We need to drop the colorization of 'Nationalist'.

Thank you, finally someone who understands what nationalism is and is not. I will disagree with you on the inevitable loss of nationalism to globalism. But certainly that is the end game of Democrats as they do everything they can to smear traditional American values and paint the country and everything that happens with their racist paint brush.
When say globalism
Thank you, finally someone who understands what nationalism is and is not. I will disagree with you on the inevitable loss of nationalism to globalism. But certainly that is the end game of Democrats as they do everything they can to smear traditional American values and paint the country and everything that happens with their racist paint brush.
When I say over time globalism will prevail over nationalism in regard to international relations, it will occur very gradually over decades. As a nation, we will make increasing numbers of international decisions that help other countries because it also helps us. I believe by the end of this century, the US will depend in some way on every major nation just as they will be dependent on us.

Migration will have a significant effect on international relations. By 2050, nearly one in five Americans (19%) will be an immigrant, compared with one in eight now. By the end of the century, 1 in every 3 Americans will be immigrants. However migration will be a two way street. Where only 9 million Americans live abroad today, that number will increase to 15 million by 2050 and 25 million by end of the century. A century ago only 1% of Americans traveled outside the US. Today 71% have traveled outside the US and that percent will go to 85% by 2050. By 2050, we are expecting more 150 million foreigners will visit the US each year.

By the end of the century, essentially every major product will have components made abroad and just about every market will be an international market.

Figuratively, the world is shrinking rapidly and it will continue and every nation will be more dependent on others.
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Encyclopedia Britannia
….nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.

Fascism is an ideology marked by extreme nationalism.

White nationalism wants a white ethno-state that supports, promotes and privileges the White race to the exclusion of others (think Aryan). And now the you rightists are trying to normalize it?

Nationalism is not patriotism.
And here we have the classic Democrat supporter doing what they are supposed to do. Advance the Democrat's Racialization of the term Nationalist. There is nothing in the definition that you posted or that I posted that has Racial connotation. If you don't understand the definition, it means that a Nationalist is loyal to his/her Nation and puts the best interests of his/her NATION before others.
And here we have the classic Democrat supporter doing what they are supposed to do. Advance the Democrat's Racialization of the term Nationalist. There is nothing in the definition that you posted or that I posted that has Racial connotation. If you don't understand the definition, it means that a Nationalist is loyal to his/her Nation and puts the best interests of his/her NATION before others.

The definition I posted did not mention race.
Thank you, finally someone who understands what nationalism is and is not. I will disagree with you on the inevitable loss of nationalism to globalism. But certainly that is the end game of Democrats as they do everything they can to smear traditional American values and paint the country and everything that happens with their racist paint brush.
When I say over time globalism will prevail over nationalism in regard to international relations, it will occur very gradually over decades. As a nation, we will make increasing numbers of international decisions that help other countries because it also helps us. I believe by the end of this century, the US will depend in some way on every major nation just as they will be dependent on us.

Migration will have a significant effect on international relations. By 2050, nearly one in five Americans (19%) will be an immigrant, compared with one in eight now. By the end of the century, 1 in every 3 Americans will be immigrants. However migration will be a two way street. Where only 9 million Americans live abroad today, that number will increase to 15 million by 2050 and 25 million by end of the century. A century ago only 1% of Americans traveled outside the US. Today 71% have traveled outside the US and that percent will go to 85% by 2050. By 2050, we are expecting more 150 million foreigners will visit the US each year about double the current numbers..

By the end of the century, essentially every major product will have components made abroad and just about every market will be an international market.

Figuratively, the world is shrinking rapidly and it will continue and every nation will be more dependent on others.
Encyclopedia Britannia
….nationalism, ideology based on the premise that the individual’s loyalty and devotion to the nation-state surpass other individual or group interests.

Fascism is an ideology marked by extreme nationalism.

White nationalism wants a white ethno-state that supports, promotes and privileges the White race to the exclusion of others (think Aryan). And now the you rightists are trying to normalize it?

Nationalism is not patriotism.
And here we have the classic Democrat supporter doing what they are supposed to do. Advance the Democrat's Racialization of the term 'Nationalist'. There is nothing in the definition that you posted or that I posted that has Racial connotation. If you don't understand the definition, it means that a Nationalist is loyal to his/her Nation and puts the best interests of his/her NATION before others. Period. The term White Nationalist is a primary weapon of the Democrats used to smear, divide and anger. True Americans need to not be afraid of being a Nationalist. It is not just a good thing, now it is a necessary thing since we are losing our country.
Because the White Nationalist are Racist, claiming nationalism as cover.

Total BS. Nationalism is just healthy pride in one's country, a great thing--- YOU people are the ones who insist on sticking the "white" moniker in front of it trying to imply it is the same as race-driven white Aryan supremacists! GROW UP.

Every country on this planet celebrates national pride EXCEPT white-guilted liberals. Bottom line: don't try to pin your guilt about being white on me.
And here we have the classic Democrat supporter doing what they are supposed to do. Advance the Democrat's Racialization of the term Nationalist. There is nothing in the definition that you posted or that I posted that has Racial connotation. If you don't understand the definition, it means that a Nationalist is loyal to his/her Nation and puts the best interests of his/her NATION before others.

Be realistic. Nationalism as a term is often used by people who want to have superiority of their group over another group. It's the way people use the term.
Nationalism is a good thing. It means that you strongly identify with your country and you strongly support your country's interests over the interest of other countries. So what is the problem with that? The term should not have a skin color associated with it. America has Nationalists of every race, color and creed. What do you think? Why can't we just say "Nationalist"?
This is a terribly wrongheaded OP. Nationalism can be a “terrible thing” as well as a “good thing.” Was German or Japanese nationalism good in WWII? Is “Great Russian nationalism” as Putin and most Russians advance it today a “good thing” … either for Russians or Ukrainians?

