We need government job training programs.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

Guess where you lost me.
If you want more poverty and welfare and dependency, then yeah let's create more govt sponsored programs and Roads to Nowhere.
Republicans would sooner throw the money in a fire and roast marshmallows than invest in our workforce or infrastructure or education or anything that might help out a worthless, lazy, scum of the earth American working man.
We don't need more FDR. We need to be ingenuitive and produce goods that other countries need. We're in danger of falling behind. I don't subscribe to the theory that we have to fall to No 2. That's defeatism. That's for losers.
Republicans would sooner throw the money in a fire and roast marshmallows than invest in our workforce or infrastructure or education or anything that might help out a worthless, lazy, scum of the earth American working man.

Your a fucking shitbag partisan hack.
This concept could start by starting the interstate highway rehab program that could go on for years.

The government owns the highway system so we taxpayers may as well take care of it and keep it safe as possible. Does
not pay not to take care of taxpayer owned property.
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This concept could start by starting the interstate highway rehab program that could go on for years.

The government owns the highway system so we taxpayers may as well take care of it and keep it safe as possible. Does
not pay not to take care of taxpayer owned property.

They promised infrastructure shovel ready jobs with that trillion dollar debacle......yet we have nothing. Why?
This concept could start by starting the interstate highway rehab program that could go on for years.

The government owns the highway system so we taxpayers may as well take care of it and keep it safe as possible. Does
not pay not to take care of taxpayer owned property.

They promised infrastructure shovel ready jobs with that trillion dollar debacle......yet we have nothing. Why?

Cause what we got was a 700 billion dollars in legal plunder and 300 billion in actual goods and services.
To get us out of this recession. Many of our children choose not to go to college and we need to provide Government training programs for them while they are in high school.
We had a program called CETA and Job Corp that allow children to get their GED and train for a job. We need to train welfare mothers and provide baby sitting jobs who working can be more lucrative than collecting welfare. WPA got us out of the depression and deporting those here illegally released jobs for unskilled Americans. Now it will release many skilled jobs for Americans. Billions earns here sent back to Mexico going into Mexico economy do not help our economy. Money earned here should be spent here making our economy stronger.
Welfare reform must include Government job training program. Not just cutting benefits
“Pluck the rafter out of our own eye before you can see to pluck the straw out of the eyes of other countries.”

lets just have government everything !!!...that would be great
I agree. Paint murkins yellow and teach them to lie still while cars drive over them so Meskin workers don't get run over by murkins rushing to the mall to buy shoes with lights at 50% off.
WPA got us out of the depression

No, it didn't.

Damn sure helped...

Just like the highway work would do.

Create jobs that cannot be outsourced and cut off all government handouts to USA companies that have shifted manufacturing abroad. On second though just cut off government handouts to corporate USA today! Then direct corporate america to the
Free Market approach with a swift kick in the butt.
I agree. Paint murkins yellow and teach them to lie still while cars drive over them so Meskin workers don't get run over by murkins rushing to the mall to buy shoes with lights at 50% off.

Did someone tell you this fucking "murkin, murkin" bit was cute or funny or something, asswipe? If so, they lied to you. You just look like more and more of an unimaginative fucking idiot every time you repeat it. Get some new material, dickbreath.
I agree. Paint murkins yellow and teach them to lie still while cars drive over them so Meskin workers don't get run over by murkins rushing to the mall to buy shoes with lights at 50% off.

Did someone tell you this fucking "murkin, murkin" bit was cute or funny or something, asswipe? If so, they lied to you. You just look like more and more of an unimaginative fucking idiot every time you repeat it. Get some new material, dickbreath.

Actually I thought it was pretty funny.

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