We know cloth masks have very low efficacy (15%-20%), so why are they mandated in so many places?

Our 'touch zone' is a far more direct means of transmission , than that of anything airborne ,i.e.>'mask' .....


Right from the CDC website:

“The filtration, effectiveness, fit, and performance of cloth masks are inferior to those of medical masks and respirators. Cloth mask use should not be mandated for healthcare workers, who should as a priority be provided proper respiratory protection. “

I wear the 95 and surgical masks and never the cheap shit they sell at the store…
If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.

Why don’t you ask your primary care provider that question ?
Putting on pants is the hard part each day...
After that it gets easier...
So they want a mask...

Considering I'm not some special sort of unicorn...I can wear one. My feelings aren't hurt.
That's OK....Everybody already knows that you're a fake lolbertarian....You don't need to sell any harder.

so, why are there no threads whining about shirt or shoes or pants requirements?
Right from the CDC website:

“The filtration, effectiveness, fit, and performance of cloth masks are inferior to those of medical masks and respirators. Cloth mask use should not be mandated for healthcare workers, who should as a priority be provided proper respiratory protection. “

Pussy hats are no longer in style
Ive always fucked wirh you and you always say it triggers peeps. One trick pony that you are now.

This is what you call "fucking with" someone? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

How embarrassing for you that your game is so weak you have to tell people that are being fucked with.
This is what you call "fucking with" someone? :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

How embarrassing for you that your game is so weak you have to tell people that are being fucked with.
Cant help it if you are a moron. Thata on you.
Oh well this conduit will not get run by itself. Laters
If N95 masks were mandated, I get it.

Cloth masks are not very effective…so why the mandates?

Even those setting the mandates are being caught not following their own rules time after time.

Lets stop this virtue signaling bullshit.

It is NOT about the science. It is about control and money.
Masks are a clinically-validated, socially responsible, preventative measure that present minimal inconvenience, but the relative quality of masks is a legitimate concern.

The CDC has provided helpful guidelines for patriotic Americans:

Screen Shot 2021-11-08 at 8.21.53 AM.png

* I favor the N95 mask, especially since the shortage has been remedied.
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It is about control and money.
I think it is also about creating the feeling that we are all in this together.

When we wear a mask, we are showing that we are doing what we can to help.

Whether a mask is effective is not the main point.

It is intended as a morale booster.
I think it is also about creating the feeling that we are all in this together.

When we wear a mask, we are showing that we are doing what we can to help.

Whether a mask is effective is not the main point.

It is intended as a morale booster.

Wearing a mask is the same basic concept of covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze.
I think it is also about creating the feeling that we are all in this together.

When we wear a mask, we are showing that we are doing what we can to help.

Whether a mask is effective is not the main point.

It is intended as a morale booster.
Masks have long been effective in reducing the communicability of airborne viruses.

In the case of Covid-19, a good mask both protects the wearer and the vulnerable folks with whom she comes in contact.

Prissy folks might not like concealing their latest lip gloss, but it's hardly the onerous burden some whine about.

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