Where do such naive and childish either / or definitions of “nationalism” come from, anyway?

The only correct part of the OP is that in America the term should not be associated with any one “skin color” — which would tend to imply that the “nationalism” we are talking about is really racism or some other weird political expression of race consciousness.

For a more thorough discussion of what modern nationalism is, how it historically developed and how it has been both progressive and at times viciously reactionary, see my earlier comment #100.
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Nationalism is like racism. It's people trying to bouy their own pathetic lives by identifying with something larger. It's identity politics written large
Total BS. Nationalism is just healthy pride in one's country, a great thing--- YOU people are the ones who insist on sticking the "white" moniker in front of it trying to imply it is the same as race-driven white Aryan supremacists! GROW UP.

Every country on this planet celebrates national pride EXCEPT white-guilted liberals. Bottom line: don't try to pin your guilt about being white on me.
If your are trying to claim white nationalist is just a patriotic thing and not associated with racism in America, you simply won't be able to sell that hog wash.
I'm as patriotic as it gets, and I am Caucasian clean back to my Irish ancestors, but am not and never have been a white nationalist. You can paint yourself any way you want, but people will recognize, anyway, Do you KKK much or support those that do?
If your are trying to claim white nationalist is just a patriotic thing and not associated with racism in America, you simply won't be able to sell that hog wash.
I'm as patriotic as it gets, and I am Caucasian clean back to my Irish ancestors, but am not and never have been a white nationalist. You can paint yourself any way you want, but people will recognize, anyway, Do you KKK much or support those that do?
You are the one interjecting WHITE into the term. Look up the DEFINITION of Nationalism and then just leave off WHITE. It really isn't that hard.
You are the one interjecting WHITE into the term. Look up the DEFINITION of Nationalism and then just leave off WHITE. It really isn't that hard.
Exactly.. The problem with nationalism isn't that it's racist. The problem is that it's a complete surrender to identity politics.
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That is ALL that I have been saying, how do you agree with me and then say that I am "terribly wrong-headed". That makes zero sense.
I say you are terribly wrong — and naive — when you define “nationalism” [not “white” or “black” nationalism] as always a “good thing.” Try to re-read carefully what I wrote and I think my meaning will become much clearer.
I say you are terribly wrong — and naive — when you define “nationalism” [not “white” or “black” nationalism] as always a “good thing.” Try to re-read carefully what I wrote and I think my meaning will become much clearer.
Show me the post where I said it is ALWAYS a good thing. I stated that it is a good thing. Period. I also recognize, as I clearly pointed out what the Democrats have done, it is quite easy to hijack Nationalism into something more insidious than love of country.
If your are trying to claim white nationalist is just a patriotic thing
THERE IS NO WHITE NATIONALIST!! Get that through your thick skull. There is no white to it. /Anyone/ can be proud of their country. It just got spun that way by idiots trying to ally nationalism with white supremacism. Two very DIFFERENT things.

You can paint yourself any way you want,
ME? I wasn't even talking about me, you dumbass! Why are you now trying to drag me into the conversation? Get your brainwashed mind out of the freaking toilet. Worse, these days the way I feel about the way this country is being horribly run now, I'm anything but proud of the USA these days.

America has now become under Joe Biden a poverty-stricken shamble full of hate, violence and crime as our cities fall apart full of homeless. American cities are now a sewer compared to the gleaming cities of many other countries.

Do you KKK much or support those that do?
That's it./ Fuck you and the horse you road in on. YOU are the fucking racist here. Asshole. Ignorant, illiterate, bigoted moron. Tell yourself whatever bullshit you want to believe. Nationalism is color blind, and so is racism too. All may participate. Go to hell.
I say you are terribly wrong — and naive — when you define “nationalism” [not “white” or “black” nationalism] as always a “good thing.” Try to re-read carefully what I wrote and I think my meaning will become much clearer.
What you are going to give up that easy? I understood your post and it was very well thought out. You just can't stand the thought of agreeing with me so you have to manufacture something.
Are you sayin' that one's racist? Am I the Klan? Those are 2 separate questions. Take your time, please.
I went back & looked up the comment I was referencing. Ray states he's a separatist however irrespective of which one he claims, he's still a racist (a racist separatist) based on his belief that the white race is superior to the Black race. These beliefs are evident in his comment history such as this one in which I asked him which he was:

Affirmative action, helpful or harmful?
THERE IS NO WHITE NATIONALIST!! Get that through your thick skull. There is no white to it. /Anyone/ can be proud of their country. It just got spun that way by idiots trying to ally nationalism with white supremacism. Two very DIFFERENT things.

ME? I wasn't even talking about me, you dumbass! Why are you now trying to drag me into the conversation? Get your brainwashed mind out of the freaking toilet. Worse, these days the way I feel about the way this country is being horribly run now, I'm anything but proud of the USA these days.

America has now become under Joe Biden a poverty-stricken shamble full of hate, violence and crime as our cities fall apart full of homeless. American cities are now a sewer compared to the gleaming cities of many other countries.

That's it./ Fuck you and the horse you road in on. YOU are the fucking racist here. Asshole. Ignorant, illiterate, bigoted moron. Tell yourself whatever bullshit you want to believe. Nationalism is color blind, and so is racism too. All may participate. Go to hell.
I'm glad I started this thread. It reveals how effective the Democratic Party is at creating terms to smear and divide.

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