened it. . . continued building up Ukraine, hired John Bolton, etc. etc. etc.

So, actions really do speak louder than words.

If Trump wanted to distance himself from being a jingoist leaning nationalist, he would have leaned more toward freedom caucus types, but he didn't.

So. . . who the hell really knows? I don't trust him.
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Nah. . . I disagree.

PATRIOTISM is a good thing.

Nationalism is toxic, and it pits our nation, or different In-groups, against "the other."

As far as international politics is concerned? I do believe we should strive toward less foreign adventurism, and support for a more equitable, multi-polar world, instead of having the US taxpayer fund the Crown and the US billionaires Anglo-American / Uni-polar world order plans. (Even the French and Germans are starting to get sick of our shit, TBH.) We have been listening to these same CFR and RIIA, Bilderburg, WEF, EU, NATO psychopaths, that keep us in these forever wars now, for the past fifty years.

It has only cost the global population, millions of lives, and the US tax payer trillions of dollars, and for what?


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You are entitled to your opinion. Nationalism to me IS Patriotism plus a defiant attitude toward other countries or entities (e.g. The Democratic Party) who are trying to undermine the US.
There have been hundreds of New World Orders. Trump says he's going to turn the GOP into the Workers Party. He loves the uneducated and he wants to be worshipped.
All politicians that get to that point, want to be worshiped.

Trump is no different.

See? We can both do this.

And Trump is no better, nor any worse than Biden.

I think we both know what is going on here. . .

The only thing that really matters, is what the sovereign people of the nation want. And at the point where the folks in charge of the institutions of this nation, feel that they are so much better than the masses, that they have the right to deny them this? I think we have a problem.
You are entitled to your opinion. Nationalism to me IS Patriotism plus a defiant attitude toward other countries or entities (e.g. The Democratic Party) who are trying to undermine the US.
I'm not going to disagree with that.

I am an avid aficionado of history and strategy.

All I am trying to convey, is that masses and emotions, can be manipulated, to do the bidding of those who you believe, are are trying to, "undermine," what you feel are your interests.
This can be done in combat, economics, politics, etc.

It is using your opponent's energy, strength, hatred against themselves. There are fighting styles, political and speech strategies, and economic theories that employ this.

I have already posted this, but you are not picking it up. Are you quite sure, you are not just playing right into the hands of those who want you to be defiant? What good has come of the J6 rioters? :dunno:

The reason spiritual faiths like Christianity and Buddhism, used to be superior to others? Is they understood this. It seems, America, and Americans, have forgotten this.


I'm not going to disagree with that.

I am an avid aficionado of history and strategy.

All I am trying to convey, is that masses and emotions, can be manipulated, to do the bidding of those who you believe, are are trying to, "undermine," what you feel are your interests.
This can be done in combat, economics, politics, etc.

It is using your opponent's energy, strength, hatred against themselves. There are fighting styles, political and speech strategies, and economic theories that employ this.

I have already posted this, but you are not picking it up. Are you quite sure, you are not just playing right into the hands of those who want you to be defiant? What good has come of the J6 rioters? :dunno:

The reason spiritual faiths like Christianity and Buddhism, used to be superior to others? Is they understood this. It seems, America, and Americans, have forgotten this.


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Yeah, no kidding the masses can be manipulated. That's all we have been seeing these last few years. My point is, we no longer have an even playing field, and the Democrats are pulling every lever to gain more and more control over the narrative. That includes smearing NATIONALIST, WHITE NATIONALIST and WHITE SUPREMACIST all together. Maybe we need to coin a new term AMERICAN NATIONALIST and tell the Democrats to stick their Race Baiting up their arse.
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
Nationalism is first step after regionalism. Globalism is the natural step after nationalism. Since everyone does not developed at the same pace, some nations are struggling0 to achieve nationalism where other nations are ready for globalism. Globalism can mean many thing things to different people. In this context globalism is policy approach that emphasizes the conscious interconnectedness and integration of countries and economies
Ask RayFromCleveland his opinion although I may have him confused with a white separatist instead of a white nationalist. If so I apologize ahead of time.
Are you sayin' that one's racist? Am I the Klan? Those are 2 separate questions. Take your time, please.
Nah. . . I disagree.

PATRIOTISM is a good thing.

Nationalism is toxic, and it pits our nation, or different In-groups, against "the other."

As far as international politics is concerned? I do believe we should strive toward less foreign adventurism, and support for a more equitable, multi-polar world, instead of having the US taxpayer fund the Crown and the US billionaires Anglo-American / Uni-polar world order plans. (Even the French and Germans are starting to get sick of our shit, TBH.) We have been listening to these same CFR and RIIA, Bilderburg, WEF, EU, NATO psychopaths, that keep us in these forever wars now, for the past fifty years.

It has only cost the global population, millions of lives, and the US tax payer trillions of dollars, and for what?


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They know the distinction. They just don't want to admit it. So they try a little reductio ad absurdum to deflect and dilute.

Plus, while obviously a positive, "nationalism" exists along a continuum, where it can become blind, simplistic and binary. I don't think they really understand the "along a continuum" concept, so everything has to be all or nothing.

The fact that they're trying this is instructional, though.
Have you been called a lying piece of shit lately? Because you certainly should have been.
Seriously? You guys can’t even denounce straight up unapologetic racists because they couch it in faux America symbols? You all need help.
Here is a few white nationalist groups. Which ones are misunderstood Americans?


